• Beebarb Art Event

    As a final farewell to our beloved friend and moderator, Beebarb, we've decided to run a short art event in his honor. If, dear reader, you are interested in participating in this noble endeavor, you can find all pertinent information after the break!

    If you've come this far, hopefully you're maybe possibly perhaps interested in participating!

    This event will function the same way a majority of art events here do; draw a piece of artwork based around a theme. In this specific prompt, that theme is Beebarb's own original character, as pictured above. This event is just for fun. Even if you don't fancy yourself much of an artist, it's the thought that counts. This is a simple way to remember someone who was dear to many of us and show our appreciation for him.

    References are always a good thing, right? You need to get an idea of what you're drawing. Below I've listed several examples of his character to help aid you.

    The deadline for submissions will be Saturday the 13th, at 12:00 AM blog time.

    Submissions for this event can be emailed to octavia@equestriadaily.com. The email address can also be found here in the "Submit" tab.

    After the submission date has ended and we've gathered and sorted all submissions, there will be a special Drawfriend dedicated to just fan art of Beebarb we've collected. Let's make it a Drawfriend to remember.

    That's about all there is to it! I look forward to seeing any and all wonderful art you folks sketch up. Now, let's pick up those pencils, pens, markers, graphic tablets, and get started!