Updating ALL the stories, or only two. Firefly and Applejack get some love this time. Go get em below.
Author: psychicscubadiver
They say that Equestria was a paradise. I don’t know if that’s true, but I wanna believe it. There sure ain’t one in this piece of the ‘verse. Maybe we coulda built one if it weren’t for the damned Confederation. Those bastards wanted every planet in the system under their hoof and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The outer planets fought ’em, and we lost.
It’s tough to get by these days with Confederation lawkeepers looking for an excuse to crack down, bandits and thieves crawling everywhere the Confederation’s not, and the Jesters prowling around the edges of civilized space. Honest work’s hard to come by, and honest folk are twice as rare. Still, a mare has to make a livin’ somehow. So that’s what I do.
Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying. – Rainbow Dash, Captain of TranquilityFirefly: Whole New Verse
[Alternate Universe][Adventure][Human]
Author: Lord Max
Across the great kingdoms of the Internet, a new power has arisen.
Rising from the dark shores of the Chan, these men and women walk the Web and commune with their mystical benefactors - strange and colorful figures from another world, whom their followers know only as the "Six Friends Who Are One." A carefully guarded peace exists between those who venerate the Six and those who resist them, one that has lasted many years.
Now, however, war looms once again. A Knight Moderator and his squire lie murdered in a dying city-site. Blame shifts to the blameless, and a small team of followers sworn to the Generous and Honest Friends must sail across the world to prove their innocence and save their brothers. All the while, they must contend with the forces of a hostile court, an unrelenting judge, assassins, anarchists, sorcerers, and one of their own as well - the fanatical Warden of All Honesty. Beneath everything is a vast conspiracy, holding a secret that will shake not only the Brony Collective, but all of the World Within the Web.17 Comments