The great moon war of 2035. Few were prepared for the princess of Twilight to gain such a strong foothold on the dark side. Luckily we have Luna here who was a tactical expert on both sides of the moon.
Now go listen to music and imagine MOON WAR.
Different genres for different parts of it!
The high tech network hacking on one side with ELECTRONIC.
The massive pony battles via some ORCHESTRAL.
And the final battle with an epic rock theme.
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Stay Brony My Friends is back after a brief time off! This time they have an interview with Kelly Sheridan, the queen of Equality. As always with Stay Brony, the special guest has picked a charity to support: The Wildlife Rescue Association of British Columbia!
Check out the podcast after the break and possibly donate some money to the cause for a chance of getting some awesome prizes!
Nightly Discussion #343
by Calpain
Having a cutie mark dedicated to magic as well as being the Element of Magic must mean that Twilight has not reached her peak yet. Who knows how skilled and powerful she will become in the future?
Evening everyone! Hope you all had a great day! Ready for Friday?
Twitter: Calpain -
AV Club has written up a quick article spotlighting various shows that may be a good recommendation for all the kids out there. Coming in at the 4th place slot is our glorious cartoon equines, right next to the usual ones you'd expect. They also mention lava demons, though I'm going to guess that this is a reference to Sunset Shimmer and not a potential future spoiler. I could be wrong though!
How would you sell ponies to a concerned parent looking to enrich their child's television entertainment needs with useful content? What points would you bring up to sell it?
Thanks to Masem for the heads up!
The Friendship is Magic fandom has had it's ups and downs in terms of fan projects. Many of the potentially greatest games and videos out there have seen the chopping block in the end. The problem with creating anything big and epic always comes down to the time required to do it. Burnout and potential C&D's are always then biggest killers of a good idea.
I'm sure you have run into something over the years that you'd kill to have actually release, or even exist. What was it for you? Perhaps a fully fledged pony dating sim? Or maybe that Pony Kart game that looked so good but never released?
Hit the comments up! Maybe your wish will be granted some day!
You know Trouble Shoes, maybe it isn't luck that's causing all those problems for you...
More comics guys! Click for full!
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Twitter: Calpain -
How good of a spy do you think Pinkie Pie would be? Like if you had GTA style stat sheets before a heist, what negatives and positives would she have?
Flexibility: [][][][][][][]
Speed: [][][][][]
Stealth: -
[1] Source
Pinkie spy?
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #64
by Calpain
Zecora might not get the most sculptures, but when they pop they are fantastic! Well done Frozenpyro, well done!
More amazing crafts after the break guys! Check them out!
[1] Source
Story: How Sunset Rose
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Oroboro
Sunset Shimmer knew she was better than the other ponies around her, even if she didn't have her cutie mark yet. She had to be.
She just needed to find a way to prove it.
How Sunset Rose
Additional Tags: Sunset Shimmer Gets Her Cutie Mark -
You can pick her up over here for 25 bucks! -
[Romance][Slice of Life]
Author: PaulAsaran
Description: Octavia Melody is calm, introverted and longing to break the boundaries of class through her career as a musician. Princess Luna is lost in the eddies of her past, struggling to belong in a new age that doesn't seem to want her. A chance meeting after a disastrous gala gives these isolated souls a chance to find companionship and comfort. As Luna seeks solace in Octavia's soothing music, Octavia comes to recognize the princess's loneliness and fears. When it's your duty to protect other ponies' dreams, who protects your own? Octavia might just be willing to try.
The Gentle Nights: Audience of One
Dinky Doo and the Quest for Sacred Treats (New Sequel)
Additional Tags: Awkward Luna and Octavia Romanceop 9:56 AM
Labels: Author: PaulAsaran, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, Octavia, Shipping, Story -
Comic: Recall the Time / Eye on the Pie / Cutie Loose / Scientist Scoots 26 / The Banished 4
by Calpain
I've seen this comic pop up from time to time, but it didn't have an English translation at the time. While the translation isn't the best you can at least read it! Check it out above.
Comics guys, click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Early Morning Discussion #188
by Calpain
It's been a very rainy May here so far with rain in the forecast for the next 5-7 days! I really do like rainy days, but after being cooped up in the house all winter I really want to go outside.
Morning everyone! Hope you're doing well.
Twitter: Calpain
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