Some more Spotlight artwork tonight my friends! Thanks to Jaedyn for making it for us!
Sorry we're late tonight, got home a bit late from seeing Zootopia. Great movie you guys, go see it if you can! Now, onto the news!
Tonight's Stories
BUCK 2016 Pre-Event in Local UK Press
Got a short article about the BUCK Pre-Event! Check it out at the link below.
Check out the full story here!
Some Awesome Photography
Photography, when things are prepared and done just right, can look absolutely beautiful. It's an art to get everything just right. A wonderful job here by Sara!
Giga Horn Breaker I (Show Accurate Voice Edition)
Got a show accurate version of the impressive Giga Horn Breaker animation from awhile back! Check it out above!
Secrets - Short PMV
Just a short little music video for you guys tonight, check it out.
Fallout Equestria: Duty - Chapter 6
Another chapter of Fallout Equestria: Duty is out! Get the audio reading above.
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
CinemaQuestria Plans for Saturday 12th March
Here is our Saturday schedule which will start at 10:00 AM EST this week. All times shown are in US Eastern Standard Time.
10:00 AM - Kim Possible: Episode 44 - Partners
10:26 AM - We Bare Bears: Season 1, Episode 7 - Burrito
10:37 AM - Motorcity: Episode 13 - Mayhem Night
10:59 AM - Adventure Time: Season 2, Episode 6 - Slow Love
11:11 AM - The Lion Guard: Season 1, Episode 2 - The Rise of Makuu
11:33 AM - The Wild Thornberrys: Season 1, Episode 1 - Flood Warning
11:57 AM - Steven Universe: Season 2, Episode 6 - Sworn to the Sword
12:08 PM - Sym-Bionic Titan: Episode 8 - Shadows of Youth
12:30 PM - Wander Over Yonder - The Legend / The Bad Neighbors [NEW!]
1:00 PM - CQ Saturday Movie: Magical March - The NeverEnding Story
3:00 PM - CQ Riffs: Magical March - The NeverEnding Story III: Return to Fantasia
All of our events can be found at plus you can sign up for our weekly newsletter which will keep you up to date on all we have planned here at CinemaQuestria here.
Hope you can join us here!
Choice of Strength Contest
The first month of Brawny Buck's Sunset Shimmer challenge has wrapped up with seven overall participants and three making video submissions. Everyone who participated showed a great amount of progress and reported feeling better overall. Although the challenge was seldom met, we learn that the set of fifty was not the true goal of this month.
Additionally, Brawny has scrapped the first place qualifying rule of participating in all five months of the challenge. The next challenge is to rekindle yourself with an old hobby or pursue a hobby you've had a quiet interest in. Check out the video for more details.
Project Looking for a Writer
Hi, my name is Matthias, I'm a German brony musician going by the name of "Naturematthe".
A few weeks ago I got the idea for a new project, namely an opera based on the legend of "The Pony of Shadows" (as seen in "Castle Mane-ia", episode 4x03).
"One year after Nightmare Moon was banished the very first Summer Sun Celebration is supposed to be held in the ruins of the old castle. Even though Celestia who has a very special relationship to this place and thus has reservations, she eventually agrees - unaware of a part of Luna that stayed there when she was banished.
Said part of Luna is very ashamed of what happened and wants to reconcile with Celestia, but when the SSC preparations in the old castle come to a start, the thought of a celebration in memory of her banishment turns her sadness and sorrow into rage and anger that eventually take the form of a shadowy figure that later will be known as the Pony of Shadows.
When the celebration eventually takes place, the Pony of Shadows can't take it anymore and decides to confront the visitors and especially Celestia. While the visitors run in fear, Celestia follows the PoS through the castle, eventually leading to a long talk between them. Celestia both apologises for her insensitivity and tries to explain what her idea behind the celebration was. After the PoS returns to her old self and reconciles with Celestia, it can join with the Elements of Harmony to help bringing Luna back."
Since I'm not all that good at writing and since I'm not a native English speaker, I need someone to help me write the dialogues and arias. If you are interested or want to know any details, you can always contact me via Skype, Twitter (Naturematthe for both) or e-mail ( An idea for the overture can be found on my YouTube channel (Naturematthe).
Sincerely, Matthias a.k.a. Naturematthe
Brony Network Stream Weekend
Saturday {3/12/16}
Toonami Pre-Show: [King's Lounge 2]
-Only Yesterday [PG]
3pm CT / 4pm ET / 1pm PT
-From Up on Poppy Hill [PG]
5pm CT / 6pm ET / 3pm PT
-Roadblock [WWE Bronies Special Event] {BN Lounge 9 & 10 Exclusive}
-7pm CT / 8pm ET / 5pm PT
10pm CT / 11pm ET / 8pm PT
-Toonami [King's Lounge 2]
11pm CT / 12 {Midnight} ET / 9pm PT
-Dragon Ball Super {S1 Ep.32} [English Subbed]
2:30am CT / 3:30am ET / 12:30am PT
-Space Dandy {S1 Ep.9}
3am CT / 4am ET / 1am PT
-Rurouni Kenshin {Ep.9}
3:30am CT / 4:30am ET / 1:30am PT
-Digimon Digital Monsters {Mini-Marathon}
4am CT / 5am ET / 2am PT
[BN7] {Channel 1}
[BN Ustream] {Channel 2}
[King's Lounge ] {Channel 1}
[King's Lounge] {Channel 2}
[BN Website] {Links to Episodes & Our Streams in one}
Follow Us on Twitter @TheBronyNetwork / Steam Community Group / BN Deviantart for more News & Updates and BN Dailymotion for New Episodes being uploaded within an hour after airing as well as a replay on BN7 and BN Ustream 10 mins after airing.
CinemaQuestria's Weekday Events: Monday March 14th to Thursday March 17th
Another week of shows and movies on CinemaQuestria! We hope you remembered that clocks have went forward an hour in the US due to Daylight Savings!
~~All times EDT~~
• 4:00p - *BONUS MOVIE* The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter
• 8:00p - *NEW* Pokémon XYZ (A Fiery Rite of Passage!)
• 8:30p - CQ Power Playback: Power Rangers Zeo (A Small Problem / A Season to Remember) [only SD]
• 5:00p - *NEW* ~LIVE~ Equine Episode Examination (Keep Calm and Flutter On)
> EEE is BACK, and during the hiatus we'll be talking about past MLP episodes, starting with season 3! Join us every week as some of the CQ staff get together for a live discussion about an MLP episode, and you're invited to the roundtable! We'll discuss the various aspects of the episode, and what we liked and didn't like. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussion in the chat while we talk on stream!
• 7:45p - Pokémon Advanced (A Bite to Remember / The Lotad Lowdown)
• 8:30p - *NEW* Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Don't Stop Believin')
• 8:50p - CQ Power Playback: Power Rangers Zeo (Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise / Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers) [only SD]
VIEWER-PICK MOVIE NIGHT w/ "The Princess and the Frog" & "The Good Dinosaur"
• 7:00p - March 30th Movie Nominations Announced / Voting Opens
• 7:15p - The Princess and the Frog
• 8:55p - March 23rd movie night winners announced!
• 9:15p - The Good Dinosaur
> Voting for your March 23rd Movies is still OPEN thru Tuesday at noon EDT. Vote here:
> Submit movie suggestions into our movie database system here:
• 8:30p - CQ Power Playback: Power Rangers Zeo (Do I Know You? / Revelations of Gold) [only SD]
Have a great week, and see you on!
MLP IDW Comic Drama PREVIEW:How Rarity Got Her Groovy Back (MLP Micro Series Issue 3)
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
TOP 100 PONY VIDEOS of 2015 (#30-16)
The MBS Show Reviews: My Little Pony Comic Book Friends Forever 20
Hey there bronies and pegasisters.
On this weeks comic reviews, Norman Sanzo, James Corck, Silver Quill and Sapphire Heart Song review the My Little pony Comic Friends Forever 20. Join them as the talk about what they like and didn't like about the comic.
Brony Spotlight Interviews Skybolt
Tonight's Commissions
Metallic Roselle (Artwork)
GetchaNoodleArts (Artwork)
Aurelleah (Artwork)
Siamchuchusplushies (Plushies)
Today In Pony History
March 13, 2011-2015
2011 - Brony Google Map.
2012 - Amy Keating Rogers needs help.
2013 - Ponyvania.
2014 - Maud Pie teaser clip.
2015 - New synopses appear for season 5 episodes.
Twitter: Calpain