Nightly Roundup #1313
by Calpain
Got to love cute Spike and Twilight stuff. They may have their differences, but they really do care for one another.
News time my friends! Not too much tonight, but what you can get after the break!
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Plushie Compilation #216
by Calpain
You guys have been busy since the last Plushie Compilation! It's been less than two weeks and we've got around 60 plushies to share with you guys today, including the amazing Zecora plush above. I don't think I've seen plush of her in her AU outfit before!
Get more cute friends after the break!
[1] Source
Zecora Changeling war timeline -Comissions open- by Epicrainbowcrafts
Nightly Discussion #669
by Calpain
Got a new Nightly Discussion banner, this time from Libby! Considering the response I've gotten from you all I guess you guys really like the NDs.
Well, time for another one! Get to chatting!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
We've been considering launching a patreon for about a year now, but because I'm a huge chicken it's still sitting in limbo. I don't usually like doing a whole lot with EQD on the money front outside of google ads and random pony licensees, so it's a hurdle!
Maybe you all can help make it more fun? We need ideas for backer rewards. So far we have:
- Monthly thank you post people can contribute to in tiers
- Twitter shoutouts
- An EQD blogpony chat for backers to join and bother us about things
- Editorial requests
- Cheap Fandom advertising section for commissions, Etsy shops, and other things (no licensees allowed - fans only)
A bunch of other ideas have popped up and left over time, and I'm still worried about doing anything annoying. If you have a recommendation, hit up the comments with it!
Hopefully we can get this going next month after tomorrow's CHAOS.
Dashie stole your pillow. What are you gunna 'bout it?
Get the art below!
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Numb by HeavyMetalBronyYeah
MLP: CCG fan Destiny Draw solved the secret code that was being slowly revealed on Enterplay's Facebook and Twitter, and the reward is the early release of information about two gameplay mechanics debuting in "Marks in Time," the new CCG set coming out in May.
The first of these reveals came today: it's Cutie Marking, which you can see above on cute little Rara and Derpy! They came along with this description:
"If a card can be Cutie Marked, you may pay 2 action tokens to do so, which also puts a +1 power counter on the card. As you can see on our two example cards here, getting a Cutie Mark can give a Friend a one-time effect or have further long-term impact on the game... and sometimes cards have both! Some of these abilities include stuff like gaining keywords, interacting with your opponent's cards, or even fiddling with Troublemakers and cards in hand."
There are more than 20 cards in Marks in Time related to Cutie Marking, so we'll definitely have more to look at as we get closer to release weekend. -
Story: Good Sport (Update - Sequel!)
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Shadowmane PX-41
Description: Canterlot High and Crystal Prep Academy each have their fair share of amazing students, both academically and athletically. None, however, are quite as notable as Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap. A short time after the near-disastrous events of the Friendship Games, the two star athletes from each school arrange to meet up for a chat at a city park, where they find that they're not as different as they may have thought.
Good Sport
Dresses and Daisies
The Truth Hurts (New!)
Additional Tags: Rainbow and Indigo have a talkop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Shadowmane PX-41, Complete, Fanfiction, Indigo Zap, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Story -
The three page iTunes preview for My Little Pony comic #41 has arrived! For the specific details on it, hit up our first look over here.
And below the break, go check out three pages! Zecora time!
Even in Equestria you have to worry about the paparazzi, though it looks like there are some other problems these two need to work out. Warning: the comic above is best for mature audiences. Don't click if you have a problem with suggestive stuff.
With that out of the way, check on after the break for more!
Morning Discussion #464
by Calpain
With an owner as kind as Fluttershy you'd think Angel would be just a bit happier to be her pet. I guess he does love her in his own sort of way though, right?
Morning everyone! Ready for chatter?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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