Updating the stories! Go get three of them below!
[Romance][Slice of Life]
Author: Cynewulf
Description: Being an alicorn is wonderful... except when it isn't. There are plenty of things that put a damper on limitless vistas of possibility afforded by such a long life: Court, mortal needs and expectations, the occasional decade of ennui. And the dreams, of course. Agelessness comes with its own special kind of dreaming. Celestia finds that her own "Inner Court" is a bit too literal, and it--and she--are troubled at the prospect of a near-immortal Twilight Sparkle. If only she could articulate exactly why that was.Ageless, or Celestia Plays Dice With the Universe
Author: whiterook6
Description: Inept guards, unsupervised death traps, and monologuing villains – Twilight Sparkle thinks the Daring Do stories are too predictable, so when she learns Rainbow Dash and Applejack are going off to have a make-believe Daring Do adventure, she vows to make it an adventure they’ll never forget.Daring Do and the Lost Tome of Shadows (New Part 12!)
[Slice of Life][Comedy][Human]
Author: The Albinocorn
Description: After putting on the Element of Magic, Sunset Shimmer was shown just how much of a monster she really is. But that wasn't all the Elements did to her. Sunset has now been forced to serve penance by answering any question truthfully and by doing anything asked of her, whether she wants to or not. And she really doesn't want to. Until all of the hatred in her heart is gone, Sunset is at the whim of her peers, unbeknownst to them of course. Can her new "friends" help her down the road to redemption? If not, there's always that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into.
Long Road to Friendship