Our first round of Ponies and Pets has been compiled up! We got over 150 images on this one, so expect a bunch more tomorrow once they are all processed.
Have best dog with best canon pony and best OC pony up above, and get a bunch of ponies with pets below the break! The Daww has been doubled!
3 - Bonus Round

My sister's pomeranian, Creampuff, loves to steal my small Octavia plush whenever she can. The strange thing is, out of the entire collection, she only likes Octavia...
My sister's pomeranian, Creampuff, loves to steal my small Octavia plush whenever she can. The strange thing is, out of the entire collection, she only likes Octavia...
4 Apple Bloom & Crawlspace - Brass Polish

Crawlspace is a very distracting animal. Sometimes she meows too much and one can't record audio. Sometimes she's hyper and running around the house tripping people. Sometimes she's lying down quietly and silently judging you as she gives you a cold stare. And she doesn't like when people stop petting her. She'll try and grab your hand with her claws if you pull back. And deep scratches certainly are distracting.
Crawlspace is a very distracting animal. Sometimes she meows too much and one can't record audio. Sometimes she's hyper and running around the house tripping people. Sometimes she's lying down quietly and silently judging you as she gives you a cold stare. And she doesn't like when people stop petting her. She'll try and grab your hand with her claws if you pull back. And deep scratches certainly are distracting.
6 The Great Wall of Ponies + spooky cat - LeWuut

My cat is around 1-2 months old and is very "playful". She literally bites everything in site and the only way I got her to sit still for this picture was to put one of her toys right in the middle of all the ponies.
My cat is around 1-2 months old and is very "playful". She literally bites everything in site and the only way I got her to sit still for this picture was to put one of her toys right in the middle of all the ponies.
8 Hanging with my doggo - Pencil Sketch

Just sitting with my bud Actually uploaded this on my extremely old DA account, havent been on it in years haha Anywho my instagram is _nanomaly_ if ya wanna see my less crappy recent art. (Plushie is made my DaFreckles Plush Ponies)
Just sitting with my bud Actually uploaded this on my extremely old DA account, havent been on it in years haha Anywho my instagram is _nanomaly_ if ya wanna see my less crappy recent art. (Plushie is made my DaFreckles Plush Ponies)
9 - dandelions

Ponies and guinea pigs are probably my two main passions, and although the other eleven of my piggies don't get cages decked out in a bunch of pony things, Cinnamon and Leafie here certainly do! Cinnamon is the darker one, and Leafie is the white one.
Ponies and guinea pigs are probably my two main passions, and although the other eleven of my piggies don't get cages decked out in a bunch of pony things, Cinnamon and Leafie here certainly do! Cinnamon is the darker one, and Leafie is the white one.
13 Derpy Dog - Legomaniack

Unlike my other dogs, the questionably intelligent 3 legged dog did not notice/ care about the plushie.
Unlike my other dogs, the questionably intelligent 3 legged dog did not notice/ care about the plushie.
16 Kitty Cat with Ponypox! - Jarrah Hooves

My cat is essentially the boss of my household. What she says goes. She wants food? She gets it. She wants to sleep on that brand new shirt? She will. She wants to sit in front of your monitor even though you're trying to finish that essay that's due tomorrow? She will. I think you get the picture. However she has suddenly come down with a mysterious case of the ponypox, brought on by her intense lap-sitting while I've been watching the latest season of MLP
My cat is essentially the boss of my household. What she says goes. She wants food? She gets it. She wants to sleep on that brand new shirt? She will. She wants to sit in front of your monitor even though you're trying to finish that essay that's due tomorrow? She will. I think you get the picture. However she has suddenly come down with a mysterious case of the ponypox, brought on by her intense lap-sitting while I've been watching the latest season of MLP
19 The Excited Cat With His Trixie. - S-apphiiree

This is my cat Milo. As you can see, he really likes his Trixie.
20 Twilight and Trixie's Excellent Adventure! - Silver YunoThis is my cat Milo. As you can see, he really likes his Trixie.
24 Lyra and Charlotte - MegaZachStarr

I didn'tt just go outside and find this bird I actually own 3 Homing Pigeons.
I didn'tt just go outside and find this bird I actually own 3 Homing Pigeons.
28 Dashie and Shelby - Rainbow Pastel

I went to look for my cat to get a picture with Rainbow Dash and I caught her laying on my brother's bed. Shelby is not supposed to be in his room. She's got that busted look on her face XD
I went to look for my cat to get a picture with Rainbow Dash and I caught her laying on my brother's bed. Shelby is not supposed to be in his room. She's got that busted look on her face XD
36 In memory of 13 years of loyalty - Kirbymijumaru

The only last thing that i can do for such a good friend, is to make honor of her name for the last time. For being the best pet you could ask for, rest in peace Darksy
The only last thing that i can do for such a good friend, is to make honor of her name for the last time. For being the best pet you could ask for, rest in peace Darksy
37 - Ayudrs

6 weeks old cockatiel. We decided to call him turtle, because I like to hold him in my palm with only his head sticking out (so he is a turtle). And he was the only bird I could get to stand there for more than a second. He also loves to bite things (after taking the photo he tore up the Tank outfit I put on my beanie baby.)
6 weeks old cockatiel. We decided to call him turtle, because I like to hold him in my palm with only his head sticking out (so he is a turtle). And he was the only bird I could get to stand there for more than a second. He also loves to bite things (after taking the photo he tore up the Tank outfit I put on my beanie baby.)
39 Fluttershy and Summer - SilverLugia

It seems Fluttershy paid me a visit and found one of my two cats that I keep as pets, this one is named Summer and she can be very vocal, especially when it comes to wanting attention and food. She's also very fond of lying on towels, especially when they're fresh from the dryer.
It seems Fluttershy paid me a visit and found one of my two cats that I keep as pets, this one is named Summer and she can be very vocal, especially when it comes to wanting attention and food. She's also very fond of lying on towels, especially when they're fresh from the dryer.
40 Fluttershy and Aeris - SilverLugia

Here we see Fluttershy with my other pet cat, this one is named Aeris ( For those wondering, I was playing Final Fantasy 7 when I first got her, hence the name.) Aeris is a very quiet kitty with a high pitched meow and lots of fur. If the mood hits her right, she'll cuddle up next to you and purr loudly. Not so bad on cold winter nights, but all that fur next to you can be a problem during hot summer nights.
Here we see Fluttershy with my other pet cat, this one is named Aeris ( For those wondering, I was playing Final Fantasy 7 when I first got her, hence the name.) Aeris is a very quiet kitty with a high pitched meow and lots of fur. If the mood hits her right, she'll cuddle up next to you and purr loudly. Not so bad on cold winter nights, but all that fur next to you can be a problem during hot summer nights.
41 Ponies and Pets Entry 2016 - Kidapult

This is my dog Blackberry! She's a French Bulldog that I've had since kindergarten. She was nice and cooperative while I took the picture but she was really confused though. I gave her a treat afterwards for posing with the ponies.
This is my dog Blackberry! She's a French Bulldog that I've had since kindergarten. She was nice and cooperative while I took the picture but she was really confused though. I gave her a treat afterwards for posing with the ponies.
45 Dusty with Fluttershy - DustyTheCat

Here is a picture of my cat, Dusty, with a brushable Fluttershy toy! Fluttershy is great with animals, isn't she? She can even tame the gigantic cat beast... No, actually, Dusty is about as tame as cats come anyway. She's more of a teddy bear than a cat, except she's warmer than a teddy bear and purrs when I pet her. Bonus: There's a Lyra beanie plush in the background on top of a cat plush and in front of a book about cats! Lots of ponies and cats here...
Here is a picture of my cat, Dusty, with a brushable Fluttershy toy! Fluttershy is great with animals, isn't she? She can even tame the gigantic cat beast... No, actually, Dusty is about as tame as cats come anyway. She's more of a teddy bear than a cat, except she's warmer than a teddy bear and purrs when I pet her. Bonus: There's a Lyra beanie plush in the background on top of a cat plush and in front of a book about cats! Lots of ponies and cats here...
46 - ICanSnake

My black kitty cat was sitting obediently at the top of the stairs so I decided, "Why don't I introduce you to one of my other friends?" So I grabbed my other friend (my most favorite pony) and brought her to the top of the stairs too. Lightning Dust, meet Chewy!
My black kitty cat was sitting obediently at the top of the stairs so I decided, "Why don't I introduce you to one of my other friends?" So I grabbed my other friend (my most favorite pony) and brought her to the top of the stairs too. Lightning Dust, meet Chewy!
47 MLP Flutterbat figure with ferrets - Blue Fflames

These are my pet ferrets and they like to play around a lot,hence the way the picture was taken
These are my pet ferrets and they like to play around a lot,hence the way the picture was taken
58 Lazy Afternoons and Lotje - Anne

My OC Lazy Afternoons with my pet cat Lotje. I could also take a picture with her sister but she was running around lol. I wish I could've taken a picture with Theodor instead. He was such a lovely friend. RIP! I added Theodor in as a memorial! <3 -anne.="" a="" also="" around="" for="" i="" lazy="" ll="" make="" me="" picture="" ponies="" stay="" take="" the="" to="" tuned="" with="" world.="">3>
My OC Lazy Afternoons with my pet cat Lotje. I could also take a picture with her sister but she was running around lol. I wish I could've taken a picture with Theodor instead. He was such a lovely friend. RIP! I added Theodor in as a memorial! <3 -anne.="" a="" also="" around="" for="" i="" lazy="" ll="" make="" me="" picture="" ponies="" stay="" take="" the="" to="" tuned="" with="" world.="">3>
59 Laying On The Ass - Frith

Fresh ass, born last Sunday, very soft. And that's how crochet Applejack gets the critters to take their nap down on the farm! Flickr makes getting a direct link difficult. I had to "view page source" and fish this out of all the code.
Fresh ass, born last Sunday, very soft. And that's how crochet Applejack gets the critters to take their nap down on the farm! Flickr makes getting a direct link difficult. I had to "view page source" and fish this out of all the code.
61 Doctor and Flutters with Checkers and Lemon - Jimjams

11th Doctor: Uh fluttershy are you sure this is a safe massage....? Fluttershy: Oh don't worry they are sweethearts. Just 2 of my ponies with my 2 ball pythons Checkers and Lemon. We have cats and a dog but I thought I would do something out of the ordinary.
11th Doctor: Uh fluttershy are you sure this is a safe massage....? Fluttershy: Oh don't worry they are sweethearts. Just 2 of my ponies with my 2 ball pythons Checkers and Lemon. We have cats and a dog but I thought I would do something out of the ordinary.
68 Mystery the cat with Trixie - ThreeScoops

If Trixie isn't afraid of the Ursa Major, then I doubt she'd be afraid of this fluffy feline.
If Trixie isn't afraid of the Ursa Major, then I doubt she'd be afraid of this fluffy feline.
71 Dirk bird-watching with Princess Celestia - Sphynn

Our cat Dirk watching birds with Princess Celestia.
Our cat Dirk watching birds with Princess Celestia.
72 Kitty Cuddling with Fluttershy - Bridleway

This is my cat Dusty. He's as cute as he is mischievous. Dusty earned his name because the first time I saw him, he ran into a nearby dustpan and started swatting the dust bunnies. He's extremely friendly and lovable. At this very moment, he's lying on my lap and purring while I write this. People say dogs are mare's best friend but with Dusty, it's the complete opposite. He's the most loyal companion I've ever known. Whenever I'm feeling depressed or stressed, he'll jump up on my lap and purr as if he's trying to cheer me up. Just like Fluttershy, I have a special connection with my little guy.
This is my cat Dusty. He's as cute as he is mischievous. Dusty earned his name because the first time I saw him, he ran into a nearby dustpan and started swatting the dust bunnies. He's extremely friendly and lovable. At this very moment, he's lying on my lap and purring while I write this. People say dogs are mare's best friend but with Dusty, it's the complete opposite. He's the most loyal companion I've ever known. Whenever I'm feeling depressed or stressed, he'll jump up on my lap and purr as if he's trying to cheer me up. Just like Fluttershy, I have a special connection with my little guy.
73 My Best Buddy - SUP3R Toastr

Just a picture of my cat, Tilly, hugging my Soarin blind bag figure.
Just a picture of my cat, Tilly, hugging my Soarin blind bag figure.
74 Staring Contest - SUP3R Toastr

My cat, Tilly, again. This time she's unsure of what to make of my Funko Pop Doctor Hooves figure.
My cat, Tilly, again. This time she's unsure of what to make of my Funko Pop Doctor Hooves figure.
76 Gizmo and Rainbow Dash - Angel Molina

Here is my dog Gizmo sleeping with a Rainbow Dash plush. He's so cute! :3
Here is my dog Gizmo sleeping with a Rainbow Dash plush. He's so cute! :3
77 AJ and Meredith - Aaron

This is my dog Meredith. She 14 years old and still a ball of energy. She is very loving and a fantastic addition to our family. I barely got her to sit still because she kept wanting to knock down AJ. Guess she's not a big fan of ponies. I'm sure she'll come around :)
This is my dog Meredith. She 14 years old and still a ball of energy. She is very loving and a fantastic addition to our family. I barely got her to sit still because she kept wanting to knock down AJ. Guess she's not a big fan of ponies. I'm sure she'll come around :)
78 Ponypony - Hulkbow SMASH!

My little butthead sporting a Dashie cutie mark pin. Loads of attitude in this small package, but a good kid at heart.
My little butthead sporting a Dashie cutie mark pin. Loads of attitude in this small package, but a good kid at heart.
79 Party Pooper Kitty - Keira Wikingi

This is my pegasister kitty Misty shes been obsessed with ponies since 2014 she plays with the tails of the pony toys a lot cheeky and naughty at times but I love her
This is my pegasister kitty Misty shes been obsessed with ponies since 2014 she plays with the tails of the pony toys a lot cheeky and naughty at times but I love her
80 Rainbowdash with fish - Rednev444

My Rainbowdash plushie with my various tropical fish. They don't have names as theres too many of them to give a different name to.
My Rainbowdash plushie with my various tropical fish. They don't have names as theres too many of them to give a different name to.