Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 17
by Calpain
If Discord can do a Celestia impression why can't she do a Discord impression? She did manage to pull off an impressive tail after all!
Evening my dear friends, how are you all doing today? You've been great handling the challenges so far so and I do hope you've been enjoying yourselves. Tonight we've gotten a lovely 159 ponies as all sorts of different creatures, bringing our total now to 3923 ponies!
As our ponies have mostly been on solid ground I think a change of pace would serve to help broaden your skills further as tonight I would like you all to take a shot at drawing a pony lost at sea/drawing a pony drifting. Of course if you don't feel like you are up to the task of an ocean scene I'm sure you can come up with something creative with the prompt at hand. As usual, you can find our submitter here.
Now check out our gallery of all sorts of different species after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #821
by Calpain
The Breezie's episode might not have been everyone's favorite episode but the design sure was cute and Pinkie seems to love being one!
Anyhow, evening guys it's time to chat!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
TrotCon Starts Releasing Con Comic!
by Calpain
Looks like Ponycon isn't alone with their convention comic as tonight TrotCon is proud to release the first chapter of their own convention themed creation! Starring Peanut Bucker who appears to be stuck in the future, I wonder what sort of adventure she will find herself in?
Click the pic below for full!
I like to think Applejack would make a great spacemare. That image is way sadder than it looks though.
Go get the art below!
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ATG VI - Day 12 - Parents by Pirill-Poveniy
It's always nice to see some Prince Whatever in the submit box, and even more when it's a teamup with a bunch of other awesome people. Even even better when MOONDANCER!
Get music below!
1.) PrinceWhateverer - So Long Ft. Wubcake & NRGpony (Vocal - Metal)
2.) Let the Rainbow Remind You Remix Ft. Strigidae (Remix - Electronic)
(Header Art Credit: @PinipyEqD)
Comic collecting is a hobby of mine.
*looks at mountain of receipts next to computer desk*
Okay, maybe more than a hobby.
*stack of unread comics falls from place on top of dresser and lands on head*
Ouch! Alright! It's a passion of mine!
*collection of Discord merchandise chuckles amusingly*
Okay… well that wasn't creepy… or ominous… at all.
Right. Part of the comic collecting hobby—once you've reached the point in your collection where all you're doing is keeping up with the most recent releases—is to start collecting various pieces of merchandise that tie into the comic series you are collecting. For a comic property like the one's Marvel produces, allow me to point you to that ocean of merchandise that exists in Amazon, Toy's R Us, your local comic book shop, and the basement of the parents of some guy named Chuck.
For the IDW My Little Pony Comics, it's a different situation. The comic is licensed from Hasbro to help promote both the toy line and the cartoon show that also exists to promote the toy line. Creating tie-in merchandise for a licensed product is not something that happens very often. Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Series has lasted for nearly 25 years and outside of a few desktop wall papers there's been no merchandise created that has been inspired by that comic line.
However, as we all know, My Little Pony is a different beast entirely. As such, the licensed comics have had a small, and yet steady release of tie in merchandise featuring the art from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Comic Series. The most recent of which was just announced by Integrity Toys.
Now, before Guardians of Harmony launches and we have a plethora of toys and other memorabilia tying directly into an IDW My Little Pony Comic Line, I figured it would fun to take a look back at some of the more interesting—and nowadays obscure—merchandise that's tied into the comics over the last few years.
You'll be able to find that—and an exclusive reveal for a variant cover to My Little Pony: Art is Magic—after the break!
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Comic, Equestria Daily Exclusive, IDW, Merchandise, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic -
Do you think world conquest tastes as good as cake? Our three fallen heroines might say so.
It's time to talk about the final issue of The Ponies of Dark Water. Beware that there are spoilers after the break, no matter how you slice it!
op 1:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic, Review -
The "Everypony's Favorite Frights" DVD officially released as of yesterday for any of you collecting the Shout Factory series. This one includes:
Gauntlet of Fire
Owl's Well that Ends Well
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Scare Master
Bridle Gossip
Head on over here if you want it!
Morning Discussion #603
by Calpain
Ugh, I know how you feel Sweetie Belle, diets suck. At least it is all for a good cause in the end, right?
Morning everyone, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #45 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q
Ponyville currently faces villainous mights of Nightmare Moon, Joker Pie, Rarity von Doom, Apple Trump, Flutter-Ivy, whoever Twilight Sparkle is parodying, and Rainbow Dash. And the only ones left to save the day are Spike, Zecora, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
I swear if Discord doesn't show up at some point to revel in all this delicious chaos, I shall be partially disappointed.
Let's go take a look at the usual links below and find out!
Digital Download
IDW Digital Store
Amazon Kindle
Google Play
My Little Pony Comic App
IDW MLP Comic App
Variant Covers
Regular Cover by: Tony Fleecs
Subscription Cover by: Sara Richard
1 in 10 Retailer Incentive Cover by: Thom Zahler
Find a Comic Shop Near You
Comic Shop Locator
CBR's Find a Comic Shop
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #45
Thom Zahler (w & ric) • Tony Fleecs (a & rc) • Sara Richard (sc) • Heather Breckel (colors)
“Ponies of Dark Water Part 3” Chaos reigns over Ponyville as normal ponies across town turn evil! It’ll be up to Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with the help of an unexpected ally, to save the day!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet Points:
- Twilight vs. Rarity! Pinkie vs. Everyone!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 16
by Calpain
You've got to love some meta humor, am I right? Don't worry you guys, I'm sure what frustrations you might have are the same frustrations experienced by your fellow artists. Keep together and encourage one another and I'm sure you can keep it up!
Anyhow, welcome to day 16 my friends! Over the past 24 hours we have received 165 ponies bringing up our total to 3764 ponies! Such excellent work you guys, we're so close to 4000.
Now on to today's prompt which I hope will give you a bit of a challenge! While we have seen plenty of ponies I haven't seen many other species represented in any way. So, in order to give the other denizens of Equestria their due tonight's prompt is to draw a pony as another species/draw a pony transforming. Hopefully with a prompt like this it will help you broaden your horizons and serve as a fun challenge! As usual you can find our submitter here.
Note: Another species can either mean animals (cats, dogs, ect), species such as griffons, dragons and the like or fantasy species. Really, as long as we can tell it once was a pony but is something different you can let your imagination go wild!
Now my friends, on to the gallery!
Rarity Day on September 13th!
by Calpain
Rarity is lying in wait because Rarity Day is finally upon us! That's right gang, in celebration of our best marshmallow pony she is getting a day to herself during New York's Fashion Week in September! In order to give you guys enough time we'll have the day towards the tail end of the week on September 13th, giving you all two weeks from today to dig up the best Rarity content you can find or create and send it on in!
As usual we will be accepting anything from art, crafts, music, and more for the event! All you have to do is send your email into submit@equestriadaily.com with the subject "Rarity Day" followed by what you are submitting (example "Rarity Day - Artwork"). This greatly helps with our sorting!
I'll make sure to give you guys periodic reminders as the two weeks tick down! For those of you curious as to which ponies still need their day this year we have:
- Sunset Shimmer - September 22, Fall Equinox
- Pinkie Pie - October 7, World Smile Day
- Applejack - October or early November, Cider Season
- CMC - November 20, Children's Day
- Luna - December 21, Winter Solstice
Thanks for listening everyone and thanks for participating in these little appreciation days so far!
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #820
by Calpain
Twilight seems a bit confused by this little parcel of grass. Why is it here? What is its purporse? And most importantly why is she standing in it?
Evening everyone! Ready for a chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
It turns out that UK Friendship Club tour we posted about a few months ago is a lot more popular than Hasbro anticipated. The bus stopping outside of Birmingham city centre spawned five out lines and an army of disappointed parents and children as they weren't able to get in on the event.
You can find images of it over at the Birmingham Mail article here.
Thanks to Ice Wing for the heads up. -
2001 was a weird year. Luckily Tropicana is here to make it all better.
Go get loads of art below!
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MLP FIM - Banana Pony by Joakaha
Starlight's journey into the world of pony books begins today with "Starlight glimmer and the Secret Suite". Originally, this one was titled "Space Time Suite", and was changed. I have no idea if the actual story changed with it.
Head on over here to pick it up!
Thanks to Feather for the heads up.
It has been awhile since we've had a ratings post, but there is a good reason for that. In the past few weeks we've been talking about scrapping them altogether but have decided to keep them around as some people do like them and ratings do seem to have stabilized for the most part at an increased level. Recently I have seen a fair share of advertising for the show on Discovery Family, something I'm not sure they did before, but do appear to be doing now which could account for the bump.Though ratings are here to stay, remember if you don't like them we have implemented a filter system in response to your suggestions which you can find by clicking the Settings button (the little gear) in the top right corner and selecting Hide Ratings Posts.Anyhow, on to the ratings! Things are back up in the 200ks as Dungeons and Discords received 277,000 viewers this weekend. Pretty good in comparison to ratings in the past! As I said before maybe Discovery Family is finally getting their advertising act together or something. These views also compare well to 28 Pranks Later at 203,000 viewers and Times are a Changeling at 267,000 viewers.
All numbers are from ShowBuzzDaily and thanks to all of you who continued sending these in even while we weren't posting them.Twitter: Calpain -
Best of Brony Pony Music Video (PMV) Archive - Top My Little Pony Fan Videos of All Time
by Sethisto
This was probably the hardest archive to compile just due to the cheer amount of pony music videos we've seen throughout the years. Boatloads of incredible stuff has been released over the years in this format. As always, please send any we are missing!
While this is primarily focusing on music videos, there are a few in here that are simply ponifications of things that didn't quite make it into animation.
Below, you will find some of the top pony music videos the brony fandom has to offer, covering My Little Pony characters from both the online pony world, as well as the mane cast. There are five major categories to choose from:
- Drama and Emotion
- Action and Adventure
- Comedy and Slice of Life
- Artistic
- General Music Video
- Dark and Creepy
- Random
And if you want other archives, these two are done as well:
Best Animation archive
Best SFM Animation archive
Go get it all below!
(Update September 6th : ~20 PMV Added)
Author: Raugos
Description: Like ponies, changelings can get pretty paranoid at times. After all, it's not every day that a changeling gets kicked out of the hive for being a pony.
That Changeling's a Pony!
Top Edge
That Changelings a Bad OC (New Sequel Part 13-14!)
Additional Tags: Unexpected inquisitions are the worst -
Good morning everypony! I was wondering if you could help me out with something. This adorable bat pony is now the official mascot of Equestria Daily's Forums. Created by the talented Ashley Nichols, she joins Spotlight Splash and Rocket Tier for a trio of awesome flying pony mascots and represents our official EQD Forums that launched a few days ago!But here's the catch and what I need your help with; She needs a name! It's your mission to check out the official thread on the forums here and make your suggestions and vote. She'll get sad without a name soon and you don't want her to get sad, do you? No, I thought not so hurry and sign up on the forums if you haven't and help her out!
The 23rd episode of the season has been officially revealed with synopsis in tow. While we already have the titles for the rest of the season, we still have synopsis to reveal!
Head on down below the break to check it out.
Morning Discussion #602
by Calpain
Some Fluttershy tonight because why not?
Morning guys! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Nightly Roundup #1361
by Calpain
With all that information from Thorax you bet Twilight would be incredibly interested in observing a changeling hive. Just watch out for Chrysalis Twi, heh.
News time my friends! Get it after the break!
Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 15
by Calpain
Being a lover of Toon Link and his facial expression this hit me right in the nerd gland and I had to use it as header tonight! Welcome back once again guys to another night of the ATG! With classes starting up I'm sure things are getting a bit tighter in your schedules but keep it up if you can. Even with school starting you still managed an impressive 161 ponies for tonight, bringing our total to 3599 ponies!
With the ATG slowly but surely coming to a close in the next two weeks I wanted to say how proud I am of you all. You've shown me things I never thought would be used as entries for this little event and your creativity and determination continue to thrill me even after doing these with Phoe after all these years. From creative use of the prompts provided to the huge range of mediums used I can still say, happily, that you guys have a bright future in art. Whether you just started or are an experienced artist honing your skills, you've all shown me again and again the spirit and raw creative power this fandom has to offer; the things I love about this fandom.
Now before I get too mushy on you all I have tonight's prompt for you guys! For the most part we've been dealing with ponies fully lit and enjoying Celestia's sun, but now that you've had a taste of the day I would like you to tackle what things would be at night by having you draw a pony staying up late/draw a pony in the dark. It is school time after all and I bet we're all looking at long nights ahead! As usual, find our submitter here.
Onward to the gallery after the break!
More Amazing Balloons From Balloon Pony!
by Calpain
When I was at Grand Brony Gala earlier this month I had the pleasure of seeing NoOrdinaryBalloonMan in action! Not only in designing this amazing display but as he made balloon creations for con goers and children alike. While I took some pictures myself, my phone can't compare to amazing pics taken by Joseph Karson, photographer at GBG, Evan Bernardi, and Brawny Buck!
Check out the rest of the amazing pictures after the break!
Nightly Discussion #819
by Calpain
Wow AJ, you've really let yourself go. What's wrong with your head? You should probably get that looked at...
Evening guys! How was your Monday?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
As if she wasn't going to be at the top. You all know me by now.
Holy crap. 2000 of these? Can we go ahead and take a break for a week or something? I think my art eyes are going to break at this rate.
I think out of all of those, we've only missed one due to a convention internet outage way back a few years ago. You got double the art the next day though!
Anyway, go get tons of pony below!
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Sweet Velvet by MoonSugarStars
Some weeks ago we were happy to announce the return of Ponycon for 2017 and in the lead up to the big event in late January they have started a comic drawn by Acesential and written and edited by the Ponycon team and Crowne Prince and directed by JadedJynx.
They have quite a few pages with updates coming every Friday which you can see in our comic posts! Interested? Well check on after the break for the full press release and a link to the comic thus far!
Howdy, folks! TheSlorg here, and you may remember back in July we posted a short article featuring Andrea Libman talking about her role in the latest official MLP mobile game—My Little Pony: Puzzle Party by Backflip Studios. If not, you can find that article here.
Well, after giving it a good, thorough play through, I figured I'd post my thoughts on the game for anyone who has yet to decide whether or not to download it. I do realize this may be coming a bit late for many of you, but I wanted to ensure I'd seen everything the game had to offer before passing judgement.
So sit back, relax, and prepare for the good, the bad, and the pony!
It has been six years since pony began, and a lot can change in that many years. Some of you may have had kids, while others might have a new sister or brother. The joy of cartoon horse can be a strange one due to the usual societal stigmas against cute ponies.
If you fall into one of those categories, did you spread the pony to your siblings? Or if you have kids, did you introduce them to the show?
If you plan on having kids, will you be decking them out in pony gear?
Discuss below!
COOOOOKIEEES. I actually bought a bunch of those lofthouse cookies yesterday. Bad idea. They are way too addictive.
Get the arts below.
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Desert cookies by SelestLight
According to his recent Tweet, it's looking like the episode "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks", is another Ed Valentine episode. He was the mind behind:
- Flight to the Finish
- Three's a Crowd
- The Cart Before the Ponies
You can get the synopsis for this one over here.
Thanks to Andrew and dominick for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #601
by Calpain
I just really love how much blue is in this picture and how all different shades of the same color can make for a stunning image. Always helps that blue is one of my favorite colors.
Morning everyone! Ready for a new week?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 14
by Calpain
Leave it to Pinkie to stare down a not so happy bull! You can never crush that filly's enthusiasm, that's for sure. Anyhow, good evening everyone! I hope you guys had a good night off or were excited to catch-up on some of the prompts you missed out on. In total we still got a decent 143 ponies bringing our total to 3438 ponies!
Now that you're all rested a bit I hope, we'll be diving right back into a new prompt today! Tonight we'll be looking to see what sort of mischief our ponies can get into without getting caught because we'll be drawing a sneaky pony/drawing a pony in disguise. Now make sure to bring back a lot of loot for us tomorrow night you guys, got to keep everything here at EqD funded! As usual you can find our submitter here.
Now, onto our makeup gallery!
Nightly Discussion #818
by Calpain
Was it just me or was there a lot of shipping fuel for Dislestia fans in this past episode? Though I guess there was a bit for Discord and Fluttershy as well. Man, the Lord of Chaos is playing the field! That or Discord is being the tease he always is.
Evening guys, ready to chat tonight?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
How... It has only been a day. AssasinMonkey is a machine. He must be an escaped Google AI prototype or something. No one should be able to draw something that detailed that quickly.
Get arts below while I cry over my terribleness.
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Through Ogres and Oubliettes by AssasinMonkey
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