Nightly Roundup #1297
by Calpain
Some lovely Lunar New Year artwork for tonight's Roundup! Fluttershy sure seems to be enjoying it. I've actually never seen a Lunar New Year celebration in person, but hopefully I will someday.
News time my friends! Get it all after the break!
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Friends! Bronies! Pegasisters! Lend me your… eyes? Sure, let's go with that.IDW MLP Artist Extraordinaire Tony Fleecs has launched a brand new website just in time for Ponycon this weekend!What's so special about the website? Well, aside from being able to keep up with all his news, Tony has also tossed up his original My Little Pony Comic Art Pages for sale! That's right! No digging through ebay! No hunting for Tony at conventions—which you should do anyways! No killing yourself when trying to purchase some original comic from one of the IDW's MLP Stable of Artists! Tony has joined Sara Richard, Andy Price, and just about everyone else with ordering the ordering the original art online!His new website is:But don't think for a moment that that's all he has going for him at the moment! Oh no! Like any proper grand opening, Tony has launched his online store with an opening weekend sale! By using promo code FLEECSTACULAR you'll get 20% off your entire order (excluding the $20 charged for shipping)!And to top that off, every order placed from now until the 15th of February will also receive a limited edition signed MLP print—see below.
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Now that I know this exists, I want it even more.
Hello everyone! We had a blast talking with Jeremy Whitley for the hour. While Illustrious Q seemed to know everything about the comic process, it was fun to pick Jeremy's brain about what his favorite characters and pairings were. From Jeremy's silliest comic idea ever to whether or not he would like to write for the show, check out all the answers in the EQD Podcast after the break! What's your favorite Jeremy Whitley comic? Leave it in the comments!
Nightly Discussion #620
by Calpain
So who here is going to be seeing Deadpool this weekend? I'll be at Ponycon, but I really hope I can sneak away at some point and catch the flick.
Evening guys! Ready for your nightly chatter?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
CITIZENS OF EQUESTRIA DAILY. It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of the Greatest and Most Powerful pre-order event ever! The Almighty and Incredible Trixie has opened up over on their web store. Each one comes with the cape and hat as default, with the option to remove them.
Perhaps they saw her origin story earlier. The sad tale of a filly Trixie trying her best to be a performer, which douchebag horses everywhere told her pre-cutie mark self to give up. What a bunch of monsters. Ponies really can be evil sometimes. Obviously this lead to cheering her up with pre-orders.
Joining Trixie, all other ponies are currently 20% off if you want to bulk order some for valentines day, as announced in their post over here. Just toss SuperSale in at checkout.
Go get some Trixie over here!
op 6:00 PM
Labels: 4DE, Merchandise, News, Not-Fanfiction, Plushie, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE is best pony -
McDonalds Pony Figures Now Appearing on eBay! Expected Actual Release on the 15th of February
by Sethisto
Sellers over on eBay have now started listing the upcoming McDonalds figures releasing in a few days. With that, we get the much more accurate product image above, showing that they physically look like.
Right now, they are going for 25 bucks and are only on "Presale", so it's probably not even worth buying into. If you want to skip the awkwardness or need to hunt for specific ones though, ther eare 10 available over here as of the creation of this post.
We will get another announcement up when they actually start appearing for public buying in a few days.
Thanks to Sci Twi for the heads up! -
The Squawk Box posted up this image over on their Twitter Page earlier showing off the upcoming Guardians of Harmony toys. Previously, we had no idea how big these guys actually were. It's looking like the Celestia and Nightmare Moon are huge compared to the others.
And mixed in the image if you look really closely is an un-announced warrior Spike figure in his more traditional show style role.
Expect this, and WAY MORE when Toy Fair starts up in a few days.
Thanks to Stefano for the heads up!
Do you reject this horse? I'm assuming you are falling through the sky at the moment and caught a glance of this while blasting through a cloud, so maybe you don't really have a choice.
Get your art below!
[1] Source
Rainbow Dash Valentine by Techarmsbu
And a new banner from SouthParkTaoist!
Way back at the beginning of January, a company called UCC Distributing announced a lineup of brand new metallic pony figurines. These are not to be confused with the usual Blindbag pony set, with a unique mold different from those. Overall, nine ponies are available (listed over here) with plans to release at Target, Hot topic, and Gamestop.
Fast forward to today, and they are now appearing at Hot Topic here in the USA. They seem to be on a somewhat limited run, so if you want them, it might be a good idea to go ahead and go grab them while you can.
Thanks to Victor for the images. More pictures of TRIXIE below the break!
That pony that Build a Bear can't seem to keep in stock has once again been made available via the official website. She is a solid 30 bucks at the moment with no promos available, but one must pay a premium for one such as bubble butt!
Go get her here if you want one.
Thanks to Jacob, Ceeotu, and Kit Triforce for sending it!
The Greatest and Most Powerful unicorn in ALL of Equestria got a whole bunch of love out of the European magazine recently. So much love, that her cutie mark origin story was revealed in comic form.
We don't have a translation yet, but you can probably follow along well enough just by looking at the pictures. The CMC ask her about her cutie mark origin story, and Trixie delivers in full!
Go get it down below, complete with adorable filly Trixie in all her great and powerful glory.
We probably won't be doing a full on snow pony event this year due to lack of interest last time, but we can still post what we got so far if it's good, and this definitely qualifies!
The Princess of the Night is now the princess of the snow, and joining her is either Rainbow Dash or Derpyhooves made by Azedo on Deviant Art. Go check them out below!
And go make us some snow ponies. If we get enough, maybe we can warp it into an event anyhow.
Early Morning Discussion #418
by Calpain
Granny Smith must have all sorts of interesting stories from her past to tell. Wouldn't it be cool to see little flashbacks of them every now and again.
Morning my friends! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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