Nightly Roundup #1180
by Calpain
It's the quiet ones you've got to watch out for they say. Fluttershy's quiet and shy character is just all part of her ninja training. Watch the shadows my friends.
News time! Get it after the break.
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A little harsh there Sweetie Belle, you probably should have let him down a little easier, huh?
Yet more comics! Click for full guys.
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Nightly Discussion #334
by Calpain
Pony ducks/swans will never get old, they're just so cute! Though that does apply to a lot of situations. Why you so cute ponies?!
Evening everyone! Another night, another chat.
Twitter: Calpain -
I've pretty much lived on electronic music for the past decade. Ever since those old Newgrounds music makers were pumping out remixes and originals, it has been my thing. Techno started it all there for me. Now days we have so many variants I haven't really seen anything that follows that oldschool sound in forever. The new stuff has me addicted elsewhere.
Anyway, get that in the first slot, then some EDM/House in the second! Now go!
1.) Kadenza - Quell (Ponies at Dawn) (Instrumental - Techno)
2.) EnsionD - Colours (ft. Vaceslav) (Vocal - EDM/House)
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Techno -
Tomorrow, we get to know the villain who gives love such a bad name. But tonight, We have an interview with the artist for the final FIENDship is Magic issue!
What little secrets does Andy Price hold for those who can't wait?
Well I played my part, and we've played this game. Interview is after the break!
op 6:30 PM
Labels: Comic, Fiendship is Magic, IDW Comic Staff, Interview, News, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic -
Once again, we are rockin the ratings for pony episodes. Tanks for the Memories came in at a whopping 647,000 according to TV Media Insights, beating the season intro. I guess the non-internet fandom took a while to wake up?
That or these Nielsen Ratings are completely ridiculous. That could totally be a thing.
Until we can confirm that, go celebrate! Maybe we can sneak a side series out if this show keeps dominating like it is?
Thanks to Pinkiepie97 for the heads up!
While pre-orders and online purchasing of Spike have been available for a while, his actual in-store release was stagged from the Shining Armor and Cadance combo. It looks like he is finally making his way to store shelves.
As with all funko figures, it would be best to call in before making the trip, as they tend to disappear quickly.
Thanks to Edward for sending it!
Earlier today, we announced the departure of Amy Keating Rogers from writing for Friendship is Magic due to her new full-time gig at Disney. Consdering how many people are fans of her episodes, quite a few were saddened by this. Luckily we have a bit of good news to followup on it!
According to her tweet reply, she still worked on four more unreleased episodes in season 5. One final hurrah! So far all we know of us the upcoming "Lost Treasure of Griffonstone".
Thanks to Silver Rain and Nick for sending it!
What would you write in a letter to Twilight Sparkle? Talk about the weather? Ask how many letters she loses due to the somewhat unreliable mail carrier? Ask anything!
And get some art below.
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Minky Plush Washing Guide
by Calpain
A lot of people who have bought plushies over the years have asked me about ways to clean them. Not knowing how to myself or knowing of anyone that had a good guide I wasn't able to steer them in the right direction.
Thankfully this tutorial from a great plush maker hit my dA inbox that gives a step by step guide for treating your minky pony plushies. So for those of you who have minkies and wish to clean up your favorite plush, check the link below for instructions!
Minky Plush Washing Guide
Twitter: Calpain -
For those of you out there with an iOS device, the iTunes store has been updated with a two chapter preview of that upcoming "Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine" book. Similiar to the other EG books, it follows a side story to the actual movies as opposed to covering what they cover.
Head on over here to check it out.
(Note: They also have a two-page preview on Amazon without an iOS device.)
Thanks to Jason for the heads up! -
Author: Sharpe Quill
Description: The city of Dock has long been a quiet shadow of its former self, and nopony knows that better than Belle, Captain of the town guard. A steady decline in the fortunes of the once prosperous port town has led to a certain amount of boredom, and to be honest, she wouldn't have it any other way.
Monsters (New Part 11!)
When disaster strikes the otherwise sleepy town, Belle finds herself hock deep in the middle of a mystery unlike any the city has ever experienced. Now she must rely on her wits, and the help of friends both old and new to stop the pandemonium that threatens to destroy her world.
Additional Tags: Mystery! Mayhem! Monsters, oh my!
op 12:38 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Sharpe Quill, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Comic: New Room / NSFW / Animane
by Calpain
I can totally sympathize with Spike here. When I first moved away from home I pretty much felt the exact same way. Home is where the heart is after all.
Comic again guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
I bet the CMC would have a ball with D&D! They certainly have an active enough imagination for it. Though it looks like Sweetie might not be suited for it, heh.
Comics guys! Click for full!
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Early Morning Discussion #180
by Calpain
If you thought doing your personal taxes was hard before, Twilight, just wait till your first tax season as Princess of Friendship!
Morning everyone! Ready for a chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Amy Keating Rogers Becomes Full Time Disney Writer, Leaves My Little Pony For the Near Future
by Sethisto
It looks like Amy Keating Rogers has been absorbed into the Disney machine! Yesterday she announced that she has become a full time writer over there. Amidst the congratulations, a bit of bad news did appear if you are a fan of her many pony episodes:
There is always a chance that she might hop over for a quick idea or two, but for now, it looks like her career has shifted to Disney full time.
It was an awesome four years anyway. Go wish her some good luck at her new job!
Thanks to Casey for sending this.
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