Nightly Discussion #444
by Calpain
Chrysalis looks pretty good as a normal pony! We don't see too many black colored ponies in the show so seeing this is rather refreshing. Go Bug Butt!
Evening my friends, another weekend has passed. Ready to chat about it?
Twitter: Calpain -
The Steam Greenlight game NIA: Path fo Light has launched an IndieGogo page to help fund the project as it continues progressing down that rocky road of game development. The current goal is set for $10,000, with flexible funding active if it doesn't quite make it.
You can check out the page for it here for backer rewards.
Thanks to Kozloff and everyone else for sending it!
Random Merch: Lyra and Bonbon Pajamas, Light Up talking Rainbow Dash Backpack, Tank Tops, and More!
by Sethisto
Have we ever seen Lyra and Bonbon join the mane 6 on something? That's a first. These are new Pajamas from a company called Primark. As for release times, that's a mystery! Thanks to Skye for sending it.
Time for random merch. Get the usual flood below!
That's what we need from Applejack. Some non-apple based ADVENTURE! She's built for it! All those years of buckin apples would rock it on unknown trails in the wilderness.
Now go get some art while I write a fanfic about that or something.
[1] Source
Fjords of Apples by AssasinMonkey
Yeah sure, I'm buying these for my sister. That's my excuse.
It's odd picking up a pony toy at Target or Walmart for the first time and realizing that the splash of pink and purple that you're holding is something that affects so many people's lives. Meanwhile, these toys are a number to the store that you're buying it from, a singular sale. But what would happen if the sale was not the store's bottom line? The intricacies that come with stocking shelves and putting one item next to another in order to nudge that one extra sale must be infinite, so why disrupt it? In a recent press release, Target has announced that they are going to get rid of gender-based signage in their stores, effective over the next few months. This basically means that the MLP aisle in Target is not going to be labeled with "girls" signs, along with the "Barbie" toys and etc.What exactly does this mean for the fandom that has proclaimed over the years that MLP is more than just a revamped show for little girls? Is it a "win" for us? Is this the start of a phenomenon that will touch other stores? Finally, will this have an impact on Hasbro's design choices for their toys? Let's discuss after the break.
Good time of the day, mares and gentlecolts! Apologies for the long time without bringing you interviews – I have nopony to blame for it but myself. However, now a new one is finally here, and that's what matters most, doesn't it?Our artist of the day here is NadnerbD. I have no doubt that many of you here are familiar with their works already, and if not, now is the best opportunity to get to know them! An artist with a remarkable grasp of the pony form and no fear of experimenting with their work, NadnerbD continues their tradition of producing very informative and interesting descriptions, except in interview form – their answers are quite illuminating and candid, even more so than I could've hoped. Dive right beyond the break for their artistic experience and observations!Oh, and the fancy editing you'll see down there? That's also all NadnerbD's work. They really went above and beyond with this. It's been a true pleasure to conduct this interview.
One of these days, I'm going to be able to post cupcakes related things without people thinking it has something to do with the other cupcakes. Luckily this one is completely innocent. Head on down below the break for some really impressive motion graphics and typography for a remix of the Cupcakes song!
The WWE based show "Culture Shock" apparently made a trip over to BronyCon last week, and while there managed to snag some video of bronies in their native habitat. The idea behind the show is to visit various unique events while WWE travels around the world. How will they portray pony? I suppose we will find out soon!
According to Dustykatt, we can expect to see this one air on the 26th of this month at 9:00 PM.
Thanks to Francisco for sending it!
Lullaby for a Princess is pretty awesome. I suppose that whopping 7 minute long animation is a testament to that. Cadance was feeling a bit left out though, so have a variant on it dedicated to her and Shining Armor instead, animaticish style.
Get it below!
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