Apparently we still haven't posted any kind of update on Funrise Luna. She appeared a while back on Toy Fair and was teased on the Funrise facebook back in August, but anything following that went silent. If you are collecting these though, she has made her way into stores.
This pair in particular were spotted at Toys R' Us for $23.99.
And if going to stores sounds like a huge waste of time thanks to the wonders of Amazon, they are also listed over there, though you will be paying a bit of a premium.
Thanks to Draconis for the heads up!
Nightly Discussion #568
by Calpain
Evening everyone! Getting ready for Christmas? Any plans for the week?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
BronyStudy has returned with a brand new survey that takes a look at the prosocial behaviors and charitable giving of the pony community! They hope to use this data to compare with other fandoms out there to see where we fall in the charity/prosocial spectrum.Plus, if you complete the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for one of several $50 gift cards for Amazon.com! So check on after the break for more details!
Bat pones and snow cones. And if you don't like those things, get a bunch of other pony things below!
[1] Source
Frozen woods by Asimos
Author: Pen Stroke
Description: On the day of the Friendship Games, the veil between two worlds is pierced. The magic of Equestria seeps through the barrier to permeate the world of humanity. Entities begin to come into existence. Lore and legend are gaining flesh, bone, and blood, yielding things both wondrous and horrible. Magic is powerful, but a limited resource. If the world at large discovers its existence, Equestria will become a target. Thus, seven friends agree to keep the secret, but some things will not be hidden away.
Sunset Slayer
Additional Tags: Supernatural Hunting with Sunset Shimmer, Alternate Universeop 14:00
Sildid: Complete, Dark, Everypony, Fanfiction, Human, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Sunset Shimmer -
The Shining Armor focused Volume 5 of the Adventures of Friendship lineup no has a cover. Unfortunately Amazon uploaded a low quality version, but at least you can get a pretty good idea of what it is up there.
This one includes:
My Little Pony: Micro Series #1 (Twilight Sparkle)
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #4 (Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor)
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #26 (Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood)
Pick it up over here!
Seems like whenever anypony uses time travel it doesn't go quite right, whether it be for the pony doing the time traveling themselves or the ponies around them. Oh well, at least Sunset has some awesome patience.
Comic time! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
We weren't sure what to do with this one, so lets let all of you speculate on it! Meghan McCarthy tweeted this over to Mike Vogel the other day. And he responded with this:
Considering they are both involved in the MLP movie, it wouldn't be too far fetched to figure it pertains to that. Is the script possibly finished? That would be the most logical conclusion.
What do you think? Speculate in the comments!
Thanks to Ryan and Stefano for sending it!
Early Morning Discussion #375
by Calpain
Watch out there AJ! If you get anymore Hoofsies you're going to make all of Rara's fans jealous!
Morning my friends, ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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