Princess Trixie Sparkle RETURNS. It's good to see Trixie related content so successful. You all have done me proud. How many years has it been indoctrinating you? I count five, though technically I already started way before the show even aired. Bet you didn't know that!
Join the crew for episode 8 of the Trixieiest radio play ever below!
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You have been teleported to Equestria and drafted into Luna's royal guard immediately due to your exceptional earthling strength! Turns out gravity on whatever planet Equestria is on is about equal to our moon. How do you get along with your batty royal guard buddies?
Or discuss whatever below. Preferably other bat topics.
Brutal Legend may not have been the huge new IP some people expected it to be, but that doesn't mean it cant be ponified and awesome. Plus his girlfriend is cute. Top hooves.
Get the art below!
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My Little Brutal Legend by Ruhisu
Well that tagline is a little misleading. They don't quite have "every My Little Pony comic and graphic novel ever created." For one thing, it's missing the original Japanese Manga stories that came out came last year. And for another, it's missing these gems from Generation One of MLP.
tsk. tsk. tsk. Truth in advertising IDW. If you're going to claim to have every My Little Pony comic and graphic novel ever created, you must make sure you have every one. Otherwise you risk fitting the part of the fool.
Joking aside, I've spent some decent amount of time playing around with this comic app. For those of you interested, you can check out my full review after the break!
The world is vast, and ponies are EVERYWHERE. Whether it's a random kid with a Pinkie Pie shirt in China, or a brony stationed at a camp in Antartica with his Fluttershy plushie, there isn't a place on earth that hasn't been at least slightly exposed to cartoon equines.
Every year, we celebrate that, and have you all send in images of pony toys in exotic or interesting locales. We got an astounding number of entries this time around, clocking in at over 400. For the sake of computers everywhere, these posts will be split up and released daily.
Now go! Check out some awesome Ponies Around the World!
Oh my Celestia this joke is almost 3 years old. There was a joke in poor taste here, but it has been removed. Alright, now that I've done it, we can officially lay the panda joke to rest. Or not, I don't control any of youyet. Pandering is an interesting topic in MLP, considering there always seems to be a different line for everyone else on what "good" and "bad" pandering would be. Some say that there shouldn't be any pandering because it detracts from what the writers are trying to create. On the flip side, others would like their ships validated, background characters given more screen time, or any number of possible combinations. Let's discuss pandas and the throwing thereof after the break.Whoops I did it again. -
Author: Dark Avenger
Description: The news had shocked the entire nation. Anger, violence, and even threats of war have erupted in the colony on the borders of the harsh Frozen North, all of it centered around the infamous city of Gueldergrad. If Equestria is to put an end to the chaos before it escalates, somepony must venture into the foreign lands and set things right.
A noble unicorn steps up to meet the challenge: Shining Armor. Newest prince of the Crystal Empire. Captain of the Royal Guard. The pride of the Equestrian armed forces. But there is a lot hidden in the far-stretching lands of the Frozen North, and even more can it reveal among those who dare to enter. Things the valiant captain does not yet know about his own company, those who command him, or even himself...
Wires (New Part 9!)
Additional Tags: cultures collide war is hell, Alternate Universeop 2:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Dark, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Shining Armor, Star-Needed, Story -
I've added a season 5 spoiler tag to this just in case. It's sort of a hot button issue suddenly with that potential hint in the poster the other day.
We have had rumors about the proposed "Princess Skyla" foal for Shiny and Candybutt here for a few years now, with toys and ominous twitter messages fueling it. Each time, the fandom is pretty well divided on what they'd like to see. Should we get a kid from these two? Chances are, this would dominate an episode, but not have a huge impact on the show past that. How would you want something like that to be handled?
Hit those comments up!
Thanks to Dream Weaver on twitter for the suggestion.
Ponyinabox, the team behind the Doctor Whooves Adventures radio plays, has released a full text adventure game for you all to dig into. If you have followed their series, or just crave some of the Doctor with hooves, it's available now over on their website. Exact description:
Hidden Signal is Pony in a Box's first game. It is a text adventure set in the Doctor Whooves Adventures universe. You play as The Doctor who has been detecting strange broadcasts throughout Equestria. You must think like The Doctor to solve the mystery of the Hidden Signal.
And if you need a preview before committing to the download, head on down below the break for a gameplay trailer.
With everyone here preparing for the GREAT EQD TAKEOVER of Galacon, we didn't have time to do anything crazy for Lauren Faust's birthday today! But we figured we should make you all aware. Without her, we wouldn't be here today would we? The creator of the greatest fandom on the internet!
Happy Birthday Lauren Faust!
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