MULTIPLE Pony Dimensions! All the ponies living different lives, a new mane 6, and more. Join Lyra and Bonbon as they travel to all sorts of wacky versions of Equestria. Or at least that's the idea behind this Multiverse Cruise.
Head on down below the breakt o check out the animation video!
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Remember way back in... May, when we were talking about mascots? Yeah... our bad on that. It turns out summers here on EQD are ridiculously busy, on our side and the artists out there. Several delays hit us with conventions popping up, a massive trip to Galacon, wars in the EQD chat on what exactly we want to absorb from the final designs you all sent in, along with general delays and commission derps. After lots of shuffling around, we finally figured something out about a month ago, and got our finalized designs set from some of our buddy artists in the fandom. Mascots are go!
In the end, we decided on a sister and a little brother. We have an awesome banner, along with some vectors of each ready to go. One final commission remains being finished tomorrow. EQD will finally have mascots!
Again, I apologize for how long it took. We were pretty overwhelmed with all the awesome suggestions that came in, and while one thing sounded amazing one day, another idea would pop up the next that sounded even better. You all are way too creative for us to handle!
Anyway, have some butt symbols, and after the episode tomorrow, we will have MASCOTS!
Update: Woops, wrong mark. This is the real one.
When I take over a plushie comp, I COVER IT IN BAT. So edgy, so alicorn batty, so red and black. I can't resist this madness.
Get your plushies below.
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OC Lilith aka Velvet the Ink plush by agatrix
Bad news everyone. The polls show that Twilight Sparkle is losing her hold on little girls out there buying princess dolls, and they need a new character to alicornify. Luckily we have a cast of hundreds of ponies now, all just begging to be gifted with supreme Alicorn power.
This time around, our hypothetical Hasbro executives don't just want to slap wings or a horn on anypony. They want your feedback to avoid that drama of 2013!
What pony do you sacrifice to the retail gods? Who is going to get the princess treatment next?
Go choose below!
How often does Rarity pop up as the top of a Drawfriend post? I know Coco Pommel has done it a bunch. Have some of that.
And get your art below.
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long time no see! by SION-ARA
[Slice of Life]
Author: Zeroxion564
Description: "I asked a changeling once why they would think peace with Equestria was possible. Their response was the title to this book. I had asked a question on politics and gotten a calculus equation in response. Changelings are odd like that sometimes. They see things differently than the rest of us. I ended up pondering his response for a long time and even dusted off my old calculus books to look for an answer. One day it just clicked in my head what he was trying to say.
Changelings are capable of change.
It was a somewhat redundant answer, and it was a really bizarre way to give it, but I understood what he meant. Changelings, just like ponies, are capable of both good and bad, We could make peace with them, and help them learn to better themselves. That was what the changelings wanted, and ponies everywhere were fighting it. It is for that reason I began creating this book. Within this tome you will find a collection of essays, more like candid stories really, directly from Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, and Prince Morpheus, leader of the Changeling Hive. These reports detail their lives from the day negotiations began. That is the day the Prince himself began living in Ponyville, and it comes with the story of how he and the little town came to adapt to each other as negotiations were occurring. It is my hope seeing their story will show anypony reading this there is no reason to distrust the changelings so, and, perhaps, it will give you insight into the strange little changelings as well. They truly want peace, and, despite the treaties being signed, we can only truly give it to them when we let go of our distrust."
Changing Times, Author of dC/dt ≠ 0
dC/dt ≠ 0 (New Part 44!)
Additional Tags: Changelings can change over time.op 2:00 PM
Labels: Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Convention time! We may be moving into the time of the year when these slow down a bit, but that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of events for Fall and into the next year. Have some headlines!
- BUCK 2016 Masterpost
- Super Speedy Cider Con Gets a Youtube Channel
- Brony Music Documentary is coming Denver, CO for the Running of the Leaves Convention November 6th-8th.
And get the full press releases below!
A rocket builder going by the name of Astro Brony has a new one ready for liftoff soon going by the name of Rainboom MK 2. As you can see from the image above, this thing is pretty hefty. The rocket itself is expected to go full on supersonic, with a launch date of September 12th. That's a pretty awesome way to celebrate the second half of the season isn't it?
Head on down below for a bunch of images, along with a short blurb by the creator.
I always hated the water level. Who doesn't hate the water level? It doesn't matter what game, it always sucks. They tried to make it better in Mario 64 by having that amazing musical score, but all I remember is floating around awkwardly trying to collect coins.
Join Derpy as she makes games below.
We've seen teasers of the upcoming Vinyl Scratch plushie in her dress setup, but only in grainy preview form. The image above is apparently her final production design before the stuffing is added at the actual Build a Bear store.
She is now available for purchase over on their website.
Thanks to Nigel Victor and Riza for sending it.
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