Nightly Roundup #1202
by Calpain
Don't you just hate it when you're drinking one of your favorite drinks and your muzzle gets stuck? Obviously cups are not pony friendly!
News time everyone! Ready for it?
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Story: A Lovingly Crafted Lunch
by Calpain
[Comedy][Slice of Life][Random]
Author: Daemon of Decay and RainbowBob
Description: Scootaloo ends up with her father's lunch by mistake. Reality is almost destroyed in the process.
A Lovingly Crafted Lunch
Additional Tags: What's for lunch, Dad?op 21:00
Sildid: Author: Daemon of Decay, Author: RainbowBob, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Random, Scootaloo, Story -
Nightly Discussion #378
by Calpain
Now that is one fuzzy pony, plus the casual look goes pretty well with Celestia don't you think?
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
I often joke around that I've been running a website based around cartoon horses who's lives are controlled by their butts for four and a half years. Cutie Marks have proven to be a ridiculously powerful force in the destiny's of your day-to-day equestrian. Swapping them in Magical Mystery Cure had each of the mane 6 completely lost, and stealing them turned them into husks of their former selves.
Apple Bloom's recent journey into the world of potential posterior pictures shows us that there is always a possibility that you may not be happy with what you get in the end. I suppose that works in real life too. I know plenty of high paid, specialized individuals who are absolutely miserable at their jobs.
But what happens if you get a mark that is completely awesome? Or vaguely points at a whole bunch of fun possibilities? That's what we celebrate this time around!
Journey down below, as we continue our 99 Episode Celebration with the 9 of the best pony butt symbols of the past 5 seasons!
The map for 2015 Championship Events for My Little Pony CCG has now been updated to include Regional Championship events, along with some more Store Events just added! If you're looking to compete at the Store, Regional, or National level, check out the map here!
Quote from Facebook:
Regional Championships will be June 27-28 at select stores, so come compete for big prizes! Each participant will receive an alternate-art foil Bulk Biceps, All Muscle card, and the Top 8 players will also receive an alternate-art foil Queen Chrysalis Troublemaker card, as well as an exclusive playmat featuring Queen Chrysalis. The Regional Champion will also receive an additional two copies of the Queen Chrysalis promo, and the top two players will both qualify to compete in the Continental Championships at Gen Con!
Agent Heartstrings and police chief B.O.N. are on the scene! What criminal activity did you take part in? It seems like just yesterday Celestia approved your Equestrian Visa! How could you do this?
Get your 3D Pony art below while we investigate.
Source [1]
I never was much of a cheer leader fan in real life. Ponies somehow make it awesome though. Ponies do that a lot.
Get the art below!
Source [0]
Dang AJ, that's a little harsh don't you think? Then again I would expect something like this from AJ over any other main six pony.
Comics guys! Click for full!
Note: Language warning in Comic #1
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Story: The Regular
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Ruirik
Description: In all his years of running his own shop, Doughnut Joe has seen thousands of ponies. Some he knew, most he didn't, and many he would never see again. But he never minded that, for he always had his regulars.
The Regular
Additional Tags: The casual friendships we build -
If Japan is good at anything, it's the mastery of all things cute. What happens when you add ponies to that equation? What happens when you adopt a Tsundere persona for one of them? Introducing Trixie Attack, a 30 page comic dedicated to all things Twilight and Trixie. Will the Greatest and Most Powerful bratty wizard win the magic duel this time?
Head on down below to read it! If you are inexperienced with manga, the pages are read from right to left.
Early Morning Discussion #218
by Calpain
Just because Pinkie has a party cannon doesn't mean Maud can't have her own! Maybe he can give Pinkie a run for her money, eh?
Morning guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain
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