A long time ago, in a galaxy that just happens to be our own, the Golden Summer of 2011 was just beginning and a flood of pony art, media, and more was spreading across the internet. Among the wave of content came a particular piece that hadn't quite been seen before in the pony fandom: an anthology.
While edits to the show content had been made before they were typically singular works, lasting a few minutes if not a little longer. PONIES - The Anthology turned that all on its head by taking the efforts of several talented Youtubers and combining them into a nearly half hour long, high quality endeavor.
Amazing for its time the production became highly acclaimed and was eventually continued in PONIES - The Anthology II and further installments, installments that last to this day. Not many things from our past can be said to still be going strong five years after pony began, but Anthology bucks that trend and doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon!
Check on after the break for all the main Anthology videos and thanks to the various folks that have suggested this series over the past several history posts.
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What Other Editorials and Posts Would You Like to See, or Topics Covered? How Are You Liking the Current Ones?
by Sethisto
As normal for the beginning of the year, we look for new things to do as the months truck on. Some of the new posts we have added include:
- Pony Spotlights - Diving into a pony each week, from fandom creations to show appearances!
Episode Rewatch - Exploring past episodes, and dropping some nostalgia on how people reacted to them. - Pony History of the Day - Digging into past major events or fandom releases
- ABagOVicodin Editorials - Pretty open to anything there, give him topic ideas!
- We Are Borg Editorials - An collector of all things pony and explorer of even more things pony
- Debates - EQD peoples battle it out over a topic
- Weird Pony Trends - Exploring some of the stranger sides of the SFW fandom
- New interviews - We took a break on these for a while, but have plans to continue them. Expect M.A. Larson next.
We have a few other plans in the works, including an ask blog for Spotlight Splash and Rocket Tier starring our new artists, Allyster Black and Pinipy. The mascots seem to be getting some love lately, and we are always open to more!
We are always looking to do anything else interesting, and improve the current ones. Feedback is valuable. Anything you didn't like about any of these, feel free to express it. We won't bite!
If you have any topics you would like any of those to cover, or ideas for new posts, toss it in the comments.
Season 6 is right around the corner, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun in the meantime. Suggest things!
- Pony Spotlights - Diving into a pony each week, from fandom creations to show appearances!
Nightly Discussion #609
by Calpain
We may all have our favorites, but in the the end the show wouldn't be the same without our main six and Spike! Heck, the show wouldn't be the same with even a single character missing, main, secondary, one shot or otherwise.
So here is to all our lovable pony friends! Woo!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
The incredible Children of the Night animation that landed way back in 2013 during the peak of pony will be seeing a followup from the team over at Duo Cartoonist! This one will close the story off, with the cast of characters introduced in COTN.
Expect to see The Forgotten Mountains some time soon in animatic form. It won't be going for the full animation version this time, but their animatics were always awesome too weren't they?
You can find Children of the Night below the break if you want a refresher. Or to just watch it again. It's totally worth it.
Mega-wide doesn't usually work too well for the top of these posts, but how could I not header it with that?! Look how epic these princesses are!
(Same warning at yesterday. New season 6 pony at the very bottom after a spoiler gap. Don't scroll all the way down if you don't want to see her)
[1] Source
Equilibrium by Bra1nEater
[Slice of Life][Comedy][Human]
Author: The Albinocorn
Description: After putting on the Element of Magic, Sunset Shimmer was shown just how much of a monster she really is. But that wasn't all the Elements did to her. Sunset has now been forced to serve penance by answering any question truthfully and by doing anything asked of her, whether she wants to or not. And she really doesn't want to. Until all of the hatred in her heart is gone, Sunset is at the whim of her peers, unbeknownst to them of course. Can her new "friends" help her down the road to redemption? If not, there's always that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into.
Long Road to Friendship
Spectacular Seven (New Sequel Part 19-21!)
Additional Tags: The journey of a thousand miles...op 3:32 PM
Labels: Author: The Albinocorn, comedy, Complete, Human, Mane 6, Normal, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle -
Livestream Sundays and Drawfriend
by CalpainIt must be a really slow day today as we only have on artist streaming for you guys this Sunday. But even if there is only one artist, the show must go on!Check out our dedicated artist after the break!As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at[email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4:30pm EST / 1:30pm PST on Sunday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
We've seen random European fashion companies hop on the pony bandwagon a few times over the last few years, some with... slightly confusing Scootaloo inspired designs, and it looks like the train isn't stopping any time soon. A new release by Key4communications has revealed Hasbro's 2016 plans, with designer Maria Escoté and others all putting in their 2 bits on what makes Friendship is Magic trendy. Apparently interest for this is pretty high, as various fashion chains have expressed interest in getting in on it.
Go get the google translate below!
Howdy, folks! TheSlorg here once again with another Pony Spotlight, highlighting the in-show personalities of your favorite ponies, and facts you may not have known about them.
This week's pony might take a bit of time to explain. Or perhaps it's: this week's pony might explain a bit of time? Enough punny business. It's time to Spotlight Dr. Hooves!
Furthermore, the main voice actor behind the Doctor has been kind enough to spare a bit of his time for a short interview as well. Head on down below the break to learn more about the Doc, including info from Mr. Peter New himself!
I guess with the release recently, we really don't need this poll anymore do we? It hit 10k votes anyway already, so might as well move on!
I do wonder if that will be part of the future episodes or not. Seems like you all wouldn't care.
What do you think of the new pony revealed earlier in the week?
Go vote! And get the results of candybutt with a baby bump below.
Regardless of what party you support, it's always funny to see a presidential candidate say anything at all about cartoon horses. Over on Ozy.com, someone did a bit of investigative journalism into Ted Cruz's likability. One part in particular was fun:
I’ve just jumped from a hay bale to the upper rung of a bleacher seat — it’s the only way I can see Cruz, surrounded by fans, cameras and boom mics. Now I’m looking down, and the Texan with slicked-back hair, a rugged outdoorsman’s jacket and hiking shoes is talking about ponies. “What’s your favorite My Little Pony?” Cruz asks his tiny supporter, a little girl who is wearing a Rainbow Dash beanie. ”Twilight,” she says. “I have two daughters, and they love Twilight,” Cruz says, before adding, with a grin: “My favorite, though, is Applejack. I just think she’s funny.”
Thanks to Euphgeek for the heads up!
Early Morning Discussion #409
by Calpain
To fly off into the winter wilderness must be a nice and calming experience. If only humans could fly without a machine.
Morning guys! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Nightly Discussion #608
by Calpain
Some classy Octavia tonight for one of our mods! Hope you guys have been getting along with them so far and that things in the NDs have been peaceful.
Speaking of, time to discuss my friends! Let the weekend begin!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Sometimes the Greatest and Most Powerful equine in all of Equestria has an object created in her honor. Sometimes here on EQD, we celebrate the occasion with a post. This may or may not happen often. You've most likely noticed it.
Trixie here is now in glorious cake form for someone named Victor. I don't think I'd be able to eat that cake. It would be too painful to slice poor Trixie up.
Hey guys. Tonight I will be streaming for Equestria Daily as I do some work for the site. To make things interesting, Pinipy will be multistreaming with me after she gets home.
Will be doing a few drawing of Spotlight and rocket, and a cover for an upcoming interview!
Feel free to hop on and be apart of the fun as we draw for a bit.
Mixing it up again, because suddenly the music community is releasing a swarm of great stuff! Below the break, we start it off with FritzyBeat bringing on a bit of relaxation, then ramp up the energy with a Drums and Bass track, and finish with more energy from Panic!
1.) Seagulls - FritzyBeat hugs Port Blue (Vocal - Melodic Ambience / Post Rock)
2.) Flyghtning - The Cider (Flutterpride Remix) (Instrumental - Drums and Bass)
3.) Sun Burst - Panic (Instrumental - Electro House)
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Rock -
It turns out, releasing a single trailer for an upcoming season revitalizes everything. We once again broke the 70 mark with art. Congratulations!
Below the break, get ALL the cartoon horses.
(Note: We won't be able to keep the new pony spoilered for another 3 months, but I'll keep her at the bottom of drawfriend posts with a gap. Don't scroll all the way down if you want to avoid her)
[1] Source
There's No Mistakes with the Friends You Make by CTB-36
Been a fan of the Silly Lyra series? Well Dori-to has now compiled the comics into a small comic book for you guys that includes all the comics up to now, behind the scenes info, descriptions, and even some exclusive artwork!
At $10 (before shipping and tax) it's quite a bargain for 44 pages. So if you're interested in having some Silly Lyra in your life, check the link below to find out how you can order!
Silly Lyra Info Page
Twitter: Calpain -
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Check out our artists after the break!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #74
by Calpain
I know you guys love sweets and while the Roundup has been devoid of them lately I hope this replica sweet Sugarcube Corner helps satisfy your hunger.
Crafts and more after the break my friends! Check them out!
[1] Source
Sugarcube Corner 5 by 1stAstraStudio
Pony Meets World - Season 2 Episode 2
by Calpain
Earlier this month we put up a pretty long live action MLP meets IRL video that you guys seemed to like! They've since released part 2 with all the same silliness of the first part and some decent video effects.
Check it out after the break!
Episode Rewatch - Boast Busters
by Calpain
This is THE episode my friends. Not for any standout reason except for one which would forever change the site of Equestria Daily and make a secondary character into a celebrity in her own right, enduring the test of time and amounting over 26,000 pictures on Derpibooru since her debut.
Cue the fanfare my friends because it is time for Boast Busters and the introduction of The Great and Powerful Trixie! One of only two episodes that writer Chris Savino wrote for the show it's quite possible that she may never even had a chance to exist. It's hard to imagine the fandom without her thanks to the efforts of certain fans (*cough* Seth *cough*) and love her or hate her she has been a part of pony history almost as long as pony!
So let's dive in after the break at some silly scenes from Boast Busters!
Early Morning Discussion #408
by Calpain
Now that just isn't fair, Discord. Using your 4th wall breaking abilities should be against the rules I think.
Morning my friends! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Now this is something you don't see everyday in the pony fandom: An animation/musical series! Created by OhPonyBoy, it reminds me a bit of a rock opera considering it's going to have several parts from the looks of it.
The music is pretty good and even though it is in French there are some rough translations available in the video! Not only that the animation is also of quality and looks like it has one heck of a story to tell.
If you're interested check after the break for the full first episode and check out the crowdfunding project for it below.
Thanks to Tinee and OhPonyBoy himself for sending it in!
Indiegogo Page
Nightly Roundup #1292
by Calpain
Big Mac sometimes doesn't get the recognition he deserves for all his hard work, but after his episode in season 5 I think we all can appreciate the big guy just a little bit more, eh?
News time my friends! Get it all after the break.
Animation: Royal Boop
by Calpain
Is it simple? Yes. Could it have more to it? Absolutely! But is it also cute and good for a quick smile? Heck yeah!
Giving ponies little boops never falls out of style, so to give you guys a little smile tonight have a Royal Booping simulator. Simple and sweet.
Find it after the break! Thanks to Brendan for sending it in.
It is time my fine feathered friends to talk about Canterlot High, Pedestria, whatever it is that you all want to call it! We've talked about Equestria Girls a few times on this site, and I think it's about time to focus a podcast on the topic. From the movies to the comics, we intend to dive into what makes Equestria Girls stand out.
This week's subject is: Equestria Girls! Leave us your questions about Equestria Girls in the comments after the break! -
Nightly Discussion #607
by Calpain
It's been years since I got into a snowball fight! I can only hope it's something I can do with my kids someday.
Sorry I wasn't around for the discussion yesterday! Getting up so early sort of has nap inducing effects, heh. Thanks to Seth for grabbing it last night!
Ready to chat guys?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Hello everyone, ABagOVicodin here! We had a lot of fun talking about the last 5 years of pony, as well as let our hair (mane?) down on a few topics that haven't really been addressed yet. With Phoe, Sethisto, Calpain, TheMaskedFerret, and I, check out our podcast on the fifth year of Equestria Daily after the break!
Today we dawn that season 6 spoiler tag for an entire compilation of the new royal foal revealed yesterday, that only appeared in a single teaser trailer so far. Yeah, that's how bored you all were.
While she didn't quite hit the Chrysalis or Coloratura hype of 50-70 images, for how little we actually have of her, this is impressive.
Anyway, go get 25 of the new foal below!
I don't think these two have ever headered a Drawfriend post before. Have some mascots, then get tons of art below!
(NOTE: For the sake of spoilers, the new royal foal will have a dedicated art post in a few hours. Turns out there are a ton of people drawing her!)
[1] Source
Spotlight Splash and Rocket Tier by Scarlet-Spectrum
Equestria Girls 4 Is Being Presented at a German Toy Fair Spielwarenmesse - Possible Vacation Or School Trip Theme
by Sethisto
We don't yet have images due to limits on photography outside of the Rainbow Dash in a scarf up above, but Spielwarenmesse in Germany apparently has a display of the next round of Equestria Girls toys. As hinted at by Dashie up there, the dolls are apparently travel or vacation themed. The submitter, Ayu, pointed out that it could be a school trip idea, since the clothing is pretty casual and not all wintery.
I'm sure we will find out more next month at Toy Fair. Until then, it's speculation time. What do you think the next EG will be focusing on?
Thanks to Ayu for the image and heads up!
You all know I love me some ponies. Sometimes ponies are used in the wrong situation though. Sometimes ancient, legendary treasures don't need any kind of new age improvements. Sure ponies usually make things better, but this is not one of those things.
That set of cards up there is one of the most sought after in any card game ever. Half of me loves seeing Trixie dominating a Mox Ruby, but the other half is horrified. Could they not print out a fake one and draw Trixie on there? I know tournaments usually allow you to use a proxy if you have the actual card on hand. This... is a little scary.
Thanks to Mike for sending them... I think...
Pony History of the Day: Las Pegasus Unicon - And the Near Collapse of Convention Guests
by Sethisto
The year was 2013, and the Brony fandom had just begun ramping up it's convention domination. We had a few major successful events under our belt, but behind the scenes, Hasbro was still trying to figure out how open they should be in terms of show guests attending community sponsored events.
When Las Pegasus Unicon first contacted us, we were pretty excited. The thought of taking our pony friendship entourage to vegas sounded absolutely awesome. Even if the event itself was boring, we had an awesome city to explore.
How could a convention in one of the cheapest vacation destinations to stay at and fly to, possibly fail? Somehow, this one pulled it off! Learn the behind the scenes tale below the break!
For those looking for a pretty sweet deal with collecting the MLP Comics in a physical format, you really can't get a better deal than the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Omnibuses. Thirteen issues for $24.99 ($1.92 an issue) really is a pretty sweet deal.
And like all trade paperback releases, what's coming in the future is often solicited by Amazon months in advance. Well, the third volume of the Omnibus Series has been listed on Amazon with a tentative release date of June 16th, 2016.
The volume will collect the entire third year of the Friendship is Magic comic series. If you missed that part of the series when it was initially coming out, Amazon has gladly provided a description of the contents to remind everyone of what stories were told.
The adventures continue as the group heads to Canter Creek to investigate a shady land deal; problems near the Everfree Forest start affecting Ponyville; Cheerilee visits her sister; the town gets split into two factions over Ponyville Days; bad apples come alive at Sweet Apple Acres; and an enigmatic new foe brings together some of the most villainous characters in Equestria. Collects issues #25-37 of the ongoing My Little Pony comic series.
If you feel so inclined, you can pre-order the volume from Amazon.com here.
Twitter: The Illustrious Q
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