Nightly Roundup #1225 - Train Edition
by Calpain
Train edition because of the number 1225! I've always been a huge fan of trains and locomotives and one of our local famous steam engines just happens to be labeled the 1225 (the same train used as a model for the Polar Express movie).
Evening guys! You all ready for some news?
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Seeing Twi pop up in Rogue Diamond was quite a lovely surprise! With the whole main six and Spike assembled this adventure can really start to kick off.
Comic updates guys! Gonna be quite a few of these as I play catch up from Europe.
Click for full!
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Shatner to Possibly Guest Star on Pony?
by Calpain
The world of pony just keeps getting more and more interesting as this exchange between Big Jim and William Shatner himself popped up today.
Considering that years ago we believed it to be a pipe dream to have Weird Al on MLP only to have ourselves proven wrong with the appearance of Cheese Sandwich, this sort of thing doesn't seem all that far-fetched.
If Shatner did get a guest role on the show I wonder what sort of character he would play. Any theories you guys? I can totally see him as a traveling pony thespian for instance.
Thanks to all the people who sent this one in!
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #433
by Calpain
With Seth still gone to Europe I need to maintain the Trixie quota for him. So have a Trixie being obnoxious as usual!
Evening everyone! Great to be back in the saddle so to speak. Ready for some chatting today?
Twitter: Calpain -
BronyCon Selling Books From MLP Staff!
by Calpain
With BronyCon just a short time away, the team of the biggest pony convention on Earth has yet another announcement for you guys. Have you been hoping to get your hands on Amy Keating Rogers, M.A. Larson, or G.M. Berrow's books, but haven't had the opportunity?
Well, now is your chance if you're heading to BronyCon! Check on after the break on what books you can score and how you can get autograph vouchers for your purchase!
Heh, I didn't think of this ending when the season premiered. Not bad at all!
Heya guys! Ready for a couple quick comics for today? Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Who needs magic when you have SPACE. Right? We dont need telekenises and teleporting. That's just lame.
Get some art below.
[1] Source
Starlight by Grennadder
R A R I T Y. Shes the best on Sundays. Why Sundays you ask? Because shes RARE. Get it? Good. There wasn't a joke at all. That's the joke.
Anyway, get some pop/punk in the first slot dedicated to that, then some DUBSTEP. Both below.
1.) R A R I T Y (Vocal - Pop/Punk)
2.) Redd Pony - Fall Of Canterlot (Original Mix) - Inspired by My Little Portal (Instrumental - Dubstep)
Help BronyScot Pick a Charity Auction!
by Calpain
After being in Europe for a week and getting my usual dose of the Con Crud, it's nice to be back here on EqD. You European Bronies out there are amazing and we have an announcement for you guys over in that neck of the woods.
It looks like BronyScot is looking for some input on what their charity will be this year! Check on after the break to learn how you can send in your suggestions as well as donate your own items for BronyScot's charity.
Two videos, two ideas. Pony analysis has been a hot button issue for a while now in the fandom. Some of them take episodes far too seriously, while others have some really good points about what could or could not have been improved in some of the weaker ones. Some hate it, a lot love it, but it's here to stay!
Join our favorite sketchbook reviewer Dooble Dabble as she delves into the world of MLP Analysis below!
Hope your ears are prepared for a ton of stuff to listen too, because three more completed audio books are coming your way. These guys are all big time fandom classics, and focus primarily on adventure.
If you want to submit your own audio book, check out this post for the requirements. They are pretty steep at the moment, but we may open it in the future. Keep an eye on these posts.
Anyway, go get some books!
1.) Upheaval: Breaking Point [Dark] [Adventure]
2.) The Celestial Code [Adventure]
3.) On A Cross And Arrow [Shipping][Adventure]
For all of you out there collecting the dolls, we have a Flash Sentry appearing as a K-Mart Exclusive now visible in the box. Apparently this guy has started invading online according to the submitter Pensive. This probably means random K-Mart stores also have him, so get that phone out and start calling!
Or join me in hiding in horseland. How could he steal twaifu? Someone break the mirror!
MLP: Friends Forever #19 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q"I can feel all those diamonds singing to me. And it's a right pretty song, too!"—Scrooge McDuck
Rarity has always been a very driven mare when it comes to her business, vision of the future, and her destiny. The show has shown that time and time again that when Rarity puts her mind to something, there is absolutely nothing that is going to stop her form achieving that goal. It is what has made her a very successful businessmare, artist, socialite, and fashionista.
She is quite simply the type of pony every pony should know.
However, that level of passion and drive isn't something that's been showcased by the Cakes. So I have to wonder what Cup Cake and Carrot Cake have in mind for their business, what their goals are, and most importantly of all whether or not their goals are compatible with Rarity's.
The answers to those questions can be found in the usual below. Have fun everyone!
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