Nightly Roundup #1254
by Calpain
Even the toughest of ponies have to cry sometimes. AJ has been through a lot with her family and sometimes it's best just to let everything out.
News time my friends! Get it all after the break.
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Pony continues it's hostile takeover of all things purchasable. I'm half expecting that special edition pony Lambo around the release of the movie. It will happen some time...
Above, we have a new hat with a bunch of characters that don't usually invade the more random items out there. Thanks to Framwinkle for sending that one! You can find it at Toys R' Us
And head on down below the break for a boatload of random merch!
Nightly Discussion #498
by Calpain
Even though Diamond Tiara's redemption was pretty swift I'm glad to see that her being a bully had roots in her upbringing and that there was more to her than being a one dimensional baddie. It was rather clever that Diamond Tiara started the CMC on their quest for their cutie marks and it was Diamond Tiara in end that closed that arc.
I wonder what other surprises are waiting for us this season?
Another weekend draws to a close my friends! Ready to chat about it?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
I'm prepared for the swarm of remixes for this episode. Vote for Pip needs it.
Get some songs below!
1.) We'll Make Our Mark (Yoshi's Story Remix) (Remix - Mashup)
2.) Plum Creek Rhythm Section - Wouldn't You Like to Know [Official Lyric Video] (Vocal - Pop Rock)
3.) Neighsayer - The Apple Peddler (Instrumental - Acoustic)
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Mashup, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Rock -
Good news for all of you outside the USA that wanted to contribute to the event and still win things! We've worked out a deal to get you guys in on the prize action. If you have no idea what the prizes are, head on over to the hub post. All three Hikari Rainbow Dash figures along with the Cadance and Spike are now for ALL!
And in other news, quite a few weren't too keen on the October 29th deadline for everything. This event will now take place over the next three months, with separate deadlines for Halloween, Thanksgiving/Autumn, and December holiday banners, each with their specific Rainbow Dash hikari figure up for grabs.
New deadlines:
Halloween banners - October 26th at 11:59 PM PST
Thanksgiving/Autumn banners - November 20th at 11:59 PST
December Holidays banners - December 10th at 11:59 PST
Twilight has known pranksters for awhile now so you'd think she would have developed some sort of defense against such things. But I guess she wouldn't be so adorkable if she wasn't so easy to prank.
Comic time! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
So that happened yesterday. Turns out you all really liked it. I'm pretty sure this is the most Cutie Mark Crusader filled drawfriend post ever.
Head on down below for them, along with a bunch of other cartoon horses!
[1] Source
'Every Blank Flank Needs Our Help!' by NCMares
Things are heating up for next year as Everfree Northwest proudly announces three very special guests! With the likes of Peter New, Black Gryph0n and Michelle Creber appearing at the event, this con is off to a fantastic start!
Interested in joining in? Check on after the break for the full press release!
While studies such as the Brony Study have been gathering quantitative data on the fandom for a few years now, Research is Magic is hoping to do something just a little bit different. They have started a new project that hopes to collect a Historical Narrative of the fandom!They're wishing for your help though so check on after the break for the full details!
"I do too know Celestia's prayer!" Diamond insisted, her cheeks glowing with heat.If anything, the smirk on Apple Bloom's face only made her even more infuriating. "Well, I'd love to hear you say it," she replied. Addressing the rest of the class now, her toothy grin grew wider. "Wouldn't you like to hear Diamond Tiara recite Celestia's Prayer?"Backed into a corner by the apelike cheers of her constituents, Diamond Tiara had no choice but to accept. "If the media wouldn't mind turning off all their recording devices and closing their eyes..." she said, doing her best to wipe away her sullen mood as the crowd fell silent on the other side of her podium. Did she know Celestia's Prayer, Apple Bloom had the nerve to ask. Of course she knew it! A baby with a concussion could've recited the stupid thing!Now... how did it start again?"Our Mother... Art, who is up in heaven," she began slowly. "Aloe Vera be thy name. The thigh... thy kingdom... the magic kingdom! As it is in Equestria in, um...""Snakes! Why'd it have to be snakes?!"By some miracle, the sudden shout turned every eye in the classroom away from Diamond. Unfortunately, its source evidently didn't see fit to stop once they landed on him instead. "I hate snakes, Scootaloo!" Pipsqueak shouted from the back of the room, a dusty brown fedora on his head and a bullwhip looped around his hoof. "And Nazis, and communists, and uh... um..."The attention of everypony around him finally brought a blush to Pipsqueak's cheeks. With silence restored, Diamond took the opportunity to fill it again. "What are you doing?"Pipsqueak bit his lip, the small motion enough to send his hat sliding over his eyes. "It's..." he mumbled as he pushed it back up. "It's the movie reference. We always start off with a... what movie are we referencing?""It's The Campaign, idiot!" Silver Spoon shouted from off-screen. "We voted on it last week!""Well, I voted for Indiana Jones!" Scootaloo shouted back, likewise out of the proverbial shot."It doesn't matter what you voted for. We had a majority!""Nuh-uh!""Yeah-huh!"As confusion grew up into full-blown pandemonium, Sweetie Belle turned to Apple Bloom and sighed. "You'd think he'd know better by now than to do this every time.""Speak for yourself," Apple Bloom muttered as she shoved a deck of playing cards back inside her desk. "I voted for House of Cards."
Story: "I'm great fun at parties, I swear!"
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Raugos
Description: Vinyl Scratch never expected to feel the need to declare her status as a party mare in front of a crowd.
"I'm great fun at parties, I swear!"
Additional Tags: Vinyl has an atypical hobby -
Stay Brony My Friends keeps trucking along! A new episode has popped up with a very unique guest: the VA for Sapphire Shores! Not only that, but the gang over on Stay Brony have a new charity to support as well. This time around their special guest has chosen the Atlanta Day Center for Women and Children; a local but very worthy cause!
Check on after the break to see how you can participate and even win a mix tape from Rena Anakwe herself!
Early Morning Discussion #317
by Calpain
After five years they finally did it! Sure it was shorter in pony time, but we waited patiently on them. Our little fillies are really growing up!
Morning everyone! What a day yesterday was huh? How are you all holding up?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
(Yep... that's a thing)
The 5th anniversary of ponies brings back some memories, especially of the network that gave birth to ponies: The HUB. A former employee of The HUB has created an hour long video highlighting the promos from the HUB that were shown at their last creative services meeting. It's an hour long of nostalgia for pony fans out there that came into the show during the HUB days.
Check on after the break for a trip to the past!
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