Ride into the majestic mountains of New Zeland with the wind in your face and a pack of ponies at your back.
Or, visit ancient buildings traveled by millions of people a year with your Twilight Sparkle... body pillow?
If anyone ever says we aren't diverse, they are lying.
Go get today's selection of Ponies Around the World below!
102 Fluttershy at Big Ben, London - FluttershyPegasus

Fluttershy at the London Clock Tower commonly called 'Big Ben'.
Fluttershy at the London Clock Tower commonly called 'Big Ben'.
103 Presidente Epitácio sunset, Brazil - Age3rcm

being a small portuary city of 45 thousand people, between the states of são paulo and mato grosso do sul, next to huge Paraná river, Presidente Epitácio holds the winner place having the most beautiful sunset of brazil, voted in 2014 by popular choice in brazil's most beautiful sunset competition that was featured at a national TV channel. the foto doesn't shows the best sunset ever, but its one i could take a picture off within the deadline, with my derpy hooves chinese plushie
being a small portuary city of 45 thousand people, between the states of são paulo and mato grosso do sul, next to huge Paraná river, Presidente Epitácio holds the winner place having the most beautiful sunset of brazil, voted in 2014 by popular choice in brazil's most beautiful sunset competition that was featured at a national TV channel. the foto doesn't shows the best sunset ever, but its one i could take a picture off within the deadline, with my derpy hooves chinese plushie
104 Rio Paraná, Brazil - Age3rcm

a picture taken of one of the biggest rivers in brazil, between the states o mato grosso do sul and sao paulo
a picture taken of one of the biggest rivers in brazil, between the states o mato grosso do sul and sao paulo
108 Twilight in Ersekvadkert - HuNoble

Twilight at the World War I and II memorial in Ersekvadkert with the church of Ersekvadkert in the background. Ersekvadkert is a village in the northern part of Hungary with 3820 inhabitants.
Twilight at the World War I and II memorial in Ersekvadkert with the church of Ersekvadkert in the background. Ersekvadkert is a village in the northern part of Hungary with 3820 inhabitants.
109 Shining Armor at the Danube bank - HuNoble

Shining Armor at the statue of St. John Nepomuk. The picture was taken at the Barouqe style Danube bank of Vac, Hungary. I had a very nice weather and good visibility so even some parts of the Danube bend can be seen in the background.
Shining Armor at the statue of St. John Nepomuk. The picture was taken at the Barouqe style Danube bank of Vac, Hungary. I had a very nice weather and good visibility so even some parts of the Danube bend can be seen in the background.
110 Octavia's cruise in Budapest 1 - HuNoble

Octavia's looking at the main building of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics during a ship cruise. It was built in 1909 and has been the venue of many battles for good grades since then, including my ones :) .
Octavia's looking at the main building of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics during a ship cruise. It was built in 1909 and has been the venue of many battles for good grades since then, including my ones :) .
111 Octavia's cruise in Budapest 2 - HuNoble

Octavia's looking at the Buda Castle and Royal Garden Pavillion from a ship on the river Danube. The Buda Castle (first completed in 1265) is part of the Castle District which one of the most recommended locations to visit if you are in Hungary.
Octavia's looking at the Buda Castle and Royal Garden Pavillion from a ship on the river Danube. The Buda Castle (first completed in 1265) is part of the Castle District which one of the most recommended locations to visit if you are in Hungary.
112 Fluttercliffs - MasterGeorge

Fluttershy and the cliffs North of Gate E in Scientists' Cliffs, Maryland.
Fluttershy and the cliffs North of Gate E in Scientists' Cliffs, Maryland.
113 The Green Queen of Manetreeall - Frith

I wonder what this queen did to threaten the Princess of Manetreeall? She appears to have been turned into some kind of green metal. My guidebook to Kickbuck (Canterda) indicates there's an academic bookstore nearby.
I wonder what this queen did to threaten the Princess of Manetreeall? She appears to have been turned into some kind of green metal. My guidebook to Kickbuck (Canterda) indicates there's an academic bookstore nearby.
114 Princess Celestia on Historic Route 66 - Astropony

This page are images of my Princess Celestia plush with places on Route 66 that I thought was worth taking pictures of. I hope you enjoy them as much as I had taking them.
This page are images of my Princess Celestia plush with places on Route 66 that I thought was worth taking pictures of. I hope you enjoy them as much as I had taking them.
115 Dashie By The Steps Of Bantay Bell Tower - Night Dice

The picture was taken from this week and I still a got a bit more to submit. I hope you guys receive the pictures! PS: Sorry that I don't have TGAPT(The Great And Powerful Trixie) figure with me, hehe.
The picture was taken from this week and I still a got a bit more to submit. I hope you guys receive the pictures! PS: Sorry that I don't have TGAPT(The Great And Powerful Trixie) figure with me, hehe.
118 Rainbow Dash At Good Shepherd, Baguio City, Philippines - Night Dice

On the very side note, I took all four pictures in the Philippines.
On the very side note, I took all four pictures in the Philippines.
120 Celestia on the Brunswick castle square - Grisnir

i always missed my hometown Brunswick(Germany) in the Ponies Around the World event, so here it is. Celestia in front of the Brunswick Lion and the Dankwarderode Castle
i always missed my hometown Brunswick(Germany) in the Ponies Around the World event, so here it is. Celestia in front of the Brunswick Lion and the Dankwarderode Castle
121 Trixie at Crater Lake - ThreeScoops

Crater Lake Oregon is the deepest lake in the United States. This incredible landmark was formed when a great and powerful volcano collapsed and accumulated rainwater and snowmelt.
Crater Lake Oregon is the deepest lake in the United States. This incredible landmark was formed when a great and powerful volcano collapsed and accumulated rainwater and snowmelt.
122 Pinkie Pie atop Mount Snowdon - Philip Dunbar

Pinkie Pie at the very top of Mount Snowdon. She couldn't stand by herself because of the weather, so I got a little helping hand from a hiker!
Pinkie Pie at the very top of Mount Snowdon. She couldn't stand by herself because of the weather, so I got a little helping hand from a hiker!
123 Pinkie Pie meets the Flying Scotsman - Philip Dunbar

The Flying Scotsman visited the National Railway Museum earlier this year, so Pinkie Pie just had to visit! The world's famous locomotive stands proud, and so Pinkie Pie stands proud with her.
The Flying Scotsman visited the National Railway Museum earlier this year, so Pinkie Pie just had to visit! The world's famous locomotive stands proud, and so Pinkie Pie stands proud with her.
126 Rainbow In Rome - TheArticPegasus

I was able to visit the Colosseum in Rome! ✿ And i'm just going to say, it was bigger on the inside. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I was able to visit the Colosseum in Rome! ✿ And i'm just going to say, it was bigger on the inside. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
127 Scootaloo in Paris - Rulo6000

Taken about a a year ago, when i went to visit paris. I got this Scootaloo figure days before in Spain, and took this photo with an iPhone 5.
Taken about a a year ago, when i went to visit paris. I got this Scootaloo figure days before in Spain, and took this photo with an iPhone 5.
129 Twilight on the Edgar Allan Poe statue on Boylston Street and Charles Street South in Boston - Patrick Bedard

135 Fluttershy in the Wilderness of Idaho - Justus

I guess Flutters would really feel at home in the untouched nature of Idaho.
I guess Flutters would really feel at home in the untouched nature of Idaho.
136 First Outdoor Minor Leage Hockey game in California - Diamondwhits

This is a outdoor American Hockey League (highest level of minor league hockey) game at Sacramento California, its the first minor league game to be played outdoors at California
This is a outdoor American Hockey League (highest level of minor league hockey) game at Sacramento California, its the first minor league game to be played outdoors at California
137 Princess Twilight at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo; São Paulo, Brazil - Coppermane

Museu de Arte de São Paulo is translated as São Paulo's Museum of Art.
Museu de Arte de São Paulo is translated as São Paulo's Museum of Art.
138 Trixie and The High Roller at The LINQ - Las Vegas - Araxnus

Funko Trixie Lulamoon (Black) Mini-Figure. In front of the world's tallest Ferris wheel (550ft). The High Roller in Las Vegas, Nevada. U.S.A. Photo taken from my balcony!
Funko Trixie Lulamoon (Black) Mini-Figure. In front of the world's tallest Ferris wheel (550ft). The High Roller in Las Vegas, Nevada. U.S.A. Photo taken from my balcony!
139 Pinkie's Adventure - Drensoul

I'm glad to finally participate in PAtW, hope you guys like my photos. Brohoof /)
140 Pinkie's Adventure pt. 2 - DrensoulI'm glad to finally participate in PAtW, hope you guys like my photos. Brohoof /)
143 Glimglam would have been top of the class at Hogwarts! - Brandon D

This was taken at Hogwarts Castle/The Forbidden Journey attraction in Universal Studios Hollywood, California.
This was taken at Hogwarts Castle/The Forbidden Journey attraction in Universal Studios Hollywood, California.
144 Beach Horses - Blazelight

A pic of GLIMGLAM, Helia, Berry Punch, Silver Spoon, Twilight and Sassaflash at Kuta beach, Bali, Indonesia. And they also collected some shells :P
A pic of GLIMGLAM, Helia, Berry Punch, Silver Spoon, Twilight and Sassaflash at Kuta beach, Bali, Indonesia. And they also collected some shells :P
145 - Rainderpbrony and Northstar

We two made another Picture in front of the Cologne Cathedral, but this time at the front side at a better time, bad that the otheres from the Cologne meetup arent there too
We two made another Picture in front of the Cologne Cathedral, but this time at the front side at a better time, bad that the otheres from the Cologne meetup arent there too
146 Flutterboop - PB

Fluttershy getting a boop from the statue of Kusunoki Masashige in Tokyo, outside of the Imperial palace
Fluttershy getting a boop from the statue of Kusunoki Masashige in Tokyo, outside of the Imperial palace
148 Celestia and Luna at Buckingham Palace - Jacko247

Funny enough, this is about as royal as it gets for two of our favourite princesses as they go to meet the Queen of England.
Funny enough, this is about as royal as it gets for two of our favourite princesses as they go to meet the Queen of England.
149 Greetings from Bavaria, Germany - Abigail Alexis

The trip was from my spring break with my family.
The trip was from my spring break with my family.
150 Fluttershy and Tar Boat - Eurocoin

Fluttershy at tar channel at Kajaani. In the picture you can see boat, that's used for tar rowing demonstrations, on the background you can see Kajaani castle and also the gate to the Ämmänkoski hydro power plant.
Fluttershy at tar channel at Kajaani. In the picture you can see boat, that's used for tar rowing demonstrations, on the background you can see Kajaani castle and also the gate to the Ämmänkoski hydro power plant.
152 Big Mac at N. Eldon Tanner Monument at Camp Impeesa in Alberta, Canada - Partialgeek514

This monument was made for Helaman's Encampment in 2011 which I had the privilege to attend. The camp had over 2500 people attend! I'm very glad to have been back to Camp Impeesa to be part of another scout camp! Although it wasn't nearly as large. ;)
This monument was made for Helaman's Encampment in 2011 which I had the privilege to attend. The camp had over 2500 people attend! I'm very glad to have been back to Camp Impeesa to be part of another scout camp! Although it wasn't nearly as large. ;)
153 Princess Twilight visits the Arches - Keyphob

Princess Twilight takes time out of her busy schedule to visit the Arches. One of the many ancient sites in and around Alyth, the arches stand on the site of the 6th century St Molagg's church and a later 13th century church.
Princess Twilight takes time out of her busy schedule to visit the Arches. One of the many ancient sites in and around Alyth, the arches stand on the site of the 6th century St Molagg's church and a later 13th century church.
154 The Cutie Mark Crusaders at the Fool's Tower in Vienna! - CMC_Scootaloo

Here's my submission for Ponies Around The World 2016. For this year, I traveled with the Cutie Mark Crusaders to the Fool's Tower (In German: Narrenturm) in the 9th district of Vienna. The Fool's Tower is one of the most creepy places in Vienna, with a quite dark history and even some myths surrounding it..... Find the full story about the Fool's Tower here: http://cmc--scootaloo.deviantart.com/art/The-Cutie-Mark-Crusaders-at-Fool-s-Tower-Vienna-620858974
Here's my submission for Ponies Around The World 2016. For this year, I traveled with the Cutie Mark Crusaders to the Fool's Tower (In German: Narrenturm) in the 9th district of Vienna. The Fool's Tower is one of the most creepy places in Vienna, with a quite dark history and even some myths surrounding it..... Find the full story about the Fool's Tower here: http://cmc--scootaloo.deviantart.com/art/The-Cutie-Mark-Crusaders-at-Fool-s-Tower-Vienna-620858974
155 Victoria Bronies says hi! - Eduardo Isaac Ruiz Zapata

The geographically accurate center point of the Tamaulipas state located in the center of the downtown of the capital city of the state Ciudad victoria, Tamaulipas
The geographically accurate center point of the Tamaulipas state located in the center of the downtown of the capital city of the state Ciudad victoria, Tamaulipas
157 Top of Chicago - 4thLight

Taken from the north side of the Willis Skydeck in Chicago. View of Near North Side and Lake Michigan.
Taken from the north side of the Willis Skydeck in Chicago. View of Near North Side and Lake Michigan.
158 SandaFlash - EddictedBrony

Sassaflash: Of course out of all the entries this dork picks I had to get the most boring one. At least Sarasota's beach is nice and warm though.
Sassaflash: Of course out of all the entries this dork picks I had to get the most boring one. At least Sarasota's beach is nice and warm though.
159 Oh My Gosh a Dodrio! - EddictedBrony

Fashion Plate: Success! I finally found a Dodrio on Pokemon Go at Jaygee's Fun Center in Methuen...wait, I'm out of Pokeballs? NOOOOOOOO!
Fashion Plate: Success! I finally found a Dodrio on Pokemon Go at Jaygee's Fun Center in Methuen...wait, I'm out of Pokeballs? NOOOOOOOO!
160 Pinkie Finds a Rock Farm at Tenerife, Costa Adeje - Bronymedic

This is a beach where, for no apparent reason, people have started building these stone towers from what is scattered at the beach. It may have started as a result of people doing it for tourists but it has turned into somewhat of a tradition to do if you are in the area.
This is a beach where, for no apparent reason, people have started building these stone towers from what is scattered at the beach. It may have started as a result of people doing it for tourists but it has turned into somewhat of a tradition to do if you are in the area.
164 At the top of Cumberland Falls - Granpapony

Visitor area at the top of "Rainbow Falls", Corbin Kentucky.
Visitor area at the top of "Rainbow Falls", Corbin Kentucky.
166 Won't Somepony Please Think of the Butterbeer! - JazzyTyfighter

First time I tried butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Orlando. Rainbow would probably empty the cart.
First time I tried butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Orlando. Rainbow would probably empty the cart.
167 Twilight Sparkle at Hogwarts Castle - JazzyTyfighter

Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios Orlando. Twilight would love it here...
Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios Orlando. Twilight would love it here...
168 Twilight at the Colca Canyon - Sky-bottom

Twilight at the Colca Canyon in Arequipa-Perú, one of the deepest canyons in the world. Even though it wasn´t a good season to visit it, I still managed to get a decent picture :D
Twilight at the Colca Canyon in Arequipa-Perú, one of the deepest canyons in the world. Even though it wasn´t a good season to visit it, I still managed to get a decent picture :D
169 Fluttershy and the Tree of Life - JazzyTyfighter

Lots of animals and less extreme rides... Disney's Animal Kingdom would be the perfect vacation for Flutters!
Lots of animals and less extreme rides... Disney's Animal Kingdom would be the perfect vacation for Flutters!
170 Littlepip over Darling Harbour - Aemilia

Custom Littlepip plush looking over the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge at Darling Harbour.
Custom Littlepip plush looking over the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge at Darling Harbour.
171 Haast New Zealand - AlaskaNova

Part of a set of photographs from my tour of New Zealand this year on my motorcycle. Ponk-plush and Dashie-cuddlepuppet (she hates that name) always come with me when I'm touring..keeps me company and sometimes makes things interesting. Thanks for making EQD what it is :)
Part of a set of photographs from my tour of New Zealand this year on my motorcycle. Ponk-plush and Dashie-cuddlepuppet (she hates that name) always come with me when I'm touring..keeps me company and sometimes makes things interesting. Thanks for making EQD what it is :)
175 Derpy in Walter Monginsidi Food Court , Jakarta - GTP_FrzGT

In the rather famous (locally atleast) food stalls. Its the only place i can photo in hidden sight so other people cant see me :p
In the rather famous (locally atleast) food stalls. Its the only place i can photo in hidden sight so other people cant see me :p
176 Doc at Church of St. Wenceslas - theorangebird

Church of St. Wenceslas in HulÃn has the oldest romanesque portal in Czech Republic.
Church of St. Wenceslas in HulÃn has the oldest romanesque portal in Czech Republic.
178 Pony meets Pony in Granby, Quebec - Frith

The fields are in bloom in Grainbee (in Keybuck, Canterda) and some of the locals are even equine! This is across from the "bed and breakfast" where I'm staying. Breakfast is all the grass you can eat and "bed" is a shelf in a glass cabinet.
The fields are in bloom in Grainbee (in Keybuck, Canterda) and some of the locals are even equine! This is across from the "bed and breakfast" where I'm staying. Breakfast is all the grass you can eat and "bed" is a shelf in a glass cabinet.
179 Postcard From Granby, Quebec - Frith

The field fare was what they call "Noov-oh Kwee Seen", which is meant more to be seen than eaten. The tall flowers are Centaurea jacea, brown knapweed. Pretty to look at, but don't eat it.
The field fare was what they call "Noov-oh Kwee Seen", which is meant more to be seen than eaten. The tall flowers are Centaurea jacea, brown knapweed. Pretty to look at, but don't eat it.
180 Sunset Shimmer at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame - DrakeyC

Sunset Shimmer at the famous "Touchdown" statue outside the Canadian Football Hall of Fame in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Sunset Shimmer at the famous "Touchdown" statue outside the Canadian Football Hall of Fame in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
181 Maud Pie at the Pictish Stone, Raasay - Loganberry

Here we see well-known rock enthusiast Maud Pie admiring the 1,300-year-old Pictish Stone on the Isle of Raasay, western Scotland. The stone was originally found elsewhere on the island, and moved to its present location in the 19th century to protect it from the elements.
Here we see well-known rock enthusiast Maud Pie admiring the 1,300-year-old Pictish Stone on the Isle of Raasay, western Scotland. The stone was originally found elsewhere on the island, and moved to its present location in the 19th century to protect it from the elements.
182 Lyra chilling with iguana - itza305

Lyra taking a break from the beach of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, after a morning of sun, beach and a lot of nice people
Lyra taking a break from the beach of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, after a morning of sun, beach and a lot of nice people
183 The Doctor and the Harbour - SUP3R Toastr

This wasn't going to be my initial entry into the event. I was originally going to take a picture of a viaduct further up the river but the way to it was too overgrown to get there, luckily i saw this view of all the boat moorings and jetties on the way and thought that that looked like a great view to take a picture of instead so... here we are.
This wasn't going to be my initial entry into the event. I was originally going to take a picture of a viaduct further up the river but the way to it was too overgrown to get there, luckily i saw this view of all the boat moorings and jetties on the way and thought that that looked like a great view to take a picture of instead so... here we are.
184 Twilight in Baku - FireWind-357

Flame Towers and Television tower.Photo was taken behind the fortress wall of the ancient "Inner City" in Baku-Azerbaijan.
Flame Towers and Television tower.Photo was taken behind the fortress wall of the ancient "Inner City" in Baku-Azerbaijan.
185 Twilight in Baku #2 - FireWind-357

Maiden Tower-was built in the 12th century as part of the walled city (Inner City) in Baku-Azerbaijan.Consequent to the receding of the sea shore line of the Caspian Sea, a strip of land emerged. This land was developed between the 9th and 15th centuries, when the walls of the old city, the palace including the huge bastion of the Maiden Tower were built.
Maiden Tower-was built in the 12th century as part of the walled city (Inner City) in Baku-Azerbaijan.Consequent to the receding of the sea shore line of the Caspian Sea, a strip of land emerged. This land was developed between the 9th and 15th centuries, when the walls of the old city, the palace including the huge bastion of the Maiden Tower were built.
186 Moondancer visits a Place of Power #1 - SilverYuno

Twilight! This book talks about old ruins that predate Ponykind! Apparently if you visit such a place in the summer solstice your magic power will increase.
Twilight! This book talks about old ruins that predate Ponykind! Apparently if you visit such a place in the summer solstice your magic power will increase.
187 Rainbow Dash meets Freddie Mercury - Steam Loco

Rainbow Dash meets Freddie Mercury - at least Freddies statue in Montreux, Switserland.
Rainbow Dash meets Freddie Mercury - at least Freddies statue in Montreux, Switserland.
188 The Mane 6 at the Leaning Tower of Pisa - Steam Loco

The entire Mane 6 near the world famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. As this is one of the busiest tourist attractions in Italy, it wasn't surprising that I got a lot of reactions when I made this picture. Mostly giggles, but an American girl went absolutely wild about it (in a very nice way): "OMG he has Little Ponies! That's so cool!". Yes. Yes it is. :-D
The entire Mane 6 near the world famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. As this is one of the busiest tourist attractions in Italy, it wasn't surprising that I got a lot of reactions when I made this picture. Mostly giggles, but an American girl went absolutely wild about it (in a very nice way): "OMG he has Little Ponies! That's so cool!". Yes. Yes it is. :-D
189 Rainbow Dash in San Marino - Steam Loco

Rainbow Dash in the wonderful little country San Marino. There is a fortress or at least a tower on every rocky hilltop, overlooking the countryside that is now Italy. If you ever have the chance to go there, please do so. It's lovely!
Rainbow Dash in the wonderful little country San Marino. There is a fortress or at least a tower on every rocky hilltop, overlooking the countryside that is now Italy. If you ever have the chance to go there, please do so. It's lovely!
190 Rainbow Dash in San Marino - Steam Loco

We were making a trip with this steam engine from a German museum in Bochum-Dalhausen. I always carry a Pony or two with me to make pictures with, so obviously I couldn't let this opportunity go by. There are many more pictures of Ponies Around the World on my DA. Feel free to use as many as you like! :-)
We were making a trip with this steam engine from a German museum in Bochum-Dalhausen. I always carry a Pony or two with me to make pictures with, so obviously I couldn't let this opportunity go by. There are many more pictures of Ponies Around the World on my DA. Feel free to use as many as you like! :-)
191 Rainbow Dash on Mount Tai in China - Ian

This is one of the famous monuments on Mount Tai, it is even printed on our 5 RMB banknotes. Picture reference for the banknote: https://www.travelchinaguide.com/images/5yuan2.gif Sorry for the picture quality, this photo was taken at midnight with 2 flashlights as my light source. It is impossible to take a proper photo without a bunch of people interfering in between, so going there at midnight was the only option for me.
This is one of the famous monuments on Mount Tai, it is even printed on our 5 RMB banknotes. Picture reference for the banknote: https://www.travelchinaguide.com/images/5yuan2.gif Sorry for the picture quality, this photo was taken at midnight with 2 flashlights as my light source. It is impossible to take a proper photo without a bunch of people interfering in between, so going there at midnight was the only option for me.
192 Vinyl Scratch in Piripiri, city of Brazil - Ãlvaro Oliveira "Alfa Master"

A photo with my favorite pony here in the small town where I live. Located in the state of Piaui, Brazil.
A photo with my favorite pony here in the small town where I live. Located in the state of Piaui, Brazil.
193 Daring Do at Dai Temple in China - Ian

A temple in my city. Lots of ancient cypresses and interesting buildings inside.
A temple in my city. Lots of ancient cypresses and interesting buildings inside.
194 Twi and RD in Viña del Mar Chile - Luis Oliva (CaturroxxRD)

Foto tomada en lo alto de uno de los cerros de Viña del mar, con vistas al centro de la Cuidad y al fondo en las dunas la ciudad de Con Con
Foto tomada en lo alto de uno de los cerros de Viña del mar, con vistas al centro de la Cuidad y al fondo en las dunas la ciudad de Con Con
195 Ponies in Meereen aka kliska tvrdavaja near Split - Ferraripony

Our visit in Meereen. Unfortunately Daeneris or her dragons weren't home.
Our visit in Meereen. Unfortunately Daeneris or her dragons weren't home.
196 Luna with Concorde - Ferraripony

Luna visited muzeum Sinsheim where is located one of Concordes - fastest plane for passangers
Luna visited muzeum Sinsheim where is located one of Concordes - fastest plane for passangers
197 Twi and RD in Viña del mar (part 2?) - Luis Oliva (CaturroxxRD)

La parte sur de la bahÃa de ValparaÃso, foto tomada en la parte alta del Cerro Recreo en Viña del Mar, Chile. Al fondo izquierda está el puerto de ValparaÃso y la mayor parte de la foto es el cerro Recreo en Viña del Mar
200 AJ and Pinkie at the World War II Memorial, Washington D.C. - Chargin' ChuckLa parte sur de la bahÃa de ValparaÃso, foto tomada en la parte alta del Cerro Recreo en Viña del Mar, Chile. Al fondo izquierda está el puerto de ValparaÃso y la mayor parte de la foto es el cerro Recreo en Viña del Mar