In a world of voice actors, one man stands as a guiding force, a beacon in the star-filled sky, a new hope for us all. With the strength and steadfastness of an apple tree, he cries “Eeyup.” This Spring, BABSCon is pleased to welcome back the force that is Peter New!
Also, be on the lookout for amazing Black Friday deals starting Thanksgiving night. Here’s a hint: the code is BLACKFRIDAY20
Check the rest of the release below...
Peter’s iconic “Eeyup” has brought such life and character to MLP:FiM’s wise Big Macintosh, who is arguably one of the most beloved male characters of the show. But Peter New isn’t just a one “Eeyup” man. Many of the other stallions we meet are voiced by Peter as well, including Rarity’s and Pinkie Pie’s dads …plus Squizzard, the mighty squid wizard. Peter also had an amazing musical number in the episode “Filli Vanilli.” Lest anyone forget, one year Peter also arrived at BABSCon’s Saturday VA panel as the glorious Princess Big Mac.
Peter New joins Tabitha St. Germain as a Guest of Honor at BABSCon 2017 and we have a lot more industry and community guests to announce! Register now at
BABSCon, the Bay Area Brony Spectacular, is the San Francisco Bay Area's annual convention for fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and associated titles. Operating since 2014, BABSCon brings together some of the most talented actors, writers, and artists in the industry and fandom to meet and interact with attendees, and provides a family-friendly safe space for fans to learn about animation, buy and sell wares and art, support local charities, and make new friends that attend from all around the world. Email for more information or check us out below: