Plushie Compilation #226
by Calpain
Coco is so surprised to be header this time around she can't contain her blushes! It's ok Coco, revel in the limelight!
Plushies guys, get them all after the break.
[1] Source
Brush-A-Plush Miss Coco Pommel plushie For Sale by Zooher-Punkcloud
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Nightly Discussion #790
by Calpain
I wonder what sorts of songs the ponies would listen too? For some reason I can really see Fluttershy listening to Enya or maybe she will surprise us all and listen to heavy metal.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Recovering from drawfriend explosion with some Luna to start it off. I'm still getting everything cleaned up and separated, but for now, you can at least get some pony art while you wait! Expect source links soon.
Go get art below while you wait!
(Should be fixed, albiet less pretty. )
Source - Header
(Click this image to help!)Update: Olivia's mother posted a recent summary of her progress in the comments.
For those of you who follow Tara Strong on Twitter (hint: she voices that purple princess on the right), you've probably seen #TeamOllieOxen pop up on her timeline. It's a given that someone with her following is going to get flooded with all kinds of GoFundMe campaigns and retweet requests, but after talking with her at BronyCon and SDCC, I learned this was something of a special case.
Olivia is a fourteen-year-old girl battlingmetastasized lung cancerdiffuse large B cell lymphoma (Edit: thank you, Kristin!) and immune system complications. And it's more than just Tara knowing this young woman personally -- her two sons have been her friends since kindergarten.
As you'd hope to expect, Olivia's folks have thrown everything at pursuing the medically-indicated standard of care for her disease: chemotherapy regimens, broad-spectrum antibiotics, whatever it takes to keep her alive.
You can begin to imagine what the hospital bills are looking like. Thankfully, as of this posting, Olivia is still with us.
If you're willing and able to donate some funds to Olivia's care, you can find #TeamOllieOxen primarily on GoFundMe. Olivia's caretakers have also set up Facebook and Twitter accounts to follow for those so inclined.
Regardless of whether you choose to donate to or share the campaign with your more affluent friends and followers, I'm sure Tara would love nothing more than to hear about it. Shout her up on Twitter when you're done so she can call you "puddin'" and all the other names you never heard during your childhood. -
As promised, we are now archiving up all of the best of the best pony content out there for easy browsing and to help new people find things to watch that they may have missed over the past half a decade. This post starts us off with the best of the best My Little Pony fan animation, and there are a LOT of them.
Below, you will find some of the top animations the brony fandom has to offer, covering My Little Pony characters from both the online pony world, as well as the mane cast. There are five major categories to choose from:
- Drama and Emotion
- Action and Adventure
- Comedy and Slice of Life
- Dark and Creepy
- Random
Go get it all below!
Want more? Check out the other archives! More coming soon:
September 1st UPDATE: 5 animations added
… I seriously think the show runners really took the title of this episode to heart. Seeing Sethisto and Trixie like this… dang I really was not expecting it.
I also wasn't expecting Seth to let me keep this episode followup after he saw this. Huh. Guess somethings really are stranger than fan fiction.
On an completely related note, Seth wants to read this particular fan fiction. For some reason I get the feeling the inbox is about to be flooded with Trixisto fan fics.
I hope everyone is ready. Season 6 returned yesterday, and today I—The Illustrious Q—bring back Equestria Daily's Episode Followups!
Be sure to grab a sandwich before you check it out after the break!
Discussion: Twilight Sparkle Has Been an Alicorn For As Many Epsiodes As She Was a Unicorn Now
by Sethisto
With the 130th episode airing, Twilight Sparkle is officially about to pass the threshold of being an alicorn for longer than she was a unicorn. Magical Mystery Cure was the halfway point between the start of MLP and now.
I have to admit, there are many times where I miss the old Twilight and her freshly social adorkable ways. We haven't had a cute Twilight episode like Look Before You Sleep in forever. But what has replaced her isn't really bad at all in my opinion. She's still an excellent character with lots of fun characterization.
What do you all think? Was she better as a unicorn? Or is she superior as an alicorn?
Discuss below!
Thanks to Nutbar for the heads up.
Hasbro has hopped on Snapchat with a new filter titled simply "Friendship is Magic". Right now all it does is add the effect you see up above to whatever image you use. There wasn't any kind of official announcement for this, so I have no idea if more options will eventually be available. For now, I guess you just need to stick to Twilight and Pinkie!
Thanks to PrincessLuna101 and Perfectly Imperfect for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #572
by Calpain
What a lovely start to the second half of the season! If we keep getting episodes like this I bet the season will end on a high note.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Story: There Goes The Neighborhood
by Calpain
[Comedy][Alternate Universe]
Author: Georg
Description: At one time, Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods. Then they let the first pony in.
There Goes The Neighborhood
There goes the neighborhood
Additional Tags: Canterlot - The Prequel, Greek styleop 9:00 PM
Labels: Alternate Universe, Author: Georg, Celestia, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Story -
Nightly Discussion #789
by Calpain
I wonder when AJ got Winona? The two seem to be thick as thieves so it would be nice to see when she got her favorite pup. Maybe in some sort of flashback.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
I have more images to add here, but for whatever reason Deviant Art is derpin the uploader so I need to do it manually. Expect more soon! I think there were 8 or so left.
Now go get art!
[1] Source
Luminescence by Noctilucent-Arts
Part of their #frienditforward compaign that we covered a few days ago includes a charity sale on 100% Official Dungeons and Dragons pony crossover shirts. Each one clocks in at $25, but all proceeds will go directly to the Points of Light foundation.
Go get it over here!
I almost want to run an event for this madness. Fluttershy is looking ridiculously epic with those druid light wings.
Thanks to Jeremy, Jay, Jorlem, and everyone else with J names for the heads up!
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Afternoon everyone! Are you ready for another day of streams? Well, get them all after the break!
Note: We still are doing Livestream Sundays, we've just had very few to no entrants over the past couple weeks. If you want to participate please contact me!
Another Note: I will be traveling today so if you don't get included or your name is in here without sending in an email it's because I'm mostly using last Saturday's list. Apologies.
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
We've seen a lot of incredible episodes over the years, and last time around I dove into what are essentially my top 10. What makes one worthy of the halls of pony importance though? How do you make the stars align and leave an impression in fandom that has become ever the more critical over the past few years?
Since this subject is so beyond opinion based just like the last one, I'm again going go to ahead and warn you that these are all primarily my thoughts. I promise I won't go too overboard on the Trixie, but do expect some somewhat weird expectations. I also want to point out that this is not a compilation of the best of the best episodes, but instead focus on appeal and memorability.
Anyway, dive on down below as I dig into what makes a excellent pony episode!
The CURSE OF THE EARLY EPISODE RELEASES continues even as we dive into the second installment of season 6. Stranger Than Fanfiction is already over on Netflix in 1080p quality. If you are subscribed to the service, you can find it as the most recently added episode under Friendship is Magic.
Here's to hoping we can have some episode stream parties regardless! Try to watch it the usual way on TV if you have it. Ratings for a season opener are good!
Thanks to Splice and Jonathan for the heads up.
After a short break the hiatus is finally over and pony is back once again! With all the previews we've been getting over the past couple weeks it seems like the second half is going to be an interesting ride!
Check out the previews for it over here and here if you want a tease on what to expect.
For a peek at what is to come, check out our SDCC coverage over here!
Twitter: Calpain
Good morning everyone! It's finally the day of a new episode after our short hiatus. Are you excited? Because I'm excited! I figured a Daring Do header would be most appropriate today.As a side note, please keep all random chatting not related to the new episode to this post and out of the Episode Discussion post. That's why it's here after-all. But you can discuss episode-related topics here as well if you'd like.Now, let's get to chatting!
Season 6 Part 2 Coundtown - Tomorrow IT BEGINS! What Character Do You Want to See Get the Most Air Time?
by Sethisto
IT IS TIME. That was a surprisingly less awful hiatus than I originally expected. We have episodes starting tomorrow morning and I'M HYPE. We've had some awesome teasers appear for this one, covering a good amount of the upcoming storylines we can expect. It's going to be an interesting end of Summer and Fall!
This marks our final discussion of the countdown. A lot of characters have been introduced, and many are just as popular as the mane 6 at this point. Who do you want to see get the most spotlight this next 13 episodes?
Discuss below!
Friday, July 29, 2016 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Community, Countdown, Discussion, EQD Stuff, Not-Fanfiction -
Nightly Discussion #788
by Calpain
Kif has said we don't have enough Sweetie Belle so have some by our very own Squeaky Belle! Aw, she looks so happy~
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
I think our SDCC poll has been up a bit too long. We did get a bit of movie news here, so I guess you can all be appeased there?!
We need poll ideas. Give us some in the comments! Remember, a good poll is one with a few multiple choices. We can't poll something that would have a million choices.
Anyway, new poll:
What season 6 part 2 new things are you looking forward to most?
Get it on the side bar and get this one below!
What kind of music do you think Fluttershy listens to? I bet it's hardcore gangster rap. She looks like the type.
Get the arts below!
[1] Source
Kawaii in the streets, Flutter in the breeze by Bugplayer
So much for that Amazon exclusive until September. Maybe it's primarily for the other figures in the lineup that aren't appearing anywhere yet? Nightmare Moon and Celestia have been spotted at Walmart. This marks the first major retailer outside of small nerd-culture sections at Barnes and Noble and Gamestop.
Amazon still seems to be the only place for the rest of the set outside of the three we are seeing everywhere. You can still get all the figures over here with a release of September.
Thanks to Xander for the image!
If you are buried deep into the brony fandom like a good amount of us here on EQD are, you have probably run into a boatload of drama broiling about content creators taking advantage of their volunteers. I'm not going to name any names or point out any specific projects yet, as information is fluctuating and filled with misunderstandings and general rumor mongering, but I do think the subject overall needs to be addressed. And why not have fun with it while we do?
Since the dawn of the fandom way back in 2010, people have done their absolute best to make a name for themselves in pony. Whether they draw horses, run radios, write fanfics, or organize mini communities, it's only natural for someone to want to be acknowledged for what they accomplish. This has lead to the wonderful joke that is "Horse Fame", the ultimate goal for everyone in pony!
...Or is it? What can "Horse Fame" bring? Are there negatives? Time to EDITORIALIZE.
Go get it below!
With SDCC long gone, and the figures not releasing during the event like they usually do, a lot of people were wondering if they would still be able to get their hands on the convention exclusive Guardians of Harmony Discord and Fluttershy figure. It turns out they actually have a set release date on the duo - August 9th.
They will be first come, first serve with 0 pre-orders available. Be sure to set an alarm for the morning of, as they will most likely go pretty fast if the GoH Lineup so far is any indication.
You can check out our review on them over here if you are curious!
Thanks to Bradley for the heads up.
The heavy promotion of Stranger Than Fanfiction continues as another preview for the episode appears, this time on the MLP Facebook page!
Check on after the break for the clip and thanks to Acesential for sending it in!
Morning Discussion #570
by Calpain
I saw this in my Deviant Art list today and had to wonder why I hadn't seen something like this before with Crackle! I can only hope that Crackle's chain makes a nice country fried steak.
Morning guys! Sleep well?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
We have a title for the finale, but I'll avoid including that for the sake of spoilers. This season seems to have a very loose arc involving Starlight Glimmer, but nothing as heavily set as the Tree of Harmony and of season 4. We still have some hints littered throughout the season that something is going on though, and with the map re-opening, anything is possible.
So fandom, while we wait for the next 13 episodes, what do you think this season will end on? Will all the ponies become alicorns? Will Chrysalis return in a hippie costume and spread peace and love throughout Equestria?
Comic: Night Call 4 / Star Mares 2.3.5 / Nightmare 3 / ER 1:5 / Rogue Diamond 7:29 / Chaos 26
by Calpain
Poor Shining, maybe he should catch a quick nap before doing anything as head of state while Cadance is away?
Comic updates guys! Click for full!
Nightly Discussion #788
by Calpain
AJ is actually our maintenance mare! We call her up if we ever have any problems with things. Here's a picture taken outside my place of her fixing a water pipe. Thanks AJ!
Evening guys! I'm out traveling today, what have you guys been up to?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
I'm not going to lie. I kinda fell out of Flutterbat land for a while there with all these other incredible bat ponies taking up my time. This though... This has resold the GREATEST OF BATS.
Celebrate her and more below!
[1] Source
Midnight Snack by JaDeDJynX
Legends of Equestria opens it's servers at 12:01 AM EST on Friday for the weekend, and you can now snag the downloader for the event if you want to get a head start before things are flooded.
Head on over to this page to pick them up. Everything from Windows to Linux has an option.
Expect parties. There are always parties!
WeAreBorg back again with more plastic molded into pleasant pony shapes. Before I release my review of the Guardians of Harmony Nightmare Moon, I'd like to take a moment to check out the MyMoji My Little Pony figures by Funko that were sent to me by Entertainment Earth. The MyMoji toy lines recreates our favorite characters as 3D emojis for RL.
Join me after the break, for a look into a box with more personality disorders than Discord.
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