Nightly Roundup #1206
by Calpain
If Equestria ever did start a space program I think Luna would make a great leader for the program. She already controls the Moon, she must know a bit more about the night sky that most I would think.
News time guys! Just a short list today.
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Ponies on Conan!
by Calpain
And then Andy Richter was a Brony. Ponies are just becoming more and more mainstream aren't they?
Check on after the break for the clip and thanks to SleepySteve for sending it in.
Even in an alternate universe Spike loses his composure around Rarity. So cute~
Comic time my friends, all updates! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
Nightly Discussion #385
by Calpain
Oh no Lyra, don't be sad! I don't think my heart can take those adorable puppy eyes any longer. Man, if ponies were pets they'd get their way in any situation wouldn't they?
Evening everyone! Ready for some chatting?
Twitter: Calpain
Bronies for good is here tonight with a special charity announcement! They are proud to present that their next charity album and fundraiser for 2015-2016 will be called Seeds of Kindness: Building Bridges.
Want to know who they are supporting this year or how you can get involved? Check on after the break for the full presser.
If you are like me, you already went out and reinstalled Fallout 3 or New Vegas thanks to the recent announcement of Fallout 4. If you are also like me, you probably haven't really played much of it because everything is the same.
Luckily, we have a mod for that.
Gardens of Equestria: Smugglers Run adds a safehouse filled with pony stuff, armor, weapons, and more. Have the exact list:
- A hidden safehouse deep in the hills outside Goodsprings holds many secrets and few answers.
- Locate some of the most advanced weaponry the Ministry of Wartime Technology ever developed and wield these fearsome weapons through your travels throughout the Mojave Wasteland!
- Three unique sets of armor, each with their own special traits, await you.
- Find a way into the depths of the safehouse and discover a virtual treasure trove for those skilled enough to get to it.
- The distortions in reality have already started. Nuka-Cola has become Sparkle-Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla has become Sunset Shimmer Sarsaparilla! And the changes aren’t limited to just the safehouse.
- Many other items have changed as well, but you’ll have to discover the extent of the changes yourself. Who knows how far they have spread?
- Know that for every lock, there exists a key for those with keen eyes and nimble fingers.
- Custom music by Corvus Productions, made specially for Smuggler’s Run. (We'll be releasing this for download on our SoundCloud site at a future date).
If text isn't your thing, a video was also released with some surprisingly cool robotic voice acting. Get that down below.
Or just go in blind. The mod is over here.
I wonder what the Equestrian space program is like? Considering their resident monarch can literally move the sun, or teleport her sister to the moon, surely they must have a robust amount of research placed into the cosmos.
Get your art below!
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Silent Hoofstep
Switching from side ponies for a bit, the Friends Forever series has a bit of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash planned for the 18th installment. Specific details for that one can be found over here. Itunes has uploaded a three page preview to get us all ready for it's July 1st debut.
Head on down below the break to check it out!
Animation: Slice of Jeff
by Calpain
The sequel to A Paper Derpy Concatenation has been released, continuing that adorable Paper Mario style. Expect wacky antics and insanity in this one.
Check on after the break for the video!
A panel over at MLP-MSP starred M.A. Larson fresh after the episode screening answering all sorts of interesting things about what happened within the big 100th celebration. Needless to say, this one had a LOT of fun things planned.
Quite a few scenes were cut for the sake of hitting that 22 minute limit. Everything from extra Octavia scenes to silly Derpy slapstick. Maybe one of you animators out there can throw one of these together for us? Wouldn't that be amazing?
Head on down below for a breakdown and video of the panel!
For how few of you appreciate the sun regularly in fan art, at least she gets a ton of love in the cosplay area! More Celestia required!
And get your cosplay compilation below.
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MLP - Princess Celestia colorfull
Early Morning Discussion #223
by Calpain
How about some nice appreciation for everyone's favorite little dragon? He sure does do a lot of work for someone so young and I don't know what Twilight would do without him.
Morning everyone! Hope you slept well!
Twitter: Calpain
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