The more I see of this comic, the more I need to own it NOW!
Well folks, Brenda Hickey has once again tossed up a Single Panel Out of Context Sneak Peek for everyone who doesn't mind spoilers to gawk.
Or possibly scream at. I don't know which. This is the issue starring Discord and Luna. I'm sure the reaction is going to be one or the other. Quite possibly both.
Anyways, you can find the usual below the break!
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Hot Topic has finally tossed up their variants for the last two issues of the My Little Pony main series comics to the website. These have been in the physical stores for a while, but previously didn't have a listing online.
Have some links!
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #30
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #31
I wanted to header the Drawfriend earlier with this, but I realized I have headered the drawfriend with pretty much every Yakovlev-vad piece of art ever. So NIGHTLY DISCUSSION gets it instead. Seriously, how cool is Luna wielding a giant poleaxe? With a flowy red cape? Can we just accept Luna as our lord and savior already?
Discuss that. Or discuss whatever.
Today, we bust out those GUITARS! We have three awesome rock/acoustic songs for you to dig into, all with varying styles. Now go! Chill out first, then Rock out with the other two!
1.) Reminding // Original Song by MathematicPony (Vocal - Acoustic)
2.) Silent Night - Madmare in the Mirror (Vocal - Rock)
3.) Fine - Jeff Burgess (Vocal - Rock)
[Normal] [Slice of Life] "A good use of twenty minutes of your day. A fun little thing that makes no pompous claims and ask nothing but to be read. From the importance of shades, to a bit of knowing those around us, a fairly simple tale for an easy, good read. There are also, very briefly, ninjas; I thought that might be important." -Pre-reader who dislikes having a name
Author: Ciroton
Description: Vinyl Scratch is a mare of mystery: hard to meet and even harder to get to know. It is an image she has cultivated since her early days as a DJ and is not likely to ever let go. She is the queen of the music scene and her purple shades are her crown. To her roommate, Octavia, she is a vulgar annoyance and a blemish on her otherwise spotless life. However, when she accidentally destroys the one thing
Mezza Voce (New Part 5!)
that matters most to the unicorn, the cellist finds herself learning more than she ever cared to know about the rock-loving mare.
- Cover image by recycletiger
- As always, edited by BrotherPrickle.
Additional Tags: Accident, Discovery, Coping, Stories, Friendsop 6:03 PM
Labels: Author: Ciroton, Colgate, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Lyra, Normal, OC Ponies, Octavia, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
Where my bug at? 3 Seasons and no Chrysalis yet in the show! They keep hinting at Changelings, so I'm wondering if she will return? Perhaps with Trixie? And Starlight Glimmer? Yes. The League of Misunderstood Antagonists. This should happen.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Chrysalis by Koveliana
Author: Wisdom Thumbs
Description: They say minotaurs live by the scars they bear. Bismuth's hide is a map of the world: his life was the blade, and the blade was his life, carried unto a hundred red fields, down a thousand roads, singing among elk, deer, and dragons. He stood at ramparts long since fallen, and was counted a hero in lands forgotten, when ponies had only begun to dream.
Maybe it's all true, but now he only rocks in his chair, stirring at embers, while his deeds turn to rust in the shadows. What kind of scars call that living? And if you ask him, would he tell you?
The Weak
Additional Tags: Not grimdark, pre-Equestriaop 4:00 PM
Labels: Author: Wisdom Thumbs, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-Needed, Story -
Starlight Glimmer has launched her presidential campaign website for 2016. As if it wasn't already obvious, her primary promise is equality for all. Shed your material lifestyle and become a part of the collective. Through Starlight Glimmer we will know true happiness.
Or something like that.
Anyway, get her site over here.
Exciting! @TedlyAnderson & I are working on MLP: Friends Forever #21! This cover is from the SDCC Hasbro/IDW Panel. pic.twitter.com/6frH0PDHnN— Agnes Garbowska(@AgnesGarbowska) July 15, 2015
Ahem. I mean, Agnes Garbowska, IDW MLP Artist Extraordinaire, has tossed up on her Twitter the Retailer Subscription Cover that she did for Friends Forever #21!
There's absolutely no need to panic and run for your lives from disease carrying equines. It's just a comic cover for a fictional comic story where nothing in that fantasy land can hurt you. Now on a completely unrelated note, I have to finish booking my one way ticket to the moon.
Special Thanks to Masem, Chevistian, and everyone else who sent it in! -
The Wasteland Wailers return with another awesome song for all of you wandering the badlands of Nevada, followed by some oldschool Punkrock from FritzyBeat and Vaceslav, and finish with one of those multi-covers of Apples to the Core. Get them below!
1.) Wasteland Wailers - Mail it In (feat. Haymaker) (Vocal - Acoustic)
2.) Pinkamena - Vaceslav & FritzyBeat (Vocal - Punk Parody)
3.) Apples to the Core- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Remix - Multi-Cover)
Some days I feel like an AJ, but most days I think I feel like Rainbow Dash. What about you guys?
Comic time! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Well now, isn't this a pleasant surprise! Buried in today's solicits were two quiet little announcements. The first is the second installment to the MLP Comic Art Gallery! After we didn't get an Art Gallery last year, I figured that little sub-series wasn't going to return.
This is one of those rare instances where I'm happy to be wrong! The first one basically ended up being an Art Gallery dedicated to Sara Richard (which can't be faulted too much since her art is awesome) but with a little bit of luck we'll hopefully see more varied art in this second volume!
MLP: Art Gallery II
(A) Various (CA) Sara Richard
A brand new art gallery featuring your favorite Pony artists! Rare and never-before-seen art fill this gorgeous book!
And we have the eighth volume in the Friendship is Magic Trade Paperback (TBP) reprint collections. Collecting five issues instead of the usual four, since a certain one shot Luchador issue sunk its way into release, you'll be getting little bit more comic for your buck with this edition.
MLP: FiM TPB Volume 8
(W) Ted Anderson, Christina Rice, Thom Zahler(A) Jay P. Fosgitt, Agnes Garbowska, Tony Fleecs(CA) Agnes Garbowska
Rarity helps Cherilee and her sister mend hurt feelings over a long-simmering grudge. A massive event celebrating Ponyville's founding is nearing but an argument between friends splits the town into two argumentative factions! And, something sinister is happening at Sweet Apple Acres! Bad apples have come alive and are determined to take over all of Ponyville! Collects issues #29-33.
Be sure to keep an eye out for a SPOC Sneak Peek later today. Discord might just scream if you were to miss it.
Special thanks to Chevistian for the heads up!
Pony may seem over on Japan in terms of syndication, but they do appear to be dropping one final way to grab some cartoon horse in the way of a new DVD box set. It covers both dubbed seasons in their entirety, though the price is pretty crazy. If you want to enshrine pony's brief stint on Japanese television, the entire thing will cost you $162 dollars.
You can find the page for it over here! -
My Little Pony - Friends Forever #21 Announced! - Spike and Zecora - Synopsis and Team Behind it Detailed
by Sethisto
Spike and Zecora? Color me intrigued. I've always wanted more Zebra love in the show. She has been largely absent lately hasn't she?
Head on down below the break for the synopsis and other details!
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Comic #35 Announced! - Synopsis and Team Behind it Detailed
by Sethisto
The October solicits from IDW have finally arrived! We have a continuation on the Siege of the Crystal Empire series that will be arriving in September. Expect some spoilers!
Get the details, including team writing and drawing it below.
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