Nightly Roundup #1281
by Calpain
Just a cute Twilight for tonight from Blastradiuss to end our evening. Isn't she precious?
Evening guys! Ready for some news?
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Comic: Baby Names / Love Is In The Air
by Calpain
Heh, it might be best not to listen to Rainbow when coming up with baby names you guys. Though I do admit it is pretty cool...
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Nightly Discussion #575
by Calpain
Thank goodness our princesses are on the side of good otherwise I bet Equestria would be a totally different place.
Evening my friends! How is your week going so far?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Recruit a professional Broadway singer, turn her into a pony, and the world loves it. "The Magic Inside" doubled the second place winner in this music poll, and there is no doubt that it deserves the love.
I was still personally a huge fan of "I'll Fly" and the Diamond Tiara songs myself.
Anyway, poll results below! Next poll:
Do "Saucy" images in Drawfriend posts bother you?
Go vote!
Gathering from out discussion post earlier, it looks like one simple thing a lot of you recommended was a section for the OC ponies in drawfriend set aside from the canon characters. This, we can do!
Below the break, outside of that incredibly tropical berry bat up there, is your usual canon characters in one spot, and OC's, humanized, and anthro in another. No more digging if you only want the canon ponies!
Now go! Get your art below.
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My new Berry Bat! by DragonGirl983
(Note: The only change this has over the post is shifting OC'S into their own section right below canon. This is otherwise, the same number of OC'S a Drawfriend post would usually have)
EQD Improvement Discussion: What do you like to see us post most? Why did you stop following a specific post?
by Sethisto
Here on EQD, it's always difficult to tell what exactly you all like to see. We've seen portions of the fandom rise and fall over the years in popularity, from the PMV makers to the domination of SFM in 2014. Analysis seems to be steadily growing while episodes are running, though stifled by the hiatus like many other things. In the end, we try to provide a mix of all of it, even if one section sometimes looks largely ignored.
One thing is for sure - being a new creator in an old field is tough. We've seen this most on the music and PMV side. As the fandom gets older, people fall into specific niches and seem less interested in branching out. Even with awesome new musicians rising up all the time, the love for them seems to be dwindling.
Fandom, we need your input! What do you like to see us post most? If you used to follow a specific type of post (PMV, music, art, etc) what drove you away?
I'm going to put a general template below. You don't need to fill it out if you just want to provide a simple comment.
If you can bug your friends that only come for episode posts these days to help provide their input as well, everything helps us build a better EQD for you!
I guess it's an effective courtship display, but it doesn't leave much to the imagination Rainbow. Then again, Rainbow is anything than subtle, right?
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As promised by the powers that be over at Hasbro, the second 13 episodes of season 5 are now available on Netflix as of today in the USA. I am not sure if this will reflect in other countries yet, but it can't hurt to check.
Now go binge watch some pony, then come back and create some things, cause we are low on things to post!
Thanks to Jim, nolan, and Luna for sending it.
Lyra playing with fireflies. Why not. Some day I will go somewhere with these bugs. Until then, they are a complete mystery to me.
Get your 3D pony art below!
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Lyra Heartstrings by indexpony
Author: Pascoite
Description: Sonata Dusk used to have friends. The Dazzlings hung out together all the time and told her what to do, and that's what friends are, right? She has Taco Tuesdays, though, and listening outside the chorus room is pretty cool. But Sunset Shimmer keeps looking at her funny, and oh crap, she's going to interrupt taco time.
On Wings of Ashes
Additional Tags: Sonata learns from Luna's mistakes
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Pascoite, comedy, Fanfiction, Human, Luna, Random, Sonata Dusk, Star-Needed, Story, Sunset Shimmer -
Early Morning Discussion #380
by Calpain
While getting a remake for FF7 is great I do hope that we get a remake of FF6 someday! It was my first Final Fantasy probably my first RPG. Ahh, so many memories.
Morning everyone! Sleep well I hope?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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