Nightly Roundup #1233
by Calpain
Zecora is cooking up a brew tonight! What is it I wonder? Care to take a sip?
News time is here once again my friends! Get it all after the break.
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There is being forward and then there is being forward. Maybe you should turn off the charm a little bit Mr. Royal Guard.
Comic updates again my friends! Click for full!
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Nightly Discussion #453
by Calpain
Would you go to a Pinkie Pie Party if she showed up like this? It seems a little bit suspicious doesn't it? As long as you take the proper precautions I guess it should be ok.
Evening my friends! Ready for a nice night of discussion?
Twitter: Calpain -
As we have pointed out a few times now, Kinder has officially dropped off their new My Little Pony lineup. There are four Equestria Girls, and four ponies to collect in this one, though only in countries that they aren't banned in (so pretty much everywhere except good ol' USA). If you happen to be wandering stores for them, this is what you should look out for.
Some of these displays are absolutely huge, as the image below shows.
Good luck on collecting them all!
Thanks to Christian and Cesar for the images.
Yesterday I revealed my secret favorite princess on Twitter. Somewhere out there in some random solar system, the stars aligned, and today we have her with fangs. How do you make me love a pony even more? Add fangs. TOO MUCH!
Get some art below while I double celebrate the greatest princess ever.
[1] Source
Gothic Cadance by ELZZombie
iTunes Preview for MLP:FiM #34 - Siege of the Crystal Empire Part 1 - Released!
by The Illustrious Q
Twenty-two days to go until darkness falls, and pain is all that will be left behind. The last time we got a four parter, we got the much discussed—to put that mildly—we got Katie Cook's Reflections.
So what about this arc? What can we expect from Jeremy Whitley's first four part epic?
Well, iTunes has released a partial answer to that question in the form of the first three pages of the comic. Dare I say that these pages give me hope for something just as epic in scope as Reflections was?
I don't know. But here's an idea. If you're curious, check out the preview after the break!
Special thanks to Chevistian1 and Marimo for the heads up!
Event: Drawing Out New Episode Titles
by Calpain
Yesterday we had a great idea hit our inbox! With the hiatus stretching on for a couple more weeks and a whole list of what looks like confirmed episode titles why not base an event around that? Thanks to Grandpa_pony's idea, we're going to hold an event for you artists out there where you draw a picture for a future season 5 episode based on the title alone from the leaked episode list.
The event will run from now until the season starts up again on September 12th! We'll be using our submitter for this event as well so please send in your entries here. If you have any confusion as to how to use the submitter, please check after the break for a guide.
As for the list of episode titles, you can find them after the break as well! Good luck everyone!
Even though we're half way through the season and have gotten synopses for future episodes already, please feel free to visit any title you want and draw whatever comes to mind based on the title alone.
Please include in your submission which episode title you are referencing.
Discussion: Your Favorite Friendship is Magic Writer Is Doing the Rest of the Season! Who is it?
by Sethisto
Friendship is Magic just happens to be one of those kids shows gifted with some excellent writing. Everything from the banter between characters to specific episode plots fuels the need for more!
Our favorite hypothetical Hasbro CEO has hopped in to take it one step further. They have heard your cries that [insert FiM Writer here] is the ABSOLUTE BEST, and needs way more episode time. In their growing mission to appease the many demographics of pony fans out there, they want that specific person to write the rest of season 5!
So, who is it going to be? Are you rolling with some of the old crowd? Or did one of the new people that joined on during the first 13 episodes strike your fancy?
Hit up the comments!
A big part of planning the Equestrian Odysseys expansion was to bring the new adventures of FiM Season 5 into MLP: CCG, along with all the classic questing we've seen since 2010. Another big part was introducing fun new game mechanics, like "Immediate."
What does this mean? Plenty of adventure from cards like The Cutie Map, Starlight Glimmer, Daring Do, and Nightmare Moon, and the Immediate card effect letting you play Friends and effects during your opponent's turns like never before. Take a look below the break for some more!
Moments like these are the sort that can completely change a person's life. We never see them coming and try our best to avoid them but sometimes fate just intervenes. Poor, poor Octavia.
Comic updates everyone! Click for full!
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Story: Land of the Blind
by Calpain
Author: Cold in Gardez
Description: Queen Platinum is dying.
Land of the Blind
She is cursed, and every day she grows weaker. If she dies, the kingdom will collapse, and the three tribes will once again fragment. Centuries of unity and harmony will come to an end.
There is only one thing that might cure her – a mystical, half-forgotten potion known as the Panacea. It can cure any curse, any disease, any poison. But all magic has its price, and the greater the magic, the greater the sacrifice it requires.
Prince Hyperion will do anything to save his mother. He will find the Panacea, regardless of the cost.
Even if he isn't the one who must pay it.
Additional Tags: Epic fantasy adventure quest -
Friendship Games arrives in the USA on the 26th of September, but it looks like we might be second this time around if a promo from over in Brazil is any indication. Either that or we are all mis-translating it. A marathon is landing on the 20th over there, apparently leading up to the movie release. Google Translate, along with several submitters all seem to agree with this.
So, what do you all think? Are we going to be watching a subtitled Brazilian release of EG3 first?
And get the trailer below, complete with a single new scene.
Update: We've been told that marathons in brazil mean one episode a day, so it's not a one day marathon like what we'd have on Discovery Family, but 13 episodes then EG3, some time in October.
Early Morning Discussion #277
by Calpain
I wonder what made Octavia the most popular musician out of this group? What was so special for the fandom to latch on to her? Maybe it's her nice coloration, her cello, or something else. All I know is that she is here to stay!
Morning everyone! Did you sleep well?
Twitter: Calpain -
Newbie Artist Training Grounds V: Day 4
by Calpain
So what is today's prompt you might ask? Well, Phoe has a wonderful contrasting prompt for you guys tonight: Draw a pony shrinking back/Draw a pony growing up. As always you have 24 hours to submit your piece for today's prompt which you can do here.
We've gotten some confusion on how to submit to our submitter. In the space for the picture URL you want to put in the image URL link. To find this, upload your picture somewhere whether it be dA, Derpibooru, Imgur or wherever and right click on the image. In Chrome you want to click the 'Copy Image URL' button or something similar in other browsers. Input that URL and you should be good to go!
We've got a tutorial below too if you're still having trouble!
If a picture you made doesn't end up in the gallery tonight, please try resubmitting it. Sometimes things get eaten.
Good luck with day 4 my friends! Check after the break for the latest gallery.
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