• Nightly Roundup #1362

    I know we've posted this scene to death as headers recently, but it was a pretty epic scene!

    The Roundup is here again my friends, get all your little tidbits of news after the break.

    Tonight's Stories

    Captain Boomerang Holding a Pony

    I don't know of Captain Boomerang, but apparently he was seen holding a pony recently. Pretty neat!

    MBT4K LIVE Panel (Grand Brony Gala 2016)

    "The first video is a live recording from the Mystery Brony Theater 4000 Panel at the Grand Brony Gala Con in Tampa Florida, featuring a live reaction to their newest episode and the episode featured at last year's gala. The second is the live recording of their Q&A Panel that they held."

    [PMV] La Mer

    Ready for some music you guys? Time to get your jam on!

    Fallout Equestria: Duty - Chapter 18 read by VisualPony

    Interested in some FoE tonight, well we've got you covered there as well!

    Tonight's Successful Meetups

    Florida Brony Yearly Banner

    "EVERY YEAR since 2013 I collect the OC's of Florida Bronies and we make a big banner.
    This was this years banner"


    SA Bronies Pokemon GO Meetup

    Over the weekend, the South Australian bronies gathered within the Adelaide CBD. The day began by grabbing an early lunch at Sushi Train, followed by exploring nearby shops in Rundle Mall for pony merchandise. Although very little Pokemon GO! was actually played at the event, the group still had a great time exploring, playing games, and talking ponies.

    Tonight's Groups Looking For More

    Pointless Ponies Update


    I am back again! First, "Pointless Ponies" and "Definition" were both successes at BronyCAN. Again, the bonus prize was won in the former. Now, let's get to the business at hand. I am planning to host "Pointless Ponies" at Ponyville Ciderfest in Milwaukee which is October 28th-30th at the Hyatt Regency Milwaukee. With that comes a brand new survey--Survey #5. Survey #4A is still active as well. My goal is to get at least 100 respondents to both surveys. So here they are:

    Survey #4A: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2937532/Pointless-Ponies-4A

    Survey #5: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3012295/Pointless-Ponies-5

    The plan is to keep these surveys open until Saturday, October 22nd, or until a survey reached 100 respondents whichever comes first.

    It would be much appreciated if you can participate in the survey.

    That's all for now. More later.


    NCBronies.com Meetup Group Looking For More

    To keep a long story short, The NCBronies.com forum group went offline around the beginning of the year. We were unable to recover all of our data and we had to rebuild from scratch. We are finally back online and have a meetup planned for September 10th in Fayetteville, NC.

    Get more information here!

    CinemaQuestria Plans for Friday 2nd - Sunday 4th September

    Here’s our plans for this weekend!


    We start with AnimeQuestria where we will be continuing to show Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood with our video game night afterwards where we’ll be playing Golf With Friends! AnimeQuestria starts at 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time (-5 hours BST [British Summer Time])! We have a voting system where you decide what we will be playing for game night. Whatever we play everyone is welcome to come play with us! The voting form for game night is here.


    Here is our Saturday schedule which will start at 9:00 AM EDT this week. All times shown are in US Eastern Daylight Time:

    9:00 AM - Squid Girl (Shinryaku! Ika Musume): Episode 5 - Not from this sea, are you? / Why not join the schol of fish? / Wouldn't having a pet be squidtastic?
    9:24 AM - Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir: Season 1, Episode 8 - Rogercop
    9:45 AM - Bravest Warriors: Season 1, Episode 3 - Butter Lettuce
    9:51 AM - Gargoyles: Season 2, Episode 5 - The Mirror
    10:14 AM - Adventure Time: Season 3, Episode 5 - Too Young
    10:26 AM - Dexter's Laboratory: Season 1, Episode 2 - Dexter Dodgeball / Rasslor / Dexter's Assistant
    10:48 AM - Steven Universe: Season 4, Episode 5 - Future Boy Zoltron [NEW!]
    11:00 AM - The Loud House: Season 1, Episode 9 - Overnight Success / Ties That Bind
    11:30 AM - [LIVE CHAT] My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Season 6, Episode 18 - Buckball Season PLEASE NOTE: A live stream will not be provided due to legal issues. However, please stick around to chat and discuss it with everyone! You'll just have to find another way to watch.
    12:00 NOON - Samurai Jack: Season 4, Episode 11 - Tale of X-9
    12:22 PM - Kim Possible: Episode 70 - The Cupid Effect
    12:45 PM - The Powerpuff Girls (1998): Season 2, Episode 7a - A Very Special Blossom
    1:00 PM - CQ Saturday Movie: Stone Cold September - The Scorpion King
    2:32 PM - Scooby-Doo! Spooky Games
    3:00 PM - CQ Riffs: Pokemon Live!

    We start with more of the Scooby-Doo staright to video movies with Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon at 2:30 PM EDT and that will be followed up with Everlasting_Joy streaming more of his Flash project in AJOYbe_Flash at 4:00 PM EDT!

    We hope you can join us!

    CinemaQuestria Staff

    Equis Radio

    Its a show for the music FimFiction and art of the fandom.

    Pony Wedding - Asking for ideas or custom commissions

    Hey everypony,

    Me and my fiancĂ©e are getting married November 5th, and we were looking for little subtle things to add to the wedding, everything from music with slight nods to the fandom to cake toppers and art. Also anyone that makes cufflinks I need 4 custom sets. Any idea’s would be greatly appreciated.

    So send me a msg at [email protected] if you have a cool idea or post it in the comment section.
    Here’s what we have so far.

    Our Oc's Names are Teatime & Paradise Petal.

    > Jeff Keeven & Soon to be Melissa Keeven

    Brony Network Stream Weekend


    -True Capitalist Radio W/ Post Show Live!~ {BN Youtube} https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBronyNetwork
    4pm CT / 5pm ET / 2pm PT

    Friday {9/2/16} [BN Theater]

    -Major League {R}
    9pm CT / 10pm ET / 7pm PT

    Saturday {9/3/16} [BN Ustream]

    -King's All Morning Extravaganza
    6am CT / 7am ET / 4am PT

    -Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World {PG-13}
    7:50am CT / 8:50am ET / 5:50am PT

    -MLP Season 6 REWIND: Dungeons and Discords{Ep.17}
    9:40am CT / 10:40am ET / 7:40am PT

    10:05am CT / 11:05am ET / 8:05am PT

    -MLP Season 6 Ep.18: Buckball Season {BN Ustream}
    10:30am CT / 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT

    -MLP Season 6 Episode REWIND {New Episode Replay}
    11am / 12 {Noon} ET / 9am PT

    Toonami Pre-Show: [King's Lounge 2]

    -Fariy Tail {Ep.22}
    6:54pm CT / 7:54pm ET / 4:54pm PT

    -Bleach {S2 Ep.24}
    7:18pm CT / 8:18pm ET / 5:18pm PT

    -Naruto {S3 Ep.25}
    7:40pm CT / 8:40pm ET / 5:40pm PT

    - Mei Ren Yu{R}
    8pm CT / 9pm ET / 6pm PT

    -JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders- Battle in Egypt {Ep.26}
    10pm CT / 11pm ET / 8pm PT

    -Toonami [King's Lounge 2]
    10:30pm CT / 11:30pm ET / 8:30pm PT

    -Dragon Ball Super {Ep.56} [English Subbed]
    2am CT / 3am ET / 12am PT

    -Voltron: Legendary Defender {Ep.11}
    2:30am CT / 3:30am ET / 12:30am PT

    - Rurouni Kenshin {Marathon}
    3am CT / 4am ET / 1am PT


    [King's Lounge ] {Channel 1}
    [King's Lounge] {Channel 2}
    [BN Theater] {All in On Main Streams} 

    Follow Us on Twitter @TheBronyNetwork / Steam Community Group / BN Deviantart for more News & Updates.

    Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs

    Pony 411 Episode 154- Roll For Initiative

    Welcome to episode 154! We got some news for you! Two weeks worth. Cons have that effect. Some of it includes the usual convention announcements, Pokemon, plushies, a new synopsis, and more!

    Nemesis and Alca7raz are finally able to get to Friends Forever #31, even though it came out last week. Again, conventions. Hear what they think about Rainbow Dash's and Strongheart's adventure! Of course, they also watched "Dungeons and Discords!" How did that nerdery go? Plus, a bit of Fan Content to wrap it all up! Tune in, and make sure you have your lucky dice!

    Download: http://pony411.libsyn.com/episode-154-roll-for-initiative
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqBsE9nx7pI
    Show Notes: http://pony411.libsyn.com/shownotes
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pony411

    The MBS Show Reviews: MLP Comic Friends Forever 28

    Hey there bronies and pegasisters.

    On this weeks episode reviews, Norman Sanzo, Silver Quill and Sapphire Heart Song review the 28th Issue of My Little Pony Friends Forever Comic. Join them and see what they have to say about this comic.

    Also you can now subscribe to the review show on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
    - http://bit.ly/mbsreview
    - http://bit.ly/mbssradio

    Ponies of Dark Water Review- Pony Panels (MLP: FIM Comics 43-45)


    King of Limbo: GeekySteven

    Geeky Steven, Dulcet Tones, Watchful pony and more sit down with geeky steven about the fandumb, local news, movies and so much more!
    ITs always a blast on limbo celebrating the fandumb.

    Tonight's Merchandise

    Crystal Hoof Plushie

    Today In Pony History

    September 2, 2011-2015

    2011 - Avenue eQuestria.

    2012 - Toys R' Us Exclusive toy review.

    2013 - Official Russian plushies.

    2014 - Borderlands Claptrap pony references.

    2015 - Knockoff pony hand puppets.

    Twitter: Calpain