Story updates time! Sweetie Belle is in a forest. Don't you want to know why?
Go get them below!
Author: TheSlorg
Description: Sweetie Belle accidentally gains the ability to write, speak, and understand every language in existence. Then she meets the King of All Frogs, who needs her help...
...And that's just the beginning of her journey.
Sweetie Belle and the Journey to the Kingdom of the Frogs (New Part 5!)
[Crossover][Dark][Normal] Yep, I think we have officially crossed over everything at this point.
Author: Posh
Description: (Metal Gear Solid crossover) "Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an Equestrian revolutionary, who, with the backing of his human mercenary allies, intends to use it to depose Celestia and crown himself ruler. Now, the legendary Solid Snake must ally with the residents of Ponyville to prevent this monster from unleashing a nuclear catastrophe."Pony Gear Solid (New Part 13!)
[Slice of Life][Sad]
Author: The Lunar Samurai
Description: My name is Starswirl and I am an earth pony. This is a collection of stories about my life. As I reflect on the events that have brought me to this home by the sea, I can only hope for one thing; that my life be viewed as ordinary and plain, but my work in theoretical magic be held the highest regard. I placed so much effort into my studies in theoretical magic that it would be a shame to let my work be lost somewhere in the sands of time.
Memoirs of a Magic Earth Pony (New Part 47!)