Nightly Roundup #1278
by Calpain
How about a mane six header for tonight to celebrate our favorite ponies? We all may have our favorites, but the show wouldn't be the show we love without these six wonderful equines!
News time my friends! Get it all after the break.
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Remember that one time when Rainbow Dash tried to audition for Fluttershy's Hearths Warming Eve play, but was a horrible actor and ended up as Rudolph the red nosed reindeer instead, but for some reason the red nose wouldn't stay on her snout so the entire show was postponed for a week while they waiting for a new nose to arrive? Good times. I do question Rarity's judgement when working with the offended Reindeer in the audience though.
Get your simple PMV below!
Pacific PonyCon 2016 is just around the corner and they have a couple more people to announce for the event! They are pleased to announce the attendance of both Peter New and comic artist Tony Fleecs to next year's event.
They also have a lot of details on registering, events, and more after the break!
Check on after the break for the full details!
Nightly Discussion #564
by Calpain
Days focused on the family must be a bit tough for the Apple Clan, especially since there is quite a bit of evidence showing that AJ's parents have passed on. But they manage to push on and enjoy what they do have which is one of the reasons I really like the Apple Family, they're tough ponies!
For those of you having a holiday without a loved one this year, take some solace in that you aren't alone and that those who have moved on will undoubtedly wish you were happy this holiday season.
Evening guys! Another day down, eh? Ready for chat?
Aww, Seth used the pic I had planned for tonight. Have another AJ pic by Ardail!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Feels most unleash. Lots of good Applejack today actually.
Go get your art pile below!
[1] Source
The Apple of My Eye by Ardail
The new design of My Little Pony starting with G4 has made the concept of crossovers beyond easy. Their semi-anthro stances and giant facial expressions has caused a massive surge in ponification over the years.
The brony fandom is, at it's core, a bunch of pop culture geeks. I doubt pony is the only thing you take part in out there in the wide world of entertainment. Thanks to this proliferation of people from all walks of the nerd spectrum, cartoon equines have been just about everywhere.
Below the break, lets dig into 10 of the best over the last 5 years! Expect ponies being awesome, cause that how we roll.
Plushie Compilation #208
by Calpain
Rarity hasn't gotten a plushie header in awhile! Even if she is in her Nightmare form I bet she'd be happy considering how fabulous this plushie looks.
Cuddle time with plush friends guys! Get them after the break!
[1] Source
Nightmare Rarity Custom Plush by Nazegoreng
Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the Tumblr Spotlight! We've got a nice mix of OC, crossover, and canon pony stuff today for you guys to dive into. As always we're looking for ever more tumblrs as my email list gets smaller and smaller so check out the instructions below to submit your tumblr or a friend's today! After some cleaning the email list is down to 50 emails since the last update!
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com or my Twitter for review and filing. Mature themed ones (PG-13) are welcome as well! You can find a list of what has been submitted before on our handy artist list!
Update: If you have been featured before and were in hiatus and are coming back you can inform me at calpain@equestriadaily.com! I am starting a section at the end of spotlights that will point out tumblrs coming out of hiatus so people can check them out.
Dang, this one hits a little close to home. When I was in high school I had a crush similar to this scenario. I really feel for you Spitfire!
Comic time! Click for full!
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Twitter: Calpain -
For all you brushable collectors out there that gotta catch em' all, Amazon now has the Explore Equestria Rarity and Fluttershy sets available. Each one comes with a set of accessories, the carrying case, and the brushable.
Head on down below the break for more images!
Thanks to Istas for sending them.
[Slice of Life][Human]
Author: SkycatcherEQ
Description: When Sunset saw Sonata Dusk return to CHS, and experience a very familiar treatment, she encouraged her friends to reach out to the Dazzlings just as they'd done for her after the Fall Formal. Several months later, Aria and Sonata have come to discover some joy in their new life-after-magic. Adagio, however, has continued to refuse the offer—out of bitterness, spite and an unwillingness to give those 'rainbooms' the satisfaction of seeing her break. But what she has yet to realize is that clinging to this resentment is hurting no one but herself.
An Open Door
Messenger (Sequel)
Additional Tags: Adagio's journey forward following Rainbow Rocksop 10:00 AM
Labels: Adiago Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Complete, Fanfiction, Human, Normal, Sonata Dusk, Star-Needed, Story, Sunset Shimmer -
Al 10 million subscribers of the Watch Mojo Youtube channel got a blast of pony yesterday in their 10 top TV moments of 2015. Friendship is Magic's "Slice of Life" got itself an honorable mention. I guess they have a fan on staff?
Celebrate below by discussion how amazing Derpy and Dr. Hooves are together. And get the video below.
Early Morning Discussion #371
by Calpain
Just some Daring Do to whip you guys into shape this morning! You all ready for a good Thursday?
Get to chattering in the comments! Sorry there hasn't been a discussion for awhile, Seth kept moving it back a day.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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