Nightly Roundup #1271
by Calpain
People sure do like the style of battle hardened Rainbow Dash. Thankfully this timeline or any of the others never happened as it is hard to imagine the pain of our ponies losing not only losing integral parts of themselves like Dash did or the thought of ponies dying in general.
It certainly puts into perspective how much we love our ponies to not see them hurt and how much Equestria owes to our heroes.
News time guys, get it after the break.
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Nightly Discussion #547
by Calpain
When you push things too far with your hatred you can very often end up destroying everything else you care for in the process. What's the point of revenge if you lose everything? Can you really say you're the winner?
Evening everyone, another weekend has come and gone. Are you ready for the week ahead?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Spotlight Music: Equality
by Calpain
Michelle and Gabe have teamed up once again for another jamming tune! Amazing how a few years ago these two hadn't even released their first duet together. Man does time fly!
Check on after the break for their latest: Equality!
BOOOOOKS. So many books. Dodge them Twilight! Escape the BOOOKS!
Get your wallpapers below. Or just set it to books.
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B O O K S by theGraid
Timeline Shattering Comics: Applejack's... / Twilight's Job / Twist / Hmmm? / Should have Ended / ES Find #141
by Sethisto
Woah... I never thought of that one. We have comics. Some sad, some funny, others with no real ending, and an update. Click for full!
Just a friendly reminder to those of you who are creating original pieces for AJ Day that there are two days till the day itself so make sure to get your stuff submitted! Make sure to send it all to submit@equestriadaily.com with AJ Day to start your header.
Also, I have been looking at the suggestions you guys have been giving for the other ponies and I love World Book Day in April for Twilight, Feb 1st for Rainbow as it is her birthday, and the week between Christmas and New Years sounds great for Rarity. Solstices sound great for the Princesses too by the way.
What other suggestions can you give me guys? Maybe Earth Day for Fluttershy?
Check after the break for some more reminders of some of our events!
Starlight Glimmer gave us a HUGE amount of content to play around with with her mutliple broken timelines. Because of this, we got pretty much double the drawfriend we've had for the past few months.
Head on down below the break for epic ponies, sleepy ponies, war ponies, tribal ponies, and 100% more sauce than yesterday.
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Lost in Time, Lost in Space by Huussii
4DE recently got a massive delivery on pony plushies, and some of their sales appear to be popping up over on Amazon. Pretty much the whole current-wave set is available, including:
Rainbow Dash
Dr. Hooves (Both versions)
Princess Twilight Sparkle (Closed wings)
Orders over $35 are free for shipping, so ordering two of these, or one and something else should get you in on that. I know a few people that were worried about shipping with these plushies in particular. Now you get to dodge that.
Thanks to Catsrock4 for the heads up!
This season has gone in circles a lot. Completing them, I mean. Not making them.
We've had characters long since scrubbed from the show return with aplomb, completed a long-overdue but perfectly timed arc for three central characters, and even had an entire episode based on a ten second throwaway scene from the very first pilot. It's all been a poignant reminder of how far the show, every pony in it, and everyone making it possible has come. As it comes to a close, it's seeming like we're going to need a heck of a lot of icing for this cake.
Leave that monumental task to Josh Haber, who seems to have a thing for alternate timelines or something.
It might be a while before the show returns to the air, but just like Thanksgiving leftovers there's plenty to keep us entertained in the meantime. And as always, it is my solemn duty to give that sendoff by making fun of every last thing I can.
Below the break, the followup for Starswirl The Bearded Destroys Equestria With Paper.
Ending this poll way early, because we totally have an answer now! It looks like most of you didn't want her redeemed. How did you like how they handled it though? Did the finale change your mind at all?
Next poll:
Which alternate world was the best?
Get it on the side bar, and get the results of this one below the break!
Spotlight Music: Friends are always there for you (JoinedTheHerd Remix) / Of Stripes, Herbs and Potions
by Sethisto
Starlight's new song already got a remix. That was fast. Get that, and some Zecora below! She totally sacrificed herself for Equestria and deserves tons of love for it!
1.) Of Stripes, Herbs and Potions (Instrumental - Ethnic / Orchestral)
2.) Friends are always there for you (JoinedTheHerd Remix) (Remix - Electronic)
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-Fanfiction, Orchestral -
Comic: Rookie Mistake / Starlight Glimmercomic / Fallout: Regime of Equality / Diamond and Dazzle - Sleepover
by Sethisto
Starlight is getting some comic love. This is a wonderful day. Click for full!
(Warning: Comic #3 contains some Fallout Equestria gore. Society says this is OK. No butts though. Wouldn't want to terrify people. You are safe)
Early Morning Discussion #355
by Calpain
Starlight might have just been a unicorn, but her plan if it had worked would have had the most dire consequences for Equestria out of all the enemies we've seen in the show combined.
What can we expect from a villain next season? What sort of chaos can they cause beyond messing with time and space itself? I guess we'll just have to see.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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