Nightly Roundup #1245
by Calpain
I guess this is what EqD would be like in paper form, though I expected a little bit more fire to be involved somehow.
Pretty much podcasts tonight! Get what news we have after the break.
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Rating For "Rarity Investigates" Are In
by Calpain
Ratings for "Rarity Investigates" are in with Show Buzz Daily reporting 307,000 viewers which is quite a big difference from the week before. Seems like this season just hasn't been able to find stable ground of any sort.
I wonder what this weekend will bring in terms of numbers?
Thanks to Andrew for sending this in!
Source (In the comments by the article writer I think)
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #479
by Calpain
Sorry about no discussion last night guys! I either forgot to take it out of draft mode or Blogger derped and left it in draft mode. At any rate, we're back! Now get to chatting down in the comments my friends!
Twitter: Calpain -
Nostalgia time! Or nostalgia if you grew up in the 64 era. We are getting so old aren't we? Get a mashup of Rarity's new song with some Diddy Kong Racing, followed by a remix of Battle, and finish with some relaxing Luna-themed orchestral from Arvianth. All below!
1.) [MLP FiM x Diddy Kong Racing] Frosty Village (Rules of Rarity Remix) (Remix - Mashup)
2.) Battle! (Whatevs Mix) (Remix - Electronic)
3.) Peace At Last (feat. M-G UniNew) (Instrumental - Orchestral)
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, Mashup, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-Fanfiction, Orchestral -
I'll get caught up with this series eventually, I swear! The author is really good at getting updates out so that's great for those that follow it, but bad for someone as behind on the comic as I am, heh.
Comic update time! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Just in case Equestria Girls wasn't enough dollification or humanization for you all in the pony sphere, we have another company rolling in with some high end dolls. Integrity Toys is a fashion based company specializing in the upper-end of the collector market. You can find examples of some of their designs over here.
The final designs will be 12 inches tall, with pony branded accessories. Expect them some time in the winter this year.
Get the full press release below the break.
This is probably my favorite background scene in the season so far. 10 seconds and Scrunchy nose and eye roll is TOO MUCH!
Get your art storm below!
[1] Source
expensive by ScootieBloom
Scare Master may have already leaked on iTunes and Amazon, but it still has a specific air date that would have been an awesome way to celebrate Halloween. October 31st is the official time to tune in for it.
I'm thinking we should all run an event or something anyway. Any ideas? Feel free to drop those below.
A don't think Pinkie was quite expecting that! Maud, you are just full of surprises! Just a warning guys, the first comic might have some spoilers for season 5 if you want to keep spoiler free so click at your own risk!
Comic time! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Derpy in SPACE. What kind of Apollo 13 level shenanigans would a pony like that get into up there? with all those sensitive instruments? It looks like so far, all she managed to do was lose a bag of muffins and require a specrwalk to recover them.
So far...
Get your SFM art below!
[1] Source
Derpspace by MENTORE067
Story: The Night Rages On
by Calpain
[Slice of Life][Sad]
Author: Overload
Description: With each passing day, the night grows ever darker.
Princess Luna has never felt more alone.
The Night Rages On
Additional Tags: The Dawn Will Never Comeop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Overload, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Sad, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Original Friendship is Magic Concept Art Part 2 - Animals, Monsters, Buildings and Backgrounds
by Sethisto
Quite a bit of work was put into making the backgrounds and architecture of Equestria unique. I've never really noticed how complex Fluttershy's cottage is, for example. All the tiny nooks and crannies for her army of animals to wander around in. I can't imagine what that smells like...
Time for more concept art! Get animals, monsters, backgrounds, and buildings below!
The Original Friendship is Magic Concept Art is Awesome (Part 1) - Ponies, Griffons, Lore, and Discord
by SethistoEver wonder what Twilight Sparkle's original plan may have been?
One of the best things to come out of Friendship is Magic is the incredibly appealing art style. The ponies are ridiculously cute, and the backgrounds are unique and absolutely brimming with interesting equine-friendly objects. Lauren Faust and her team of early artists really rocked it in terms of creating a phenomenon. Would the show even be anywhere near as appealing if the character models weren't ridiculously adorable and fun to use for fan stuff?
Over the past few days, a boatload of concept art has appeared around the internet from the original season 1-2 animation bible. Everything from the various monsters of the world, to original ideas for the characters have cropped up, so much of it that we'd blow up some of your computers with a single post.
Below the break, get part one of the concept art storm, starring the ponies!
Early Morning Discussion #301
by Calpain
Love is one of our strongest emotions, it's the basis for a lot of what we feel and makes up the basis for how we feel as human beings. There is a reason that love has a role in a lot of the stories we watch, read or play just as hatred plays just as much as a role.
Love and hate diverge into a number of emotions, mixing, matching and contrasting to give us all the feelings we recognize as individuals. We are a confusing mishmash of emotion, striving for clarity and singular purpose. But when that moment comes, how will you channel the power it brings? How will you change the world and change your fate?
Twitter: Calpain
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