Glorious BEARDS. Get that and more below.
Author: Present Perfect
Description: Equestria is barely three years old, and already danger threatens the fragile peace forged between the pony tribes. Monsters stream out of the Forest Ever Free on a daily basis, and now a prophetic dream foretells of even greater chaos that will befall the land.Epic Unicorn History: The Beards of Harmony (New Part 6!)
It's up to a team of manly, heroic, eminently bearded (and strangely familiar!) stallions, led by Star Swirl the Bearded, to brave the dark and murky Ever Free in search of their one hope for salvation. Along the way, they'll learn more about the history of the land they've claimed as their own, not to mention each other. But as their unintended friendships grow, the forest will try its best to drive them apart.
Can they withstand the epic trials before them? Can they save Equestria? Will Star Swirl be known forevermore as the creator of the first beard restoring spell? Journey a thousand years into the past and discover Equestria's epicest, beardiest history lesson ever!
(Story tagged Dark for increasingly epic violence.)
Author: RQK
Princess Twilight Sparkle has died a hero, but no one knows why.
Between an ancient evil that had not even existed until she struck it down, a mysterious crystal ball that bears some unknown significance, and a set of cryptic notes and behaviors from the Princess during her final days, the circumstances behind it all are murky at best and suspect at worst.
And the rabbit hole only grows deeper from there.
Author: cleverpun
Description: Nightmare Moon won. She defeated Celestia, broke the Elements, banished the sun. This all happened a very long time ago. So long ago, that she has had plenty of time to change her mind.
Of course, fixing our mistakes is never so simple, and never without consequences. Even with particularly potent help.
If You Came to Conquer