The rest of the submissions for the Ponies n' Pets event have been sorted and are ready for your viewing pleasure. AS with yesterday, expect the both highly confused pets, and a bit of dawww as ponies dominate the dogs, cats, rats, horses, and even reptiles of bronies everywhere!
And if you missed yesterday's submissions, get them over here.
Ponies Around the World is next, so start gathering pictures of interesting locations if you plan to travel!
Go get pets and ponies below.
84 Sonic Lens Flare - IronDashie

Well there's not much to say much to say about my dog, Ben. He is an Old English Sheepdog, living here in Ireland, and for his size he is very camp, compared to other dogs that is. He is strangely a very good house dog and as you can see in the picture I can place a toy on his head without him even trying to eat it! It's not very clear in the image but he has one black and one white eye which I think is very cool! Even weirder he has perfect eyesight, excluding his hair that covers his eyes almost completely during the winter. He is about 7 years old and if we didn̢۪t adopt him, unfortunately he would have been put down. I hope this passage will suffice as a good description (sorry if it̢۪s a bit vague) and I look forward to seeing everyone else̢۪s pets! If there is another Ponies n̢۪ Pets I will defiantly post him shaved as that, my friend, is a sight to behold!
Well there's not much to say much to say about my dog, Ben. He is an Old English Sheepdog, living here in Ireland, and for his size he is very camp, compared to other dogs that is. He is strangely a very good house dog and as you can see in the picture I can place a toy on his head without him even trying to eat it! It's not very clear in the image but he has one black and one white eye which I think is very cool! Even weirder he has perfect eyesight, excluding his hair that covers his eyes almost completely during the winter. He is about 7 years old and if we didn̢۪t adopt him, unfortunately he would have been put down. I hope this passage will suffice as a good description (sorry if it̢۪s a bit vague) and I look forward to seeing everyone else̢۪s pets! If there is another Ponies n̢۪ Pets I will defiantly post him shaved as that, my friend, is a sight to behold!
87 Pichy meets Scoots - Steve Piranha

A rare case where Pichy is chilling, otherwise I wouldn't dare to put any of my little ponies near her. She'd rip them apart XD
A rare case where Pichy is chilling, otherwise I wouldn't dare to put any of my little ponies near her. She'd rip them apart XD
88 Exploring the Backyard Jungle - SUP3R Toastr

Tilly decides she wants to go on an adventure and brings along a few friends for the ride!
Tilly decides she wants to go on an adventure and brings along a few friends for the ride!
89 The Battle For Naptime! - Candi

Deathwing is enjoying an evening nap. Unbeknownst to her, Shining Armor is standing guard, ready to fight off Celestia's evil sun. No brightness shall awake the sleeping lizard!
Deathwing is enjoying an evening nap. Unbeknownst to her, Shining Armor is standing guard, ready to fight off Celestia's evil sun. No brightness shall awake the sleeping lizard!
100 Storm and Twilight Sparkle - shoyrumaster11

My pet cat Storm with a Twilight Sparkle soft toy I bought a while back... She doesn't seem to like it very much!
My pet cat Storm with a Twilight Sparkle soft toy I bought a while back... She doesn't seem to like it very much!
103 - Quick Stamp

Themis and Kita took the challenge for being Rainbow Dash's Best Pet Ever in replacement for Tank during winter. Obviously, they couldn't keep up with her...
Themis and Kita took the challenge for being Rainbow Dash's Best Pet Ever in replacement for Tank during winter. Obviously, they couldn't keep up with her...
110 The Grim Retreiver - Revanche

"If you meet the Black Dog once, it shall be for joy; if twice, it shall be for sorrow; and the third time shall bring death." If I say that that's Trixie, do I still get +10 internet points?
"If you meet the Black Dog once, it shall be for joy; if twice, it shall be for sorrow; and the third time shall bring death." If I say that that's Trixie, do I still get +10 internet points?
111 Ponies & Pets - Itcheeee

Had to do two different photos, cats and guinea pigs don't mix well when all out at the same time. ;) Cat nicely posed with best ponies, and Fluttershy looks so caring for the fluffy piggles <3 i="">3>
Had to do two different photos, cats and guinea pigs don't mix well when all out at the same time. ;) Cat nicely posed with best ponies, and Fluttershy looks so caring for the fluffy piggles <3 i="">3>
112 Daring Do and Spitfire deal with Suzy the 9-Year-Old Goldfish's Lack of Attention Span. - Hyper Dash

Suzy was won at a fair 9 years ago and is still not paying attention to the same fish tank.
Suzy was won at a fair 9 years ago and is still not paying attention to the same fish tank.
113 Posing With Fluttershy! (Purebred Persian Kitten) - ElementalFluttershy★

Mikachu is a purebred Persian. He decided to do a silly pose for me! XD Life-size (45") Plushie made by the amazing Agatrix.
Mikachu is a purebred Persian. He decided to do a silly pose for me! XD Life-size (45") Plushie made by the amazing Agatrix.
114 Floof and a herd. - Floof Cat

Oops, a day late, probably won't get in. But, here's Floof, with a pile of ponies on him. Enjoy.
Oops, a day late, probably won't get in. But, here's Floof, with a pile of ponies on him. Enjoy.
115 Vinyl Scratch Meets Lady The Frenchie - IDLift3000

My French Bulldog "Lady" woke up in front of my bedroom door when she suddenly saw Vinyl standing in front of her.
My French Bulldog "Lady" woke up in front of my bedroom door when she suddenly saw Vinyl standing in front of her.