Nightly Roundup #1183
by Calpain
Some more Trouble Shoes art because he's just one big lovable guy. I wonder if we'll ever see him again in another Appleloosa episode?
News time everyone! Get it all after the break.
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We have a new Discord book on the way from G.M. Berrow announced a while back, and now it has a cover. Unfortunately there still doesn't appear to be a synopsis, but I'm sure that will appear soon. Expect it to drop on the 7th of July! Have an Amazon link for pre-orders:
Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama
Thanks to Brony250 for the heads up!
Nightly Discussion #339
by Calpain
If Sunset were to ever come back to Equestria I can certainly see something like this happening. Celestia is a pretty forgiving princess and I'm sure she'd be happy to see an old pupil of hers once again.
Evening everyone! The weekend is over, but that doesn't mean we can't still chat.
Twitter: Calpain -
[Slice of Life]
Author: Sharp Spark
Description: Spike sets out on a heroic quest, taking him far away from home to brave the dangers of... the Manehattan Comic-Con! He's got a lot of high hopes for his convention experience, but when things don't all go according to plan, it might take a few new friends to remind him of just why he liked superheroes to begin with.
Pros and Cons
Additional Tags: Spike goes to Comic-Con -
Hey fanfic authors and readers of Equestria Daily! I bet you were starting to think we weren't gonna do the Writer's Training Grounds this season, when in reality we were justtoo lazy to start it for a monthbusy trying to modify out submission form to make it work properly to help the event run smoothly.
If you're new, and don't remember the Writer's Training Grounds, it's a weekly short story writing event we do after each new episode. Authors write a fanfic based on one of several prompts, leading to a healthy dose of episode-related fanfiction that all gets compiled in a post here a week later. Regardless of if you're a seasoned writer or are just now thinking of trying your hand at fanfiction, you're welcome in this event. The more participation, the better!
If you wanted to write a fic based on the first few episodes of season 5, don't worry! We're going to go back during the break weeks and run events for the episodes weslacked off duringwere unable to properly run the event for when they first aired.
Get your prompts, and the usual fic submission copypasta, below the break.
Private knows that there's only a half hour left til the EQD Podcast and figured he'd have some fun with his toys to make the time go faster. Seriously, Private and Ponies is awesome. Can I have more of this?
Don't forget to ask any questions you've got here or here. We'll also have a chat going on the page that you can ask questions in.
When the stream goes live, you'll be able to find the link right here. In the meantime, get ready for more silliness with your favourite unofficial pony folks! -
Friendship Games Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, and Archery Dolls in the Packaging Appear
by Sethisto
More Toy Fair stuff made real, with some Friendship Games merchandise popping up. This time around we have three of the upcoming archery dolls, along with the single Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. Unleash the shipping! When pre-orders open at least.
Get them below!
With the new season of pony well underway, the artists around the fandom are coming out of the woodwork again to create all sorts of amazing pony pieces! As a result I have my work cut out for me as I try and keep up with the number of talented individuals out there. So today we've got four I've found to be pretty impressive and certainly worth a look!
Now, on to the artists!
I admit, a few of those pony clowns were kinda cute, but that doesn't make them any less terrifying in the wrong light. I blame movies. Movies ruined clowns.
Get your art storm below!
[1] Source
Where the shoes fit
At the sound of approaching hoofsteps, Troubleshoes smiled and laid back against the ground. The dust beneath him clung yellow on his coat, but the sky overhead was clear blue and endless in all directions.
"That was amazing, Troubleshoes!" Scootaloo said, she being the first one to reach him. "That was the best rodeo clown show ever!"
Troubleshoes smiled, and with the last of his strength lifted a hoof up to her cheek. "All thanks to you," he said, speaking as much to her as to her two little friends who'd just come to join her. "I'm proud of ya. All of ya. Every stallion wants his... children to be... better than he was. You are."
As he lay back and felt his strength leave him, Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow. "Um... what?"
"Now, don't you worry," Applejack said, pulling her close as Troubleshoes closed his eyes. "This may seem a lonesome place to leave him, but he's not alone. Because many of his kind rest here with him."
Though all three fillies were thinking it, Apple Bloom was the first to speak up. "What... are you talkin' about, AJ?"
"The rodeo... was like a mother to Troubleshoes," Applejack went on, staring off towards the horizon as if in a trance. "He belonged to her. She cared for him while he lived... and she's nursing him while he sleeps."
All three fillies looked at each other, and gradually the reality of the situation sank in. "Is..." Sweetie Belle said. "Is this another one of those long-winded movie references that Aquaman always starts his followups with?"
Applejack didn't answer right away, but as she let out a sigh and angled her hat over her eyes, a smile could be seen dancing across her lips.
"Sure is, sugarcube," she murmured. "Sure is."
My name is Aquaman, this is the "Appleoosa's Most Wanted" episode followup, and if you all up there are quite finished, let's get back on the trail again. We're burnin' daylight. -
Way back in July of 2014, we dropped a press release announcing the debut of a My Little Pony remix album with DJ-Pon3 as the head. It was expected last fall, but outside of that initial announcement, absolutely nothing came of it for the entire year.
We finally have some good news!
Over on the Lakeshore Records Facebook Page, one of the staff responded to a query asking if it was still a thing. The exact reply:
Thank for your patience! DJ PON-3 is still coming!
Hopefully "still coming" is sooner than "another year!"
Thanks to Senn555 for the heads up! -
Comic: A Great Day ! / Off the Mark / Redeem Trixie - Fluttershy / Old Apploosa 6 / Crazy Future End
by Sethisto
Troubleshoes makes a friend, CMC have an epiphany, and loads of updates! We even have a finale to that Crazy Future comic you all seem so crazy about, even if it's got a sequel coming soon. Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Just two days ago, we had Mane 6 pop up out of nowhere with news of incoming announcements, and already we have one! The cow character up above the first, though they do warn that this is a very early work in progress and not a reflection of the final thing. Those are some good looking cows regardless!
Here's to hoping we see more as they continue progress on it.
Thanks to Jon for the heads up! -
Early Morning Discussion #184
by Calpain
Trouble Shoes is just such a cutie! Certainly my favorite stallion so far this season. He just lights up when he sees the rodeo that it's precious.
Morning everyone! Ready for some chatting?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Roundup #1182
by Calpain
Some apple horses to end this apple filled day! Here's to a nice week ahead!
News time guys! Lots of podcasts and such today so get all those after the break.
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