Joining the Cutie Mark Crusaders from a few days ago, Source pony artist AeridicCore has overhauled the old Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon models for all you SFM creators and general Garrys Mod enthusiasts out there.
If the two bratty ponies above look appealing to you, all of the download information can be found here.
If you checked out that Drawfriend post earlier, or any of the Drawfriend posts in the last few weeks, you've probably noticed a pretty large amount of OC ponies sneaking in. We started taking submissions on them them about a year and a half ago, and quite a few people have been pumping them out. Hell, we are about to drop some EQD Mascots off (yeah, a half a year late.. woops!) once our final commission banner is done.
A few people have brought this up in email, so I figured I'd hand off the discussion to the masses. As we dive deeper into this mini-yet-still-painful-hiatus, the official character art has slowed, and OC's seem to be the thing. If you go to Deviant Art right now, search "pony", and switch it to top in the last 24 hours, you will see what I mean. It's getting more and more common, and in these slow periods, absolutely explodes. Show ponies tend to go toward a direction we can't really post during these periods, for the sake of keeping it "Safe For Work" here.
Since some of you are worried, I figured I'd start up an EQD focused discussion. I'll keep absorbing the original quality horses, and have quite a few favorites now, but what about all of you? Are we posting too many OC ponies lately? Are bats driving you batty?
Hit the comments up!
Tonight, we head to SPACE! Equines are totally built for that. The lack of hands means a need for more advanced robotics faster, and more advanced robotics means a more robust space program! Get on it ponies!
And get your art below.
[1] Source
Space pony by nebula210
Comic: Slice of Life Deleted Scene / Mommy's Busy / Spike the Messenger #8 / Heads or Tails #39
by Sethisto
Motin the ponies, dragon problems, and updates! Get some comics. So many comics.
Comic Updates:
AliExpress never disappoints. The site that has been absolutely flooded with knockoff pony merchandise for over a year now, has a new set of hand puppets. I don't think I've ever seen a puppet show at a pony convention. Is this something that might happen in 2016?
You can find them here.
Thanks to Yoni for sending it.
[Adventure][Dark][Alternate Universe]
Author: Mysterious Stranger
Description: When Twilight discovers particles that are linked to magic, she creates a new field in forensic science and begins a crime-solving spree across Equestria. However, her discovery is just the first step into a world full of secrets, and one criminal in particular seems to make a habit of doing the impossible.
Magicles (New Part 9!)
Additional Tags: Twilight solves crimes with magicop 12:01
Sildid: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Author: Mysterious Stranger, Dark, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Each year, the community groups up and creates a giant badass quilt with multiple artists in attendance. Usually it is auctioned off at Everfree Northwest, but due to a switch in quilt-building management, it's heading to Europe for Galacon 2016 instead!
If you want in on contributing this year, head on over to this journal for the information. Lets see how deep your pockets go over there! If the Galacon charity auction I was at this year was any indication, we might see a record breaker.
Oh my goodness, hi everybody! I'm so happy I was able to squeeze a day in here and actually get to talk to you guys in person! Calpain's been doing a wonderful job tending the NATG in my stead but there's really nothing like getting to do it yourself. So for one night only, hello! How is everybody holding up? Are you excited? Feeling good about your progress? Ready for it all to end? Just a few days left, so keep up the hard work! Today's gallery features a very respectable 146 entries for a grand event total of 2299 images! Holy cats you guys, that's a lot of ponies.
Including tonight's theme, there's only 4 more submittal days, and then you're all officially graduates of the NATG. I know we don't have formal classes here on campus, but I hope that you've all managed to pick up a trick or two along the way, even if it's just the confidence to know you can try. There's an artist inside anyone who has the courage to find them. Class is still in session, so don't slack off just yet!
This extended school metaphor isn't a cheesy motivation speech... well, it isn't just a cheesy motivation speech. It's also my brilliantly witty lead-in to tonight's prompt. Tonight I'd like to ask you to Draw a pony back at school/Draw a pony learning.
Make sure you submit all entries here by 12:00 AM Pacific time.
My very last and favorite duty before I flutter off into the night is to introduce tonight's gallery, which you can find below the break. I love this batch. It's full of fun ideas and fantastic effort even in this late hour of the training grounds. Training's what we're here to do, right? Hit the music and get pumped!
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