Nightly Roundup #1270
by Calpain
Oh boy Pinkie, I really hope that is just a very convincing hay turkey or something. Though Spike will be sorely disappointed I'm sure.
News time guys! Hope you have a great day tomorrow.
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For those of you Bronies who live south ofthe ditchThe Rio Grande (how small that river has become in some areas truly breaks my heart) there has been a little update for the series coming out soon. It's been delayed, and is now scheduled to be released in January of 2016 as opposed to December of 2015.
Now, the reason for the delay is simple. According to Panini Comic's announcement on their Facebook Page: the December 2015 release was Panini's initial targeted release date. However as that release date got closer and closer, they realized that they weren't going to hit that target and decided to push it back to a timeframe that they will hit.
Of course, Equestria Daily will be keeping you up to date on the release of these comics.
Special thanks to Chevistan1 for the heads up!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Everfree Northwest's PMV Contest!
by Calpain
We've got a new contest from EFNW to announce! You guys like to make PMVs? Well, now is your chance to participate! Check it out below.
You like Ponies? Music? How about Videos? Well, Everfree Northwest is combining all these fantastical things into one awesome Pony Music Video (PMV) contest! With both Judge’s Awards and Attendee-Voting at the convention, it's sure to be a good test of your mettle!
If you create, consider this your open call for submissions! Whether an animator, a studio or just a person who can rock premiere, movie maker, Imovie etc... We want you to submit a PMV before March 13th! Contest details and rules at:https://everfreenw.com/events/pmv-contest
If you love watching PMVs, consider this your notice to view and vote! Come down to Everfree Northwest on May 13 – 15 at the Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport for all the fun. Buy your passes at: https://everfreenw.com/register Twitter: Calpain -
Power! Unlimited power!
At least that's what it feels like at times when I'm posting these Single Panel Out of Context Sneak Peeks. Of course, all the power of the sneak peeks lies with the artists—in this case the very talented Brenda Hickey who tossed up this current sneak peek on her Instagram account.
So what did Brenda draw for the upcoming team up issue featuring Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle? Well, if you like being spoiled and traveling down the dark path, you can see for yourself after the break!
Nightly Discussion #543
by Calpain
Oh boy, it's that time again. Time for my wallet to suffer all in the name of Steam.
Evening my good friends! Ready for some chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
If the Entertainment Earth pack was a bit too much of a commitment, the Equestria Girls mini figures have now appeared over on Amazon. Unfortunately they aren't yet available for pre-order or purchase, but that will probably change soon.
The good thing is, we got huge images of all of them now. Head on down below the break for the listings, as well as large size screenshots of what you can expect to get!
We haven't had party horse up here in forever. Might as well do that for this one.
Get the art storm below!
[1] Source
Sperare by SaddnessPony by SaddnessPony
And a new banner from K-I-A-R-A! I don't think we have ever had a claymation thing up there! Less than a week left before November banners close!
Author: NorrisThePony
Description: Things aren't going well between Celestia and Luna. As tensions grow between them, it is quite clear that they simply aren't the same ponies they once were. Instead of risking the loss of each other's companionship, both agree that perhaps some distance would help them recover a little. Besides, Celestia could use the vacation anyways. But the beach town of Dusk Falls is hardly the peaceful and quiet abode Celestia had been expecting. Amongst the boardwalks and carousels a sinister plot is unfolding, as trouble rises both in the heart of Equestria and in Celestia's new home.
Dusk Falls (New Part 13!)
Additional Tags: Celestia battles a stepford-suburbian cult.op 3:32 PM
Labels: Adventure, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Not-Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Story -
Guess that's one of the consequences you didn't think of, eh Cadance? With a frame as skinny as yours everyone is going to be able to tell you have a bun in the oven soon enough.
Comic time! Click for full!
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Twitter: Calpain -
Well… I see Tony Fleecs was serious about including more Discord on his covers! Just look at him being all angry eyes at… apparently some pony off screen. Joining him apparently are some changelings, a buzzard, and somepony who clearly has a ego the size of a small planet…
Anyways! My Little Pony: Art is Magic included this beautiful Hot Topic Exclusive Cover inside of its pages! Featuring Discord! Gilda! And the Great and Powerful Braggart!
As always, this cover is not yet listed on Hot Topic's website. And at the rate these covers are showing up on their site, your best bet is of course to pick it up in store!
For those of you interested in seeing the whole image, Tony Fleecs graciously tossed it up! Check it out!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Sometimes you all amaze me. It's hard to do that with 5 years under my belt, but it still happens. This is one of those times. Someone going by the name of Kristopher has put together a whopping 19,000 Legos to create this gigantic, 75 inch squared Luna portrait. I can't even draw Luna, much less create her out of a humongous pile of plastic bricks.
Get another image below!
If you follow me at all outside of EQD chat boxes, you probably know that I'm a pretty huge proponent for ponifying absolutely everything. Harry Potter? Ponify it. World of Warcraft? Ponify it. Shawshank Redemption? Morgan Freeman would make a great pony. Imagine my amazement when I opened the submit box to find this.
Did we need to ponify raptors? Probably not. But why not celebrate it now that it has already been done? Look at how cute Fluttershy's talons are. Best raptor.
Get a bunch of images and a place to get it below!
Making one of their first appearances since being reformed this season, the voices of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara are making their way to EFNW next year! That's right, Chantal Strand (Diamond Tiara) and Shannon Chan-Kent (Singing voice for Pinkie and VA for Silver Spoon) will be attending this coming year!
Check on after the break for the full details.
Happy Black Friday week! Yep, it's a week long now. Or a month in some cases! We Love Fine has been doing daily deals on various fandoms, and today marks the start of the My Little Pony section until the 27th of the month.All the pony stuff is now available at a reduced price with the following codes:
Use code MLPFAN15 for 15% off all purchasesUse code MLPFAN25 for 25% off purchase over $75
Head on over here for pony stuff!
Pony Riding Up Into Space
by Calpain
A Brony working at the NASA facilities in Florida decided to do something a bit exciting! They decided to put a little pony on one of the resupply crates heading to the International Space Station. Scheduled to ride up on the Progress 62P craft on December 21st, this pony will join the few ponies that have made it into space so far!
Fare well little pony!
Twitter: Calpain -
What is looking to be one of the next major fan animation projects has released an animatic style showcase of their upcoming project. If you aren't sure what that is, be sure to catch up on their earlier promo. It's pretty awesome looking.
Anyway, go get it below!
Early Morning Discussion #352
by Calpain
Amazing that Pinkamena, the dark side of Pinkie, has hung on for so long. I guess people really like this alter ego, huh?
Time for some morning chat!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here.
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