Lots of sneak peeks today… and that has absolutely nothing to do with me not keeping up with the various IDW Artists as they post stuff.
*shifty eyes*
Anyways, Tony Fleecs has tossed up a couple of sneak peeks on his Instagram account showcasing some of his interior work on Friends Forever #24. If you don't like cute little pieces of flying bacon, ham, pork loin, pork chops, spareribs, and baby back ribs you may definitely want to avoid what's below the break.
As for me, for some reason I wish I was currently in Dallas with the rest of fandom for an after Nightmare Nights sweet Texas Barbecue.
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To the surprise of just about no one, the Dailymotion episode uploads may be following Youtube into deletion oblivion. I'm pretty sure most of us were just counting the days until it happened. As of right now, only a few have been hit, with even yesterday's upload remaining untouched.
The site does have a ContentID system similar to Youtube, though it appears to be much less aggressive. Chances are, people will find ways around it for initial uploads followed by takedowns a day or two later, but for now, only old things that are freely buyable over on iTunes and Google Play have been hit.
Thanks to Mier and Maik for the heads up!
What do you think of this new ship? Is it the replacement for Cheerimac? Will we ever hear of Fluttermac again? Are two super shy ponies even a good match?
Get the art below!
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Sharing is caring by KitsuneHino
Comic: Hearthbreakers - Deleted Scene / Celestia's Letter / Thou Art Welcome / Choosing Stone
by SethistoPonies are motin, Celestia is reading letters, and the Pie family is kinda creepy. Click for full!
The holidays bring us all together to celebrate and give thanks, then get torn apart by dumb family arguments that no one even remembers how they started. Apparently ponies go through the same things each year, how relatable!
It's the perfect time of year to sing Nightmare Before Christmas carols and dive right into a followup all about the Pies, the Apples, and Hearth's Warming Eve!
For those wondering when the IDW Comics will catch up with the events of Crusaders of the Lost Mark, please keep in mind that it was nearly a year after Magical Mystery Cure that Twilight got her wings in the comics. So if the CMC are still blank flanks and Diamond Tiara is still a snit for a little while in the comics it's nothing to worry about. The comics will catch-up.
Now with that out of the way, Agnes Garbowska has been one busy little artist on her Instagram account! Tossing up sneak peeks like it's no body's business for MLP:FiM #38!
On a completely unrelated note, I should really create an Instagram account to check everyday for updates.
Anyways, you can check out all those single panel out of context sneak peeks after the break! If you can stomach spoilers that is.
The movie may not have been a huge success back during the dawn of the super hero film, but that doesn't mean the lore itself is any less interesting. Ponies are a group, and a group can easily be lanterned!
This pack includes all of the mane 6, plus Trixie and Derpy. If you want them for your very own SFM shenanigans, head on over here!
Thanks to Craig for sending them!
For those still following the world of Them's Fightin' Herds, a new Book of Lore chapter has been released covering their Alpaca character, Paprika. Even though the kickstarter is over, we have decided to keep posting updates on the game, as It's a pretty big deal for our our insane fandom here even if it's not directly pony.
Go read over here!
Thanks to Jaren and
We finally have a preview of the upcoming Friends Forever comic #22! For those that missed out first look, this one stars Celestia and Pinkie Pie.
Head on down below the break for three pages to get you ready for it!
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