And round two of the Roundup flood commences! Back to regular schedule tomorrow. I think!
Rainbow Dash looks pretty good in bandages. It's hard to pull off the "im bandaged and badass" look.
I'd think of a story for her and her newly acquired bandages, but I hear you are all sick of that. Get your roundup below!
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We have been analyzed for the last few years by the folks over at Bronystudy, and they continue their persuit of pony-based science with a few upcoming events:
The researchers at the Bronystudy are happy to announce:
1) We will be presenting TWO panels at BronyCon in Baltimore and hope to see you all there!
2) We have signed a contract with McFarland Press for the long awaited 'Brony Book' and hope to release it at BronyCon 2016.
3) We have launched a new survey that assesses fans' perceptions of Season 5 and why fans DO and DON'T attend local Brony Meet-up Groups.
If you want in on any of this, have some links:
Meetup group Survey
Main Website
IDW has released an app for iOS that sells and stores all of your pony comics. Their description notes that Comixology purchases should also be available within, so you need not worry if you've been buying them through their store for the past few years,though we were told this isn't working at the moment.They also included those Madefire motion versions of the comics that appeared a while back.
The first issues of the main series, Friends Forever, and the micro series are all included for free.
Get it over here.
Thanks to Matt for the heads up!
(Update: We have a full look at the app coming soon.) -
The rest of season 5 has been confirmed to be 100% Batified. How does this make you feel? What will Applejack do now that she is able to fly? How will Rarity deal with her sudden need to constantly consume fruit? Will she gain weight? Or does flying shed the pounds?
So many questions.
Or discuss whatever below.
Luna in socks has always proven to be heart attack inducing, but what about Filly Luna? Too much. Make it stop, etc. These ponies will be the death of me, I guarantee it. How I've survived 5 years now I'll never know.
Get your art below!
[1] Source
Sweet Dreams by Wilvarin-Liadon
And a new banner from 1i0!
First, thank you Seth for picking up MLP:FiM #32 while at SDCC for me. As I thought, yes IDW did indeed publish their cover checklist on the inside cover of that comic, and Tony Fleecs, being the good sport that he is, tossed up the Hi-Rez version of the BronyCon Cover Comics World will be selling at the con on his twitter feed! Ain't it a beautiful cover!
I plead the 5th as to whether or not what's on that cover is indicative of what's in the story.
But what of the other two covers? Well, the low res images just wouldn't cut it, so I scanned them for everyone to see.
Evil apples at Hot Topic, and Applejack knowing how to play baseball. Amy Mebberson, you are a wonderful human being!
As for the other BronyCon Cover, it looks like it's connection to something. And judging by the fact that that's Hoof Beatz's giant flank and tail behind Applejack's head it's probably going to be something provided by BronyCon itself.
What could that something be? A print? A mini-poster? Something that all level badges combine to make one very large image that can only be seen through the power of friendship?
I don't know. But whatever it is, I hope BronyCon will announce it pretty quick! Less than a month to go until the con!
Special Thanks to Chevistian for seinding in the link to the high res Comics World BronyCon Cover!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
It looks like Sweetie Belle has joined the others in that silent release of the Cutie Mark Crusaders that has been happening at Hot Topic stores these past few days. We don't have a normal version of her yet, but this glittery variant is apparently out there.
Here's to hoping they pop up online soon for order! I know I'm not the only one that hates going to the mall and chasing down stock on Funko figures!
Thanks to Ryan for sending it.
If you are one of those people that needs to collectemall, including playsets, the Canterlot Castle set has appeared over on Amazon. Pre-orders are not yet open, but it does have a bunch of images of two kids playing with it.
Get the page for it over here:
My Little Pony Cutie Mark Magic Canterlot Castle Playset
Or get a bunch of giant size images below the break!
We Love Fine has started releasing images of the upcoming Applejack figure in their new Chibi pony lineup. Over on the website, the progress of her base sculpt, along with concept art has been released for you all to drool over. This thing is going to be cute. Good job voting Applejack fans!
Thanks to Jeremy, WD, and everyone else for sending it!
Hasbro heard you all liked friendship, so they are celebrating your friendships with a friendship day on the 30th of this month. Teaming up with "Generation On", they have launched a side site on their My Little Pony page with activity ideas dedicated to helping various causes:
- Environmental improvements for Applejack
- Health and Wellness with Rainbow Dash
- Homelessness and Poverty assistance with Rarity
- Hunger battling with Pinkie Pie
- Education with Twilight
- Animal Wellfare with Fluttershy
If you want to join in on the event, head on over here for the list!
Thanks to Cindy and everyone else for the heads up!
Those Chinese knockoff plushies have expanded yet again, following up on their previous release of Starlight, Double Diamond, and Party Favor. I was wondering where da mares at! As always, expect them to flood randomly around the internet, from shady websites to eBay.
Thanks to BeastBrony19 for the heads up.
Comics: Silly Lyra / Insheeption / Sock Shocked / Kings and Changelings #9 / ES 6/121 / Mend #22-25
by Sethisto
Comic time! Lyra and Bonbon do Lyra and Bonbon things, Twilight incepts, Spike shocks, and more updates! So many updates. Get them all below.
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