Zeppelins! I've always loved that trope in fantasy stuff. I wish we'd see more of that.
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Author: Tony "GaryOak" Genovese
Description:Diamond of Desire (New Part 2!)
Blackness whispers within the core of the great diamond, forgotten by those old enough to remember. For centuries, it cried out from within its earthen tomb, too faint for any to hear. With the fall of Lord Tirek, the magic he had stolen surges across Equestria.
The diamond thrums, resonating with the untold energy. Its voice caresses Spike's unsuspecting mind, begging him to seek out the artifact and allow it to transform his deepest desire into reality.
Author: whiterook6
Description: Inept guards, unsupervised death traps, and monologuing villains – Twilight Sparkle thinks the Daring Do stories are too predictable, so when she learns Rainbow Dash and Applejack are going off to have a make-believe Daring Do adventure, she vows to make it an adventure they’ll never forget.Daring Do and the Lost Tome of Shadows (New Part 7!)
Author: Dubs Rewatcher
Description:Aria Blaze: Throat Puncher (New Part 10!)
It’s been twenty long years since the Dazzlings were banished to Earth, snatched away from their homes, their powers, and their real bodies. Every waking moment is plagued by hunger and weakness. In short: Aria Blaze hates her life.
But on the night of the Fall Formal, Aria finds herself overtaken by a strange, burning sensation that jolts through her limbs and lives in her knuckles. A strange, alien voice keeps talking to her. And soon after, she becomes obsessed with punching things—humans, ponies, even sirens—in the throat. To her, anything with a throat is now a target.
She is Aria Blaze: Throat Puncher.
A retelling of Rainbow Rocks in which Aria Blaze is a throat-punching psychopath.
[Adventure][Alternate Universe]
Author: Goldenwing
Description:Empty Horizons (New Part 5!)
The surface isn't safe anymore.
Over a thousand years after the triumphant return of Princess of Luna, ponykind has abandoned the surface of Equestria. They now live on great floating islands, held aloft by powerful spells cast so long ago that none alive can remember their origin.
Magic is slipping away from ponykind, with most born completely lacking in cutie marks. There are no alicorns. The pegasi cannot fly, the earth ponies are weak, and the unicorns have no spells. Those Gifted who are lucky enough to be born with marks go on dangerous expeditions into the land below, salvaging magic and materials from the wreckage of the world long past.
It is on one of these expeditions that six mares are found, long forgotten but miraculously preserved. Though they cannot remember what happened to the world, they still possess the powerful magic of the old times. On the empty horizons of the brave new world, an unknown threat closes in, steadily wiping out entire cities at a time as it advances.
It's up to the Elements of Harmony to discover what happened to their world, save it from this new threat, and search for some way to bring things back to how they once were.
It isn't going to be easy.