It's pretty obvious that war and battle in Equestria is very much a possibility. A small change in the timeline and Rainbow Dash suddenly has chunks taken out of her ears and flanks with warrior armor ready for battle.
Guardians of Harmony might just be what this turns out to be based on recent Trademark filings, and a lot of you seem more than alright with that.
Get the results of the poll before!
And new poll: What do you think of Starlight's new role as 7th mane pony? Get it on the side bar!
Yesterday, Lauren Faust had a bunch of fun on Twitter revealing all sorts of silly fake lore for pony. Obviously, everything was fake, but later on she did note that one particular tweet was actually true:
Basically, a pony, at least in Lauren's eyes, was trans in season one.
Head on down below the break for some of the theories brewing already!
With any new episode there is the potential for tumblrs to pop up based on new characters and considering the importance of Flurry Heart to two popular characters it makes sense that she'd get a couple tumblrs just to herself. So check on after the break for some brand new Flurry Heart tumblrs and send them your questions! They have some potential so lets give them a good start.
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at [email protected] or my Twitter for review and filing. Mature themed ones (PG-13) are welcome as well! You can find a list of what has been submitted before on our handy artist list!
Update: If you have been featured before and were in hiatus and are coming back you can inform me at [email protected]! I am starting a section at the end of spotlights that will point out tumblrs coming out of hiatus so people can check them out.
I wasn't a huge fan of the 3rd game, but Luna here s just awesome. We need more like that.
Below the break, BOATLOADS OF SUNBURST and other ponies. You all must have really liked him or something.
[1] Source
Luna,DeadSpace-RoyalEdition by VinaraMic
Comic: Spell / Chaos Future 7 / Everfree 34 / Without Magic 95 / Wind Mage 72 / Star Mares S1.4
by Calpain
I remember saying they should have fixed the heart with duct tape, but this is far more insidious! Don't worry ponies, it probably isn't MADE from ponies. Right?
Comics guys! Get your updates after the break!
Volume 10 of Friendship is Magic is now available on both Google Play and iTunes for those collecting the digital seasons. In fact, the iTunes one was released right after the episode surprisingly enough.
As always, these will be split into two 13 episode parts. Have some links:
Google Play
Thanks to Jason for the heads up!
Mixing it up with two vastly different genres this time around. If you like general electronic music or Grunge Rock, go get them below!
1.) Crystal Slave - Fly With Me [VIP] (Instrumental - Electronic)
2.) Ponies in Reins - The Faster I Flew (Alice In Chains Ponified...again...) (Vocal - Grunge Rock)
Scootaloo Not Really An Orphan?
by Calpain
Out of all the silliness that happened on Lauren's twitter yesterday we actually got a little tidbit of information on how Lauren viewed Scootaloo in her version of the show. While people thought she was joking as it came among all the silly tweets she put up at about the same time things started to take an interesting turn.
Check on after the break for the rest of the tweets and what Lauren had to say about Scootaloo and her family.
Thanks to CMC_Scootaloo for the detective work!
Our sister anime based site Desu Daily is now available once again on a new engine for those wanting their daily dose of Japanese everything. This won't mean much for your average visitor since most of the core items are still intact. The archives for the old site will hopefully be recovered over time.
Anyway, go get your anime fix here! -
Comic: Lyra Simulator / Friendly Encounter / Nameworthy Occurences / Threads of Friendship #3
by Sethisto
Holy crap, we missed a LYRA SIMULATOR? Why didn't any of you SUBMIT THIS? Ridiculous. We need comic submitters. SUBMIT THEM COMICS!
Get that, then loads more below!
Morning Discussion #461
by Calpain
Some more season premiere artwork to start your day with my friends!
Everyone have a good weekend I hope? Let's get to chatting!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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