I've run out of everything I'd usually header these with, so lets go with something traditional. It's surprising, but outside of show news, the mane 6 aren't used much anymore here. Somewhere along the line we started dropping BG ponies and OC Bats. I blame bias.
Anyway, we have a bunch of music for you all tonight. Head on down below for it!
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The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin by PrincessOfBeauxArts
The guys creating the Ponyfinder games of the last few years have returned once again with another installment! The Forgotten Past Kickstarter page has already passed it's goal of $3000, with growth continuing from it's 100+ backers and counting.
If you are into tabletop RPG's, or just want to check out their neat intro video, head on over here for it!
I have to admit, we weren't even sure what this panel was going to be when one of the staffers here recommended we check it out. EQD usually sticks to show staff things for our convention coverage after all. Luckily we took the advice, gave it a shot, and ended up absolutely amazed. We saw a lot of people wandering the convention floor throughout the event, and never once believed their armada of ponies would be put on display.
Images barely do this justice, but hopefully the panorama at the bottom helps. I'm really hoping some of our local USA conventions pick up on this idea, even if we might see a rise in heart attacks from the cuteness. I'll gladly drag my Trixie over to join the festivities.
Anyway, head on down below the break for a gallery!
I'm still blown away that Cheese Sandwich was even a thing. Thank you, Amy.
"Pinkie Pride" and the hype leading up to the episode was probably one of the most explosive episodes in recent memory, just because of the pure excitement that came with having "Weird" Al Yankovic in the episode. Not only that, but the hype was completely justified! "Pinkie Pride" was an absolute joy of an episode from beginning to end, cementing itself as one of the best episodes of Season 4. Another noteworthy guest star is John de Lancie, who continues to play himself as Discord, the Spirit of Disharmony and Chaos. I'm seeing a running theme here of characters that would be an excellent ship with Pinkie Pie.
Now obviously we've been holding our breath for a few celebrities to hop aboard the pony train and be immortalized as a character within MLP. Celebrities such as Andrew W.K. or David Tennant come to mind. I'm not here to talk about them. Within a magical world where anything could happen and hypothetical episodes could be discussed, I come to you today with five interesting guest stars and plot lines that could give us unforgettable episodes (that will most likely never happen). Follow me after the break!
I love me some Melodic Dubstep. TOP GENRE. Get it in the first slot from Del Rom, who is slowly becoming my new favorite pony electronic musician.
But if that isn't your thing, get some good ol' fashioned acoustic from vocalist Chi-Chi. Both below!
1.) Del Rom - The Loner (Instrumental - Melodic Dubstep)
2.) AcousticBrony - Crepuscularity (Twilight's theme) Lyrical version (Vocal - Acoustic)
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Dubstep, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction -
[Dark][Alternate Universe][Tragedy]
Author: RainbowBob
Description: Spike takes care of Twilight the best he can. She's sick, but he knows she'll get better and everything will get back to normal. But first, he needs to feed her.
Feed Them
Additional Tags: Feed them to get better.op 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: RainbowBob, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Skyrim pony mods have somewhat slowed down over the years. We've seen giant Fluttershy dragons and companions, along with various stylized weapons and armors, but this is the first full-replacer mod. The anthro ponies are a bit... uncanny to say the least, but I'm sure a few of you will be into this!
Head on over here for the steamworks page.
The next install in the MLP Comic Main Series dropping on Wednesday highlights Rarity and The Cakes. If you want the specific details, they can be found over here. Today we have 5 pages to get you ready for it's release on Wednesday!
Head on down below the break to check it out!
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