Apparently this has been going on for a while, but a good amount of the brushable figures are forgoing their usual Chinese roots and shifting over to factories in India. This primarily effects the less complex items on their merchandising menu.
Why would this happen? The submitter, Ayu, points out that the rise in knockoffs and early releases over in China may be to blame. When toys are ending up on Ebay straight from the manufacturing line months in advance of their actual release, companies tend to look for alternatives!
Globalyoynews notes that this trend is becoming more and more common as China's population becomes wealthier and older.
What will this mean for pony going forward? Probably not a whole lot. As far as we have heard and seen, the toys themselves havent changed other than a stamp on the hoof.
Thanks to Ayu for sending it!
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Story: The Things Tavi Says (Complete)
by Calpain
[Slice of Life][Random]
Quote: "Music is more about just the sound of something. Listen close." Pre-Reader Noble Cause
Author: short skirts and explosions
My roommate's name is Octavia, or "Tavi" for short. She likes vintage red wine, soft pillows, and long walks on the beach. But, more than anything, she loves music. She loves it with a passion that radiates with every burning color of the spectrum.
Each day I spend with her... or without her, I learn a little bit more about life, about the sick beat to which we all dance, whether we know it or not. I hope you don't mind if I say a few things about her. Just a few things. One can learn a lot from Tavi.
After all, she saved my life.
The Things Tavi Says (Complete)
Additional Tags: daily, ongoing, music, friendship, synesthesia, mute ponies, friendshippingop 20:31
Sildid: Author: short skirts and explosions, Bonbon, Complete, Fanfiction, Lyra, Mane 6, Normal, OC Ponies, Octavia, Random, Story, Sweetie Belle, Vinyl Scratch -
Nightly Discussion #600
by Calpain
When you have a Royal Guard as the stand for your model of the solar system you know you're going to get an A! Twilight goes all out when it comes to assignments and science.
Evening guys! How are you all doing tonight? Hopefully the spam filter isn't crazy tonight. Ready to chat and find out?
Also happy 600th Nightly Discussion!
And I derped the time...
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
SHIPPING Comic: Bad Romance / Mare Butts / Past Sins #15 / Adapting #2 / Recall the Time #97-98
by Sethisto
Fluttershy speed dating, Dashie wearing sunglasses, and updates! We start it off shippy, then get into the usual. Now go!
I'm proud of all of you. Of all of these amazing choices you could have picked, 43% of you chose the BEST one. Clearly.
I'm actually surprise Sea Ponies were up so high. Is that a need for Call Upon the Sea Ponies G4 edition? Or are you just wanting a beach episode?
Next Poll:
What is Your Favorite Type of PMV?
This will probably be a shorter poll, but we are curious about what type of PMV you all like the most. Go hit that up!
And get the results on the side bar of this one.
We all have one, and some more than one. Favorite ponies have been a point of debate since the dawn of Friendship is Magic. The first episode introduced us to six awesome mares, each with different characteristics that drew in different types of people. On top of that, fanon theories have built up stories around countless others.
Chances are, you have one you prefer. Why do you like him or her? What about your favorite pony keeps them your favorite? Or do you cycle through a bunch of different ponies based on specific reasons, or even just the way they look?
Twilight Sparkle... UNLEASHED! Such power.
Get your art... UNLEASHED below.
[1] Source
Wrath Redux by NCMares
We've posted these a few times, but haven't yet reported on them heading anywhere except brazil. It looks like the European McDonalds chains are going to start releasing the pony masks teased a while back, starting with Germany. Now YOU can be Rainbow Dash!
There aren't any hints of them heading elsewhere, but considering the new figures appearing next month in the US, they probably wont be doubling up on pony licenses anytime soon. Hopefully our Euro buddies get some figures too!
Thanks to Seppi for sending them.
Joining the swarm of other Rainbow Dash hikari variants we've given out in contests and events these past few months, Entertainment Earth has sent over another one in their Funko Hikari lineup. The Gold dust Rainbow Dash will be available in April for the patient among us, at the $50 price point. A bit less expensive than the $70 versions before!
Get her over here.
We're more than halfway done with NaPoYoMo and the brakes still haven't stopped on the instructional video train! Next week I'll provide you all with submission guidelines for all of your videos. But now is the time for analysis. After the break, let's count down 10 tips to get you into analysis and reviewing with Silver Quill!
Author: Raugos
Description: For centuries, countless griffons have braved the depths of the Abysmal Abyss in the hopes of recovering the Idol of Boreas, never to return. But now stories have surfaced that someone came close to bringing back the legendary artefact, and one group of explorers is willing to try again where others have failed, for a chance at restoring Griffonstone’s lost glory once and for all. Unfortunately, success may hinge on them first getting into that friendship thing that dumb ponies seem to love so much.
Expedition (New Part 24!)
Additional Tags: Friends are better than goldop 10:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Raugos, Dark, Fanfiction, Gilda, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
The 25th installment in the Friends Forever series of pony comics now has it's own three page preview over on iTunes. What kind of trouble will Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle get into this time? I always did prefer their episodes.
If you missed out exclusive first look, check it out over here!
Head on down below the break for three pages!
Early Morning Discussion #401
by Calpain
Hey guys, just wanted to thank you again for sticking with me through that rough period! It really did help hearing all your words of encouragement and I greatly appreciate it.
Now for some happy discussion time! Get to it my friends!
A big thanks to CanterlotRoyalty for the silly Calpony up above.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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