What happens when the pony known for her parties (besides Pinkie Pie) meets the being that wants to turn the world into his own personal party? A lighthearted conversation, actually. Check out the voice talents of Nowacking as Vinyl, NDLMongoose as Discord, and It'sAnnaChloem as Octavia in a silly comic dub after the break!
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Shout Factory, the makers of all those hand picked Friendship is Magic episode DVDs we love, have just released a pre-order for their next upcoming release, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Friends And Family. Along with the episodes we might expect to be included on such a titled collection is a Season 6 episode that we've been really excited for.
I'm too shy to spoil it here, so grab the details below!
We Love Fine is running a 29% off sale on all of their tee shirt designs for the day. This includes all of their old, and new stuff that has been released over the years.
If you want pony, have some links, it works on anything though:
Mens Tee Shirts
Womens Tee Shirts
And in other news, they have a new mystery $10 shirt event joining it. Select a fandom, and cross your fingers you don't get a character you hate! Check that out over here.
Thanks to Ryan for sending it.
Get your art below!
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Easter Eggs and Fancy Dresses by PixelKitties
Wow, our email overflowed with submissions over the past day! Thank you very much to everyone for sending this stuff in! From newer pictures from aspiring artists to old gems that I remember seeing years ago, check out all of our Discord Day submissions after the break!
Discord plush V2 - large by lazyperson202
Headering these posts always sucks. There were about 30 in here I wanted up top. Good thing the internet has random number generators.
Below the break, 150 DISCORDS
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Picnic time by Celebi-Yoshi
Discord Day - Blast From the Past: Daddy Discord (PMV), Discord (The Living Tombstone Remix), Chip of Discord (Animation)
by ABagOVicodin
Let's take a trip through time. Just saying that makes me feel old. I remember when I first heard Daddy Discord, and immediately shoved it onto my iTunes. Same with the Discord remix. Chip of Discord on the other hand was a very interesting animation, and adorable to boot! Let's get hit with the nostalgia bat and check out all those videos after the break!
Early Morning Discussion #435
by Calpain
There are a number of chaotic beings in shows, but who do you think is the most scheming and chaotic? It can be a tough call when they all hold so much power.
Morning guys! How are you all today?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Let Chaos Reign!
by Calpain
What an absolutely perfect picture to start off Discord Day! Thank you so much, InuHoshi! That's right, it is Discord Day my friends, are you ready for some chaos?
There is still a chance to send in your material for this chaotic day, so send in your Discord stuff to [email protected]! Unfortunately due to work and classes I can participate today, but the day is in the safe hands of Seth and BagOfVicodin. Hope you all have a lot of fun!
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #637
by Calpain
When you need help make sure to visit your neighborhood Doctor! You'll be right as rain soon, Derpy.
Evening guy! That sure was a quick weekend, huh? Well, we're heading into March now, time for some spring I say!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
[Comedy][Slice of Life][Adventure]
Author: DrakeyC
Description: After another failed attempt to get their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stumble upon a wagon in the woods with a familiar unicorn showmare inside. In awe of Trixie's presence and her tales of travelling across Equestria, they decide she may just be the unicorn to help them get their cutie marks - in stage magic! And it may just be the most difficult trick Trixie's ever attempted.
Cutie Mark Crusader Magicians, Yay! (New Part 12!)
Additional Tags: The CMC become Trixie's apprentices; hijinks ensue -
Season 4 instroduced the concept of The Power Ponies, and Hasbro seemed to think this was going to be a big ticket item for the future with multiple merchandise lines and an entire theme dominated their San Diego Comic Con side that year. Unfortunately, the idea seems to have faded over time.
With only 22 minutes of actual show content, there wasn't a whole lot to play off of here. We could see a triumphant return in the future though!
So, what do you want to see from the Power Ponies if they return in season 6?
THE TANTABUS. Unleash shadow upon the land, or whatever it planned to do. It was really cool anyway.
Go get loads of art below!
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Cover Me! by Rain-Gear
Story: The Sun Will Rise Again
by Calpain
[Tragedy][Adventure][Alternate Universe]
Author: Blade Trail
The Sun Will Rise Again
Princess Celestia has failed.
A thousand years have passed since the greatest tragedy of her long life. A thousand years to search for a way to unlock the truth of the Elements of Harmony, and free her sister from madness. A thousand years wasted.
Now, as the sun sets on the eve of the longest day of the thousandth year, it falls to her to face the darkness once more. Assailed by doubts and fears, Celestia is certain of only one thing: that the sun will rise again.
Even if it means the moon must fall.
Additional Tags: Family isn't always easy.op 3:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Applejack, Author: Blade Trail, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Nightmare Moon, Rarity, Story, Sweetie Belle, Tragedy -
Livestream Sundays and Drawfriend
by CalpainSorry for no streams yesterday guys, I was at the doctor's clinic getting my eye checked out and it took a lot longer than expected. We do have today's streams though with some lovely artists so make sure to check them out!As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4:30pm EST / 1:30pm PST on Sunday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
I bet Twilight has improved in pillow fighting ever since she got those wings. What a filthy cheater. Hey guys, ABagOVicodin here. We're about ready to tackle another one of the Main Six ponies. This time we want to talk about the one that has been with us since the beginning! From an anti-social bookhorse to the Princess of Friendship, leave us your questions about Twilight Sparkle after the break!
This week's topic is: Twilight Sparkle!
Post your questions in the comments below or send them to me on Twitter @ABagOfVicodin. We'll see you soon! -
Greetings, everyone! TheSlorg here with another Pony Spotlight.
Last week was the first time we featured a filly when we highlighted Diamond Tiara. This week continues the youth trend as we unexpectedly received an overwhelming number of votes for another filly. Take the stage, Twist. This is your week!
Additionally, Twist's voice actress, Alexandra Carter, was kind enough to lend us a few moments for an interview. What's her take on Twist, and what would she like to say to you? Find out below the break!
If you always felt like the SFM models didn't have interesting enough eyes, JollyOldCinema over on Deviant Art has released a new pack with refracting eyes. I better see more SFM videos because of this! We rarely get them anymore for whatever reason and I miss it!
Get them over here.
Animation: Becoming a Brony
by Calpain
A short but simple animation that shows what it felt like becoming a Brony for a lot of us when the show first came out years ago. I wonder if the experience really is the same for people getting into pony now?
Anyhow, check out this short animation after the break!
Early Morning Discussion #434
by Calpain
That's what's great about friends: they are always there to watch out for you. Sleep well Rarity, you can finish your work after a good night's rest.
While Rarity is sleeping, how are you all doing? Get some good sleep yourself?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Nightly Discussion #636
by Calpain
Pinkie really can pull off that biker sort of look! Really interesting to see so much of the tail exposed in a pony picture too. They really do have quite the tail under all that hair.
Evening guys, hope you're having a better weekend than I am. Besides just getting over con crud, I now have pink eye. Yay... Hope it goes away soon.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Spotlight Music: The Magic Inside (EnergyTone Remix) / Pinkie's Brew (Francis Vance Remix)
by Sethisto
Pinkie's Brew! When was the last time we saw a remix of that?
Get that one, and an awesome cover of The Magic Inside from EnergyTone and friends below!
1.) Daniel Ingram - The Magic Inside - Cover by EnergyTone [feat. M-G UniNew & Alios] (Remix - Rock)
2.) Pinkie's Brew (Francis Vance Remix) (Remix - Rock)
I've seen this style of ear pop up a lot lately. I'm starting to like giant fluffy ears.
Get your art storm below!
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Rarity- Winter morning by Obpony
Fairly Odd Parents has been going on for a stupid amount of years with it's 10th season currently airing. In a recent episode titled "The Fair Bears", this alicorn was spotted flapping around in the background. Considering the color scheme, I think we all know who she is supposed to be parodying.
Thanks to Sandy for sending it!
If 14 dollars at Teepublic was too much for you, another temporary shirt site Unamee has a sale going on with a bunch of pony shirts available for 11 bucks. It's a mix of new and old designs at the moment, with Starbucks, Disney, and a few other brands getting the ponification.
If you want in on it, get the selection over here.
Thanks to Micheal for sending it.
We don't have any matching genres at all today, so we mix it up! Radiarc returns with another epic orchestral track, followed by Reverbrony combining Pianoa nd Rock for maximum Octavia. Get them both below!
1.) Radiarc - Everything is Mine (Instrumental - Orchestral)
2.) Vacant Abstracts - by Reverbrony (Instrumental - Piano Rock)
For those that don't follow Hasbro's other properties, a recent attempt at reviving their old Jem IP failed spectacularly when movie-goers pretty much completely ignored it after reviewers and fans of the old series ripped it to shreds. Forbes has decided to do a bit of compare/contrast between the upcoming My Little Pony movie, Transformers, and Jem to show what FiM can do to avoid the same fate.
It's a fun little article if you want to kill some time reading. Head on over here to check it out.
Thanks to Damon for sending it!
During a Pride parade in Canada, the Prime Minister decided to team up with a Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cosplay duo for a quick photo. I think the last time we have seen any major world leader involved in ponies was Bill Clinton back in 2012! It doesn't happen nearly enough.
Thanks to C.R.W. and Pegasus for sending it!
Early Morning Discussion #433
by Calpain
Is it just me or does Apple Bloom look like a curious cat here? If so the frog isn't very impressed by her impersonation I must say.
Morning my friends! Welcome to another Saturday, the best day of the week. Ready for some fun?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
by Calpain
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