As of tonight, Legend of Everfree is officially available on Netflix. While the movie has been out for a while thanks to it's Brazil release (including English dubs), I figured it would be a good idea to get a release post up for it anyway.
Unfortunately it has been removed from Youtube and Dailymotion (outside of a 30 part monstrosity) if you don't have access to US Netflix, but I'm sure we will see if pop up everywhere once it officially is made available.
One thing to note: The Brazilian TV Version had a few scenes cut that Netflix will not remove.
Anyway, below the break discuss away! If you watched it already, what did you think?
Watch it on Netflix for extra scenes and if you haven't already.
Friday, September 30, 2016 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Episode Post, Equestria Girls, Equestria Girls Legend of the Everfree, Legend of Everfree, Not-FanfictionShare This!459 Comments
Do you still love Glimmer even if she's a punk kid who wears Oakley shirts and grabs a fake tan for brony conventions?
We have another round of reviews if that is your thing, or in the case of he one above, a recap. Maybe it's time to not put that in review posts. It's pretty standalone. What do you all think? Should Totally Legit go solo? I'd have no problem with that.
Anyway, reviews below!
I... have no idea how this was missed. For whatever reason our normal notifications didn't go off and no one sent it until a few minutes ago. I guess people aren't following the Discovery Family Facebook page? You all should send news more anyway!
If you have seen this already, sorry about how late we are on it. I'll look into why it didn't go off. Everyone else, go get another teaser for P.P.O.V below!
Nightly Discussion #851
by Calpain
Sorry about that guys! Got to talking with Seth and others and just forgot what time it was. Crisis averted at least!
How are you all doing tonight? Ready for the weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
Animation: Black Friday in a Nutshell
by Calpain
We have a new animation for you guys tonight though we were a bit on the fence what to do with it before deciding to post it. At over 20 minutes long, with plenty of detail in many of the scenes, often time with many ponies, it was obvious that a lot of time and effort had been put into the project!
Unfortunately, the content is really pushing the line of what we accept here on the site and it isn't really my style of humor, but maybe it's the sort of thing some of you out there will like. It's by no means as mature as the PONY.MOV series but still it is worth a warning.
Warning: Mature themes contained in this animation! Please view at your own risk.
We have confirmation on who Gloriosa Daisy's singing voice is thanks to Ishi Rudell over on Twitter! It looks like they scooped up Kelly Metzger, the voice behind Spitfire for the role, and her first time singing in the show.
Will we see some Spitfire singing in the show now I wonder? I had no idea she could sing so well.
Thanks to Andrew for the heads up.
Pinkie Pie Day on October 7!
by Calpain
World Smile Day is quickly coming up on October 7th and what better pony to celebrate the occasion than the equine that came up with a whole song about smiling? That's right, Pinkie Pie's turn is up this time around, ready to spread cheer among her fans!
As usual we are asking for you all to send in any Pinkie Pie related media! Whether it be comics, music, animations, stories, cosplays, ect. we want it all! Just send your emails into submit@equestriadaily.com with Pinkie Pie Day along with what you are sending in, in the subject line. Check below for a tutorial!
We hope to see you guys then and Pinkie is hoping to see you smile!
I guess that's a continuation on the Starlight Glimmer future right there? Applejack makes a pretty good dystopian industrial pony.
Get the art below!
[1] Source
Home Town+ video by teranen
Jastrian and Fritzy have been working on this track for a while, and it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from the two of them teaming up! With an upbeat and well polished instrumental accentuated by Fritzy's trademark vocals and some guitar from Turquoise Splash, it's definitely one of my favourite recent releases from the both of them. Topping it all off, it's wrapped up as a pretty cool lyric video by daspacepony, so it's definitely worth a look!
Writers Revealed for Pony Point of View!
by Calpain -
Story: Sandbox
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Summer Dancer
Description: When trying to focus on her studies, Sunset Shimmer is stuck watching an annoying little filly who just won't leave her be.
Additional Tags: Twilight's backstory, Old Sunset Shimmer, Old student daysop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Summer Dancer, Cadance, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Story, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle -
The next wave of Guardians of Harmony figures has arrived! Both Cheese Sandwich and Spike are now officially released as of today. Hopefully by now hasbro has learned to keep a big stock on these and we don't end up chasing restocks for a month like Nightmare Moon and Celestia.
Have some links:
Cheese Sandwich
Thanks to Feather Data for the reminder!
Ataraxia's been around the fandom for quite some time now in various guises, but it's only recently that he's really started to release some pretty awesome music, having been spotlighted 5 months ago in a collaboration with Totalspark. Here he's put out a really pretty track featuring vocals from str-igi-dae (and himself too!), that has some pretty cute synthwork, and a really lovely piano outro to it.
Morning Discussion #633
by Calpain
How about some happy Twilight strutting around for your morning? Man, if only I could wake up with this much energy every day.
Morning guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Hydra is well known for being a bit of a genre chameleon, having explored everything from future garage to bass house, but here he's gone back to something a little less fancy with a track that's a combination of trance and progressive house. It's definitely a bit generic but the strong production more than makes up for that - it reminds me a little of Archie's past works. Definitely worth a listen if you want some banging prog house added to your day!Thursday, September 29, 2016 op 11:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-Fanfiction, Trance -
Legend of Everfree Soundtrack Now on Official MLP Youtube in High Quality, FLAC on Amazon
by Sethisto
As with all things pony, quite a few channels out there have uploaded terrible rips of the songs from Legend of Everfree for your sweet ad bucks. It looks like Hasbro wants to put a stop to it, as the entire set has been added to their official channel.
Head on down below the break for high quality versions all six!
(And joining that, Amazon now has the highest quality versions over here. Thanks to Micheal for that one)
Nightly Discussion #850
by Calpain
Awww, tiny little Fluttershy! Remember back when the The Cutie Mark Chronicles previews first started to pop up how we all died from cuteness seeing the cast as filly's? Good times, good times.
Evening everyone! Ready for some chatting?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
What did you do to annoy Fluttershy? She's pretty peeved. She doesn't usually use that language either.
Get the arts below!
[1] Source
So Peeved! by Miokomata
If you are one of those people that prefers your music in a physical copy, Amazon now has a listing for the audio CD version of the new extended "Pony Kind of Christmas" album, adding the songs from "A Hearth's Warming Tail".
Head on over here if you want it! Expect it to ship on October 7th.
Thanks to Jeffrey for the heads up.
Art is meant to draw strong opinions, so let's take a look a very distinct style.
Click below as we look into Jay Fosgitt's contributions to the IDW comic lines.
op 2:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic, Review -
Grand Brony Gala - A Calpain Retrospective
by Calpain
I've been in the pony business for a long time now, coming up on six years in February and in my time I've been to a variety of conventions each with their own style, their own adventures and story to tell. Each one is unique and it was my pleasure to be invited to a convention I had not been to before: Grand Brony Gala.
So come join me friends as I recount the highlights of my days spent down in lovely Tampa! Get it all after the break.
Some photos courtesy of the Grand Brony Gala Facebook group!
Preview for Pony Point of View Arrives!
by Calpain
Finally, some more Twilight this season! I've been missing our little Purple Horse so it's nice to see her any chance I get.
Anyhow, we've got the new clip over on Facebook for you guys, get it after the break!
Thanks to everyone for sending it in!
Pen has teamed up with lyricist Wolfe and singer Cadie to release an uplifting electronic pop-y track with some orchestral elements. Whilst the mixing could be a little better, I think the synthwork is pretty solid here, and the melodies and vocals help to make this a pretty fun track, and this is definitely Pen's best work to date in my opinion. Check it out below!op 9:00 AM
Labels: Acoustic, Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Orchestral -
Morning Discussion #632
by Calpain
There isn't anything quite like an afternoon nap, just lazing about and letting the sun shine on you. I'm going to miss that with summer now out of the picture. At least it is somewhat warm for a little while longer.
Morning guys! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Nightly Roundup #1370
by Calpain
We got this lovely little banner from robbieierubino in the inbox but couldn't really make it work in the banner slot on the site. Still, we wanted to share it in some way with you guys! Thanks a bunch robbie!
News time guys, get it all after the break!
If 70% of you like editorials, we shall editorial it up!
Next poll: CONSOLE WARS! We've been doing an ongoing editorial series on which video game company should make a pony game, but what platform would they do it on if they could only pick one?
Go vote on the side bar!
R3CTIFIER has been pumping out some really cool remixes recently, and this one is no different. Taking the awesome vocal chopping and feel of the original track by PVNK, and adding some pretty neat bass sounds helps take this track to the next level. If you're into sound design-heavy drumstep, this is well worth a look.
Nightly Discussion #849
by Calpain
What's this? Cal posting Trixie? What madness is this?!
Evening everyone, you may panic in the comments!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
If you missed the previous post or just need a reminder, the Draw Spotlight Win Pony Stuff event ends tomorrow night! You no longer need to share it on social media either.
If you want to be randomly entered into winning loads of pony stuff shown over here, draw spotlight and send her to Submit@equestriadaily.com with SPOTLIGHT SPLASH as the email subject. A winner will be randomly chosen among all entries!
For info on who Spotlight is, check this out.
For specific rules, head on over to this post.
Happy drawing!
You may remember the 2015 banner event that we started off with January3rd's Bat Pony Spotlight Splash. He decided to make us a second one for 2016 as you can see up above! I sometimes regret not just making her a bat pony in general. She looks so good like that with the color scheme.
I'm not sure if we are doing a halloween banner event this year. How many of you would be interested?
Now go get art below!
[1] Source
Spotlight Splash! by January3rd
The Crystal Empire has been released for all of you still grinding away at the My Little Pony game. At the moment it requires a huge investment of "snowglobes" to unlock, which is another new currency they added with the update, but you can still see all the new buildings and ponies available.
Get screenshots and info below!
Assuming the listings are correct, which so far all the leaked/early episodes have been this season, the rest of the season will be airing early over on the UK joining episode 23 earlier. Someone over at the episode scheduling area of Hasbro is going to get slap on the back of the head for this one!
It turns out, the UK airs the episodes every single day too back to back, so we have an insane week of pony coming up:
- Wednesday (October 5th) - Where the Apple Lies
- Thursday (October 6th) - Top Bolt
- Friday (October 7th) - To Where and Back Again Part 1
- Saturday (October 8th) - To Where and Back Again Part2
There is a chance that someone at Hasbro will see this and swap the episodes out, but if pre-existing deals can't be changed, it's looking like our countdown timer will be shifting to accommodate these.
Get screenshots below.
Thanks to CinemaQuestria and Mark for the heads up.
Hm. Election comic in an election year? Have you all brought your flame-proof socks? How about spoiler-proof gloves?
Let's talk about this issue after the break!
op 1:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic, Review -
This might be a little simple on the production side, but what really gets me about this cover is the incredibly unique vocal stylings of the producer, Tomato.Tuesdays. Especially astute observers might be able to recognise from the voice, but this is an artist who definitely isn't new to the fandom, this is just a new alias of theirs. This is definitely one of the more interesting covers we've had of this track, so I highly recommend checking it out!
Looks like yet another episode of pony is releasing a little earlier in another country before we get a chance at it here in the State. Apparently Tiny Pop is showing the episode 'Where the Apple Lies' a few days early, showing it on Wednesday, October 5th, instead of Saturday on the 8th!
Not sure if it is an error or not, but we'll keep our eyes up as the date approaches. Heh, it just wouldn't be a season of pony without some crazy stuff happening, right?
Thanks to Andrew for sending it in!
Twitter: Calpain -
Recently the Comedy Central show @midnight with Chris Hardwick had Brony Grand Moff Joseph as one of it's lucky Twitter follower contestants on the show's Tag Team Tuesday segment where he was teamed up with actress and comedian Mamrie Hart. In this segment of the show the celebrity guest plays on behalf of a @midnight Twitter follower in the hopes of winning for them both. The two unfortunately did not win but it was still a game well-played! -
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #46 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q"A share in the sovereignty of the state, which is exercised by the citizens at large, in voting at elections is one of the most important rights of the subject, and in a republic ought to stand foremost in the estimation of the law."—Alexander Hamilton
Happy Election Season everyone! Is everyone ready to learn about civic duty?
Even if your not, this comic is published in the United States by an American Company and the biggest piece of news that happens in this country every four years—after a two week sports event featuring the world's greatest athletes—happens to be choosing the new leader of the free world. It's not really a surprise that we have a comic thematically tying into the event.
All joking aside from when we got the initial solicits, I honestly don't expect this story to focus on parodying and lampooning Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. If anything, what IDW has probably done is taken something as complex as the American Election and distilled it down to something that can be used to discuss the ideal of electing our leaders, and possibly give parents a means of discussing with their kids why it is important for the people to choose.
Of course I could be completely wrong, and this could be a complete lampooning of the current election. But there's only one way to find out! Be sure to check out the links below!
Get your links below!
Morning Discussion #631
by Calpain
I really wish we knew how Starlight became so powerful with magic. For someone without formal training and not being the element of magic she has some scary magical powers.
Morning everyone! Time to chat!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Well known for releasing a combination of Warhammer and MLP content, StringStorm has put out one of the latter here with an industrial feeling orchestral track about the new lunar republic (all hail princess Luna!). To add to the coolness, there's some pretty neat semi-spoken word vocals that add to the foreboding overtones of the track.Tuesday, September 27, 2016 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Orchestral
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