• Sunset Shimmer Day on September 22!

    It's not just time to celebrate New York's Fashion Week with Rarity Day, but another more celestial event is also on the horizon. That's right guys, the Autumnal Equinox on September 22 is approaching heralding in the beginning of Fall which seemed like a perfect opportunity for Sunset Shimmer Day!

    Even though she came to be through Equestria Girls, thanks to the subsequent movies and her redemption she has become a fan favorite of many. As pretty much the defacto leader now of the human main six she deserves some recognition.

    As with Rarity Day, please send all your favorite Sunset Shimmer related creations of yours or others to submit@equestriadaily.com with the subject 'Sunset Shimmer Day' followed by the type of material you are sending in.

    I look forward to seeing what you guys submit to us!

    Twitter: Calpain