An armada of pony collection items have been submitted this year, with 122 people piling pony toys up in various corners of their living spaces for all of you to enjoy! We have everything from massive single character collages to tsunamis of every pony imaginable dominating an entire room this year. Turns out, 5 years in, bronies collect a lot of ponies.
I wonder how much all of this would go for if we tallied it all up in dollars?
Anyway, go get your pony collections from AROUND THE WORLD below! Be jelly, or be smug that yours is bigger. Whatever you want to do!
3 The pony collection of your friendly french man. - Supermark

Bonjour from France. Here is my prized collection. Splited in two pictures.
Bonjour from France. Here is my prized collection. Splited in two pictures.
4 The pony collection of your friendly french man. - Supermark

And the second one, au revoir, Equestria Daily.
And the second one, au revoir, Equestria Daily.
7 Pony Desk - Dustin Smith

3 Years Of Collecting to amass all this. I started when the first Equestria Girls movie came out in the summer of 2013. Ever since then, it became what you now see.
3 Years Of Collecting to amass all this. I started when the first Equestria Girls movie came out in the summer of 2013. Ever since then, it became what you now see.
8 Most of my pony things - Ethan Moore

There's also a lot of posters, but there wouldn't be enough room to show them
There's also a lot of posters, but there wouldn't be enough room to show them
9 PsychoticBroni's Pony Collection 2016 - James (PsychoticBroni)

Here you can see the stuff I have been collecting since 2012. =D
Here you can see the stuff I have been collecting since 2012. =D
10 Ponyville Behind Glass 4.0 - Norm De Plume

Just went out & bought this new 40 gallon breeder aquarium today, going from a 30x12x12 to a 36x18x16 (length, width, height) inch space. Things were getting crowded in 3.0! Now everypony can breathe for a bit while I get the clouds set up again for the Pegasi.
Just went out & bought this new 40 gallon breeder aquarium today, going from a 30x12x12 to a 36x18x16 (length, width, height) inch space. Things were getting crowded in 3.0! Now everypony can breathe for a bit while I get the clouds set up again for the Pegasi.
12 Equestria Daily: Pony Collection Contest 2016 Entry - Liz Meadow

Hey there people! I decided to submit my current pony collection to EQD for their yearly pony collection contest/compilation! I figured it would be fun and I honestly am not in it to win. I just want to contribute in small ways and celebrate one of the most important things to me: Ponies!!! I'm proud of my collection and i hope to grow it even larger in 2016! :) So I've counted: 7 Plushies 4 Hair Ponies 30 Blind Bag/Small set Figures 6 Custom blind bag figures (1 was a gift and made by a professional) 2 Mini squishy ponies + 3 necklace beads & 1 Pony Pez dispenser No so Fun Fact: The yellow custom blind bag figure in the center is actually my OC (she is peeling now after such a long time) and she was a gift by two very good pegasister friends of mine who both chipped in to get me a custom made figure of my OC for Christmas in 2014 :3 (they also got ones of their OC's :D)
Hey there people! I decided to submit my current pony collection to EQD for their yearly pony collection contest/compilation! I figured it would be fun and I honestly am not in it to win. I just want to contribute in small ways and celebrate one of the most important things to me: Ponies!!! I'm proud of my collection and i hope to grow it even larger in 2016! :) So I've counted: 7 Plushies 4 Hair Ponies 30 Blind Bag/Small set Figures 6 Custom blind bag figures (1 was a gift and made by a professional) 2 Mini squishy ponies + 3 necklace beads & 1 Pony Pez dispenser No so Fun Fact: The yellow custom blind bag figure in the center is actually my OC (she is peeling now after such a long time) and she was a gift by two very good pegasister friends of mine who both chipped in to get me a custom made figure of my OC for Christmas in 2014 :3 (they also got ones of their OC's :D)
14 MLP collection - Zahar Zebra

I prefer to use the name Zahar Zebra rather than my real name. I apologize for the bad angles and quality it was just really hard to take a good picture of all my collection so I had to take multiple pictures from different angles.
I prefer to use the name Zahar Zebra rather than my real name. I apologize for the bad angles and quality it was just really hard to take a good picture of all my collection so I had to take multiple pictures from different angles.
15 MLP Collection 2015-16 in India - Agen Kumar Sahu

So Here's some of my MLP Collection so far.Getting plenty of MLP Merch in India is not an easy task.But so far these merch I got is the best one I got.Will get more of it in the coming years.Eventually.
So Here's some of my MLP Collection so far.Getting plenty of MLP Merch in India is not an easy task.But so far these merch I got is the best one I got.Will get more of it in the coming years.Eventually.
16 Merch Madness 2016 - Justin Blanford

Not shown is my MLP book collection, about 20 posters including a custom printed Trixie poster, and an unopened 2011 gift set and train set.
Not shown is my MLP book collection, about 20 posters including a custom printed Trixie poster, and an unopened 2011 gift set and train set.
17 My Little Pony Collection - Christopher

There's a lot of stuff on here so I had to make the canvas huge, viewers can zoom in to see specific parts more clearly without blur.
There's a lot of stuff on here so I had to make the canvas huge, viewers can zoom in to see specific parts more clearly without blur.
19 The Room of a True Pegasister - Sarah Zulli

-***** link only goes to one collage, use the google drive page url to get to all three collages and tattoo pictures. - collage does not do my room justice. I have 60 EqG dolls, 40-60 pony figures, every book/dvd released to date. an ENTIRE Bed/bath set including curtains, show curtains, foot mat, waste bin, ENTIRE bed set (7 different blankets) and wall decals everywhere. That is JUST the tip of the iceberg. I have Pinkie cosplay and am almost done my Rarity cosplay. I expand my collection everyday. I deal cards and my boss is making my an entire chip set with 8 dif ponies of my choice b/c ther are 8 chip colors. There are the prototypes in the collage. Also I will be volunteering at Brony Con and possibly hosting my own event and I will DEFINITELY be expanding everyday.
-***** link only goes to one collage, use the google drive page url to get to all three collages and tattoo pictures. - collage does not do my room justice. I have 60 EqG dolls, 40-60 pony figures, every book/dvd released to date. an ENTIRE Bed/bath set including curtains, show curtains, foot mat, waste bin, ENTIRE bed set (7 different blankets) and wall decals everywhere. That is JUST the tip of the iceberg. I have Pinkie cosplay and am almost done my Rarity cosplay. I expand my collection everyday. I deal cards and my boss is making my an entire chip set with 8 dif ponies of my choice b/c ther are 8 chip colors. There are the prototypes in the collage. Also I will be volunteering at Brony Con and possibly hosting my own event and I will DEFINITELY be expanding everyday.
20 "Look upon me Equestria, for I am Rarity!'" - Beth

My Pony stuff with Best Pony ( Mi Amore Cadenza) and Second Best Pony ( Rarity).
My Pony stuff with Best Pony ( Mi Amore Cadenza) and Second Best Pony ( Rarity).
21 Red Horse Army - RedFlutterMao

My glories collection took me 4 years to over $1,000 of Pony Merchandise.....Long the Glories Revolution of the comradeship of Equestria.
My glories collection took me 4 years to over $1,000 of Pony Merchandise.....Long the Glories Revolution of the comradeship of Equestria.
22 Partial Pony Collection - Seahawk270

A decent sized chunk of my Pony collection. Shown are my Funko vinyls, most of my pony plushes, and my two favorite commissioned art pieces done by Andy Price and Katie Cook. Not shown are all the other blindbags, figures, trading cards, comic books, original comic art, and everything else that I just don't have room to display...
A decent sized chunk of my Pony collection. Shown are my Funko vinyls, most of my pony plushes, and my two favorite commissioned art pieces done by Andy Price and Katie Cook. Not shown are all the other blindbags, figures, trading cards, comic books, original comic art, and everything else that I just don't have room to display...
23 My Meh-Size Pony Collection! - Kaleb

Contents: 2015 Calendar Daring Do Adventure Collection Small Rainbow Dash figure The Journal of the Two Sisters Rainbow Dash notebook with sketches and notes on all the episodes The Elements of Harmony: The Official Guidebook Large Rainbow Dash plush Small plushes of the Mane 6. All 6 Mane 6 G.M.Berrow books Rainbow Rocks DVD Big Mac Funko 2 Funko blind boxes, Celestia and Queen Chrysalis (whose wing is broken) 2 pack plus foil sticker Series 3 Trading Cards 7 Comics; Friends Forever 2&9, Micro-series 6, Friendship is Magic 9&34&35, Holiday Special 2015 Chrysalis Dog Tag CCG Canterlot Nights Princess Celestia and Rarity theme deck There you go!
Contents: 2015 Calendar Daring Do Adventure Collection Small Rainbow Dash figure The Journal of the Two Sisters Rainbow Dash notebook with sketches and notes on all the episodes The Elements of Harmony: The Official Guidebook Large Rainbow Dash plush Small plushes of the Mane 6. All 6 Mane 6 G.M.Berrow books Rainbow Rocks DVD Big Mac Funko 2 Funko blind boxes, Celestia and Queen Chrysalis (whose wing is broken) 2 pack plus foil sticker Series 3 Trading Cards 7 Comics; Friends Forever 2&9, Micro-series 6, Friendship is Magic 9&34&35, Holiday Special 2015 Chrysalis Dog Tag CCG Canterlot Nights Princess Celestia and Rarity theme deck There you go!
27 My Little Pony Stash - LittleLooney

My pony collection isn't very huge, but it's big enough to share here. Pictured: Ty plushies (Mane 6), Aurora plushie (Twilight Sparkle), Funrise plushies (Vinyl Scratch and Apple Bloom), The Art of Equestria (book), DVD sets (Seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls 1-3), T-shirts (Brony Rainbow Dash T-shirt and custom Twilight Sparkle T-shirt), and my Derpy Hooves drawing.
My pony collection isn't very huge, but it's big enough to share here. Pictured: Ty plushies (Mane 6), Aurora plushie (Twilight Sparkle), Funrise plushies (Vinyl Scratch and Apple Bloom), The Art of Equestria (book), DVD sets (Seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls 1-3), T-shirts (Brony Rainbow Dash T-shirt and custom Twilight Sparkle T-shirt), and my Derpy Hooves drawing.
28 From a table to a room - Reixi2525

2015, I send my photo of the beginning of my collection. I had a few posters and some items was on a table. During the year, I bought 3 showcases and restored 2 of them. I also went to my first brony convention, BronyDays. In my collection, I'm mostly looking for stuff like figures (Funko, WeLoveFine...), handmade items (shadowbox, plushes...), convention items (posters/plushes/conbook...), books & cards and more. Check out my Imgur gallery for full details.
2015, I send my photo of the beginning of my collection. I had a few posters and some items was on a table. During the year, I bought 3 showcases and restored 2 of them. I also went to my first brony convention, BronyDays. In my collection, I'm mostly looking for stuff like figures (Funko, WeLoveFine...), handmade items (shadowbox, plushes...), convention items (posters/plushes/conbook...), books & cards and more. Check out my Imgur gallery for full details.
30 The Red Horse Army - RedFlutterMao

My collection took me over 4 years and over $1000. Long Live the Comradeship of Equestria and Equality for the Pony Masses. Hail to Great Comrade Leader of Starlight Glimmer!!!!!
My collection took me over 4 years and over $1000. Long Live the Comradeship of Equestria and Equality for the Pony Masses. Hail to Great Comrade Leader of Starlight Glimmer!!!!!
34 The Rainbow Dash Collection Part 1 - ajnrules

My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, and early on I made the decision to focus my pony collection on Rainbow Dash. Little did I know that by making my favorite pony a Mane Six character there'd be a lot of things for me to collect. Here is my Rainbow Dash collection, which is 90% of my collection. This entry has mostly my figurines and other items. It's a bit shameful at how small and disorganized it is, especially in the plushie category, but I just don't have the money to spend on luxurious custom made plushies, but I hope it is good enough to be posted on EQD.
My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, and early on I made the decision to focus my pony collection on Rainbow Dash. Little did I know that by making my favorite pony a Mane Six character there'd be a lot of things for me to collect. Here is my Rainbow Dash collection, which is 90% of my collection. This entry has mostly my figurines and other items. It's a bit shameful at how small and disorganized it is, especially in the plushie category, but I just don't have the money to spend on luxurious custom made plushies, but I hope it is good enough to be posted on EQD.
35 The Rainbow Dash Collection Part 2 - ajnrules

My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, and early on I made the decision to focus my pony collection on Rainbow Dash. Little did I know that by making my favorite pony a Mane Six character there'd be a lot of things for me to collect. Here is my Rainbow Dash collection, which is 90% of my collection. This one features most of my Rainbow Dash art (about 90%), of which makes up about half of my art collection. I left a couple of items out because it wouldn't fit on one picture, and I didn't feel like making a collage. It's a bit shameful at how small it is, but it still makes me happy to be able to look at Rainbow Dash every day.
My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, and early on I made the decision to focus my pony collection on Rainbow Dash. Little did I know that by making my favorite pony a Mane Six character there'd be a lot of things for me to collect. Here is my Rainbow Dash collection, which is 90% of my collection. This one features most of my Rainbow Dash art (about 90%), of which makes up about half of my art collection. I left a couple of items out because it wouldn't fit on one picture, and I didn't feel like making a collage. It's a bit shameful at how small it is, but it still makes me happy to be able to look at Rainbow Dash every day.
36 My Pony collection 2016 - Sarah

I've not got much compared to most people, but pony isn't easy to get in the UK. The white paper in the back is a receipt for a T-shirt which has yet to arrive.
I've not got much compared to most people, but pony isn't easy to get in the UK. The white paper in the back is a receipt for a T-shirt which has yet to arrive.
37 MLP Collection March 2016 - Paige

This is 1/2 of my entire collection. The mini sets in boxes on the shelves are Cake Family Babysitting Fun, Elements of Harmony Set, Ponyville Newsmaker Set, and Soaring Pegasus Set. Not pictured: 3 Funko Pop figures (Twilight Sparkle, Vinyl Scratch, Spitfire), Pinkie Pie's Sugarcube Corner "Sweet Shoppe" playset (with Cheese Sandwich and Gummy), the entire Power Ponies Target exclusive individual figures set (minus Mane-iac), a Pinkie Pie bubble blowing figure, a Photo Finish brushable, Twilight Sparkle Build-a-Bear plush, Pinkie Pie bank, Twilight toothbrush/cup set, Fluttershy Design a Pony, Gen. 1 Applejack and 2 baby ponies, a bag full of previous gen. ponies, binder full of trading/blind bag figure cards, Pinkie Pie 25th anniversary giant plush, and a basket full of blind bag doubles. And a bunch more.
This is 1/2 of my entire collection. The mini sets in boxes on the shelves are Cake Family Babysitting Fun, Elements of Harmony Set, Ponyville Newsmaker Set, and Soaring Pegasus Set. Not pictured: 3 Funko Pop figures (Twilight Sparkle, Vinyl Scratch, Spitfire), Pinkie Pie's Sugarcube Corner "Sweet Shoppe" playset (with Cheese Sandwich and Gummy), the entire Power Ponies Target exclusive individual figures set (minus Mane-iac), a Pinkie Pie bubble blowing figure, a Photo Finish brushable, Twilight Sparkle Build-a-Bear plush, Pinkie Pie bank, Twilight toothbrush/cup set, Fluttershy Design a Pony, Gen. 1 Applejack and 2 baby ponies, a bag full of previous gen. ponies, binder full of trading/blind bag figure cards, Pinkie Pie 25th anniversary giant plush, and a basket full of blind bag doubles. And a bunch more.
38 Claw Guru's Pony Collection 2016 - Amanda Gardner

This collection has been growing since early season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
This collection has been growing since early season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
39 Pony Collection Part 1 - Aaron

A lot of my stuff is recent since I became a Brony in June 2015. Favorite ponies include: Maud, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Applejack. At the end of the day though, I love all ponies.
A lot of my stuff is recent since I became a Brony in June 2015. Favorite ponies include: Maud, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Applejack. At the end of the day though, I love all ponies.
40 Pony Collection Part 2 - Aaron

A lot of my stuff is recent since I became a Brony in June 2015. Favorite ponies include: Maud, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Applejack. At the end of the day though, I love all ponies.
A lot of my stuff is recent since I became a Brony in June 2015. Favorite ponies include: Maud, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Applejack. At the end of the day though, I love all ponies.
42 Fluttershy Collection - Amanda Bonner

My sister's Fluttershy collection, or as we call it, the "Flutterbutt Army."
My sister's Fluttershy collection, or as we call it, the "Flutterbutt Army."
43 Ranul Pony collection - Richard hinkley

Here is most of my collection of my little pony I forgot to include a calender and a drawing my friend made
Here is most of my collection of my little pony I forgot to include a calender and a drawing my friend made
44 My collection update TwitterShy - Aimee

This is my collection of about 275 ponies (there are a couple that weren't shown)
This is my collection of about 275 ponies (there are a couple that weren't shown)
48 A Bevy of Pony Merch Piled Atop A Pony Car - MisterNygard

Ponies are good. Ponies on cars are better. Ponies on a pony car with a pony license plate are the best.
Ponies are good. Ponies on cars are better. Ponies on a pony car with a pony license plate are the best.
52 My Collection - sXeBrony

This is most of my collection. Not pictured are the Daring Do book set, the show soundtrack vinyl albums, and the Discord Flutter statue from Welovefine.
This is most of my collection. Not pictured are the Daring Do book set, the show soundtrack vinyl albums, and the Discord Flutter statue from Welovefine.
56 Raincloudboom Prints on the wall - Raincloudboom

This is only one corner of the room that is entirely papered with ponies. I even ran out of room on the walls, and started using the ceiling. There are also about a dozen shirts I wasn't able to include.
This is only one corner of the room that is entirely papered with ponies. I even ran out of room on the walls, and started using the ceiling. There are also about a dozen shirts I wasn't able to include.
58 2016 MLP Dog Tags Collection - SugarLoop

My MLP dog tags collection, with the complete series 1 and 2!
60 my little pony collection - kristofferMy MLP dog tags collection, with the complete series 1 and 2!
61 Pony Collection 1 - Peter

Part 1 of my collection! Loads of shirts, Funko figures, mini figures, Daring Do treasure chest book collection, Comic Con posters and bank!
Part 1 of my collection! Loads of shirts, Funko figures, mini figures, Daring Do treasure chest book collection, Comic Con posters and bank!
62 Pony Collection 2 - Peter

Part 2 of my collection! Comic books, Pacific Pony Con exclusive poster and Mission Belle plushie, Celestia plushie, and autographed comic con exclusive cover of MLP:FIM comic #32 and art book by Tony Fleecs!
Part 2 of my collection! Comic books, Pacific Pony Con exclusive poster and Mission Belle plushie, Celestia plushie, and autographed comic con exclusive cover of MLP:FIM comic #32 and art book by Tony Fleecs!
63 - Kayla

I have 4 photos, one of my general collection, one of my warhammer fantasy Britannia army(made of blind bag ponies), my plushies, and my bookcase show (top shelve fashion ponies, bottom equestra girls and random smaller ponies)
I have 4 photos, one of my general collection, one of my warhammer fantasy Britannia army(made of blind bag ponies), my plushies, and my bookcase show (top shelve fashion ponies, bottom equestra girls and random smaller ponies)
67 LaFayette's collection(1/2) - LaFayette

My fan name is LaFayette, a Japanese brony who lives in Kawasaki city. I have been collecting MLP stuff for some time. These are my MLP toys, T-shirts and art print collections.
My fan name is LaFayette, a Japanese brony who lives in Kawasaki city. I have been collecting MLP stuff for some time. These are my MLP toys, T-shirts and art print collections.
68 LaFayette's collection(2/2) - LaFayette

My fan name is LaFayette, a Japanese brony who lives in Kawasaki city. I have been collecting MLP stuff for some time. These are my MLP plush collection on my bed.
My fan name is LaFayette, a Japanese brony who lives in Kawasaki city. I have been collecting MLP stuff for some time. These are my MLP plush collection on my bed.
69 - LaFayette

My fan name is LaFayette, a Japanese brony who lives in Kawasaki city. I have been collecting MLP stuff for some time.
My fan name is LaFayette, a Japanese brony who lives in Kawasaki city. I have been collecting MLP stuff for some time.
70 The Ultimate Pony Pile - NabbieKitty

My husband, Moongaze (, and I have been collecting pony swag for a few years and we took this photo a while ago to see what all we had.
My husband, Moongaze (, and I have been collecting pony swag for a few years and we took this photo a while ago to see what all we had.
71 - DavinciWolf

I also have most of the comics, but didn't feel like digging them all out for a pic.
I also have most of the comics, but didn't feel like digging them all out for a pic.
72 So Many Pastel Ponies (Part one) - Frith

The deadline looms large! This took hours longer than I thought it would. I stitched together nine pictures. That's nine montages I had to straighten out, download, crop, resize, and fit together in two collages. Then I had to find out how to get the direct URL on a less-than-2,000-pixels size on Flickr. I found that in the embed code for the size I wanted. I also found that a mouse! has chewed a hole! in my Nightmare Moon sweater!! Rats! And mice! Arrrrrghghgh!
The deadline looms large! This took hours longer than I thought it would. I stitched together nine pictures. That's nine montages I had to straighten out, download, crop, resize, and fit together in two collages. Then I had to find out how to get the direct URL on a less-than-2,000-pixels size on Flickr. I found that in the embed code for the size I wanted. I also found that a mouse! has chewed a hole! in my Nightmare Moon sweater!! Rats! And mice! Arrrrrghghgh!
73 So Many Pastel Ponies (Part two) - Frith

So many horses, always watching. And not stomping on the mice!
So many horses, always watching. And not stomping on the mice!
74 The tip of the Iceberg - Pamela "Fluufle Pam" Johnson

There is no point in having a collection if you are not able to share it with others. :-) I excitedly present to you the tip of the iceberg! I've been moving around the past couple years until finding a place big and safe enough. Finally, I've found room to unpack somewhere between 1/8th to 1/4th of my collection. Hopefully by next year, I can show you the whole thing! :-)
There is no point in having a collection if you are not able to share it with others. :-) I excitedly present to you the tip of the iceberg! I've been moving around the past couple years until finding a place big and safe enough. Finally, I've found room to unpack somewhere between 1/8th to 1/4th of my collection. Hopefully by next year, I can show you the whole thing! :-)
75 The Story of How Build-A-Bear Took My Savings - Pamela "Fluffle Pam" Johnson

All of my build-a-bears, and the Gen 1 Sea Ponies, Animal Friends, Twin Sets, Dream Beauties, and years 9-10. Thank you for the opportunity to share my collection with the world. :-)
All of my build-a-bears, and the Gen 1 Sea Ponies, Animal Friends, Twin Sets, Dream Beauties, and years 9-10. Thank you for the opportunity to share my collection with the world. :-)
80 My modest pony stuff - Ãlvaro Alfa Master

This is my collection of things from My Little Pony until now. I know, it's not much because it's very hard to find something here in the region where I live. T_T It's readily apparent how much I love Vinyl Scratch, the shirt was a friend who painted. <3 i="">3>
This is my collection of things from My Little Pony until now. I know, it's not much because it's very hard to find something here in the region where I live. T_T It's readily apparent how much I love Vinyl Scratch, the shirt was a friend who painted. <3 i="">3>
82 2016 Pony Collection - ChatNoir1475

Not my whole collection and my apologies in advance that the picture is so blurry. The figurines are most of the ones in the special 3/5/6 collection sets (except Royal Surprise and Daring Pony) and nearly all in the new FiM collections (except for two! and the Maud Pie/Gummy one came in after this). The main picture doesn't clearly show my two Scholastic fair comic books and the puzzle (where I got the old Flutters figure). The huge blur is metallic stickers. I got posters, cards, card binders, dog tags, CCG cards, notebooks, books, shirt, tape, and pencils. I'm looking forward to making a clearer photo next time. :)
Not my whole collection and my apologies in advance that the picture is so blurry. The figurines are most of the ones in the special 3/5/6 collection sets (except Royal Surprise and Daring Pony) and nearly all in the new FiM collections (except for two! and the Maud Pie/Gummy one came in after this). The main picture doesn't clearly show my two Scholastic fair comic books and the puzzle (where I got the old Flutters figure). The huge blur is metallic stickers. I got posters, cards, card binders, dog tags, CCG cards, notebooks, books, shirt, tape, and pencils. I'm looking forward to making a clearer photo next time. :)
88 Starting collection - Oscar Villa

Not the best picture as it was taken by my dinousaur age phone. This is just what i have since were im from is really hard to get stuff and lets say the brony fans are nonexistant here. The dvd's and the Vinyl figure i got them from a friend and well i said there were for my niece. Also the Equestria girls Mini took me 3 months to find and final got them last week by luck
Not the best picture as it was taken by my dinousaur age phone. This is just what i have since were im from is really hard to get stuff and lets say the brony fans are nonexistant here. The dvd's and the Vinyl figure i got them from a friend and well i said there were for my niece. Also the Equestria girls Mini took me 3 months to find and final got them last week by luck
89 - Ari Kunofsky

This is the majority of my collection I have tons of blankets and clothing missing and actually I took a bunch to a trade and left them in my moms car so I won't have those for another week, but still lots of pony! The two little guys on my pillow are my ocs I hand made the pinto (spotty one)
This is the majority of my collection I have tons of blankets and clothing missing and actually I took a bunch to a trade and left them in my moms car so I won't have those for another week, but still lots of pony! The two little guys on my pillow are my ocs I hand made the pinto (spotty one)
97 Bekuno - Collection Part 2 - Bekuno

This still isn't every last thing, but I have too much to add. Single comics are the full micro series and the normal series issues #1-#13. Other items not shown include mugs, candy containers, stickers, socks, lanyards, bobbleheads, blankets, custom pillows, and custom ponies. I also own an original My Pretty Pony and the electronic Nightmare Moon who did not make it in. Collection was started in 2013, I now own 250+ ponies in just brushables alone.
This still isn't every last thing, but I have too much to add. Single comics are the full micro series and the normal series issues #1-#13. Other items not shown include mugs, candy containers, stickers, socks, lanyards, bobbleheads, blankets, custom pillows, and custom ponies. I also own an original My Pretty Pony and the electronic Nightmare Moon who did not make it in. Collection was started in 2013, I now own 250+ ponies in just brushables alone.
98 My 2016 MLP Merch Collection - Jeffrey A.

About nearly $1000 worth of MLP merch. Had a hard time taking the photo but I'm happy with how it ended up being.
About nearly $1000 worth of MLP merch. Had a hard time taking the photo but I'm happy with how it ended up being.
99 My starting collection - Oscar Villa

The small stuff i managed to get and better version that the last picture.
100 My Pony Collection - TechPonyThe small stuff i managed to get and better version that the last picture.
105 Emerald Breeze's Epic MLP Collection Part 1 - Cate

The first picture of my incredibly massive MLP collection. Including Equestria Girls, large Funkos, Happy Meal Toys, POP Ponies, Brushables and miscellaneous figures. Pretty sure I got most of this stuff within the past year and a half!
The first picture of my incredibly massive MLP collection. Including Equestria Girls, large Funkos, Happy Meal Toys, POP Ponies, Brushables and miscellaneous figures. Pretty sure I got most of this stuff within the past year and a half!
106 Emerald Breeze's Epic MLP Collection Part 2 - Cate

Part 2 of my collection, this time with all my plushies, Funko Mystery Minis and blind bag figures. Also Christmas and Easter ornaments and some other miscellaneous things.
Part 2 of my collection, this time with all my plushies, Funko Mystery Minis and blind bag figures. Also Christmas and Easter ornaments and some other miscellaneous things.
107 kirbies my little pony collection 2016 - kirbie L [aka inuskypie]

hi my names kirbie or as I'm known on youtube as inuskypie, I'm a my little pony toy collector and reviewer so my collection is quite large! ^-^ its best viewed in the video that is linked in the url area, i have comic con pieces as well as all equestria girls dolls, and i even have a display or 2 from some stores/restarunts! thus said u can see from the vid that the collection is so large it takes over 2 full rooms and is now taking over the washroom of my house, i hope u enjoy looking at my collection I'm super proud of it ^-^
hi my names kirbie or as I'm known on youtube as inuskypie, I'm a my little pony toy collector and reviewer so my collection is quite large! ^-^ its best viewed in the video that is linked in the url area, i have comic con pieces as well as all equestria girls dolls, and i even have a display or 2 from some stores/restarunts! thus said u can see from the vid that the collection is so large it takes over 2 full rooms and is now taking over the washroom of my house, i hope u enjoy looking at my collection I'm super proud of it ^-^
112 2016 Collection (1/2) - Trebek

First entry for the 2016 EQD collection event. Includes my more expensive figures, books, favorite comic covers, rare cards and trinkets.
First entry for the 2016 EQD collection event. Includes my more expensive figures, books, favorite comic covers, rare cards and trinkets.
113 2016 Collection (2/2) - Trebek

Second entry for the 2016 EQD collection event. These are some of the nicer prints in my apartment, as well as my disorganized bookshelf.
Second entry for the 2016 EQD collection event. These are some of the nicer prints in my apartment, as well as my disorganized bookshelf.
114 I really like custom ponies - Anto

I actually have a boatload of more pony stuff than this, brushables, vinyl figures, official plushies (even those terrible ones everyone hates), but they're not really all in one place for a good picture. However, I did recently pull together all my custom plush ponies for a picture. Custom plush are my favorite thing to collect anyway. :)
I actually have a boatload of more pony stuff than this, brushables, vinyl figures, official plushies (even those terrible ones everyone hates), but they're not really all in one place for a good picture. However, I did recently pull together all my custom plush ponies for a picture. Custom plush are my favorite thing to collect anyway. :)
115 BraveryTheBrony's Pony Collection 2016 - Bravery

So this is the stuff I've managed to collect since my last collection upload in 2015. I've slowed down collecting things a bit since my room is running low on space. Although after seeming that "Guardians of Harmony" collection coming out this year, I may have to make an exception. Once I move out in a few years I'll have more room for things. Also, not pictured is my Apple Family blind bags and Pinkie Pie Adventures blind bags from the Friendship is Magic Collection. Didn't realize I didn't take pics of them until I made the collage. Sorry everypony!
So this is the stuff I've managed to collect since my last collection upload in 2015. I've slowed down collecting things a bit since my room is running low on space. Although after seeming that "Guardians of Harmony" collection coming out this year, I may have to make an exception. Once I move out in a few years I'll have more room for things. Also, not pictured is my Apple Family blind bags and Pinkie Pie Adventures blind bags from the Friendship is Magic Collection. Didn't realize I didn't take pics of them until I made the collage. Sorry everypony!
116 BraveryTheBrony's Pony Collection 2016 - Bravery

So this is the stuff I've managed to collect since my last collection upload in 2015. I've slowed down collecting things a bit since my room is running low on space. Although after seeming that "Guardians of Harmony" collection coming out this year, I may have to make an exception. Once I move out in a few years I'll have more room for things. Also, not pictured is my Apple Family blind bags and Pinkie Pie Adventures blind bags from the Friendship is Magic Collection. Didn't realize I didn't take pics of them until I made the collage. Sorry everypony!
So this is the stuff I've managed to collect since my last collection upload in 2015. I've slowed down collecting things a bit since my room is running low on space. Although after seeming that "Guardians of Harmony" collection coming out this year, I may have to make an exception. Once I move out in a few years I'll have more room for things. Also, not pictured is my Apple Family blind bags and Pinkie Pie Adventures blind bags from the Friendship is Magic Collection. Didn't realize I didn't take pics of them until I made the collage. Sorry everypony!
119 EQD Pony Collection 2016 - Leon J.B.

All the plushies! And I'm not even close to being done. So many more to get, so many other creators to contact.
120 ThomasUltimate1213's Collection - GiordanoAll the plushies! And I'm not even close to being done. So many more to get, so many other creators to contact.
121 Itcheeee's 2016 collection - Itcheeee
Incomplete but most of my current collection. Due to moving, many items were pictured using stock photos or upictured like most of my MLP comics.
122 - Stephanie