BronyCAN is bringing it recently as they are happy to announce the attendance of both Rebecca Shoichet and Ellen Kennedy, the voices of Sunset Shimmer and Mane-iac respectively.
Check on after the break to learn more about these two and how you can get in on the BronyCAN fun.
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Nightly Discussion #323
by Calpain
'I like her mane!' seems to be what a lot of you are saying about Twi's new mane cut. Wouldn't it be cool if we got alternate mane styles more often?
Evening everyone! The weekend cometh! Ready for some relaxation?
Twitter: Calpain
Dat nostalgia. Diddy Kong Racing was played almost as much as Mario Kart in my house. Good times. I bet half of you haven't even touched a N64! GET OFF MY LAWN!
And if nostalgia isn't your thing, get some Fluttershy style electro breaks from Ponytronic. Both below!
1.) ⌠♪ Music⌡Strach Attack - Shyst3p (Ponytronic Remix) (Instrumental - Electro Breaks)
2.) [MLP FiM x Diddy Kong Racing] Starlight Glimmer Cove (Remix - Mashup)
Rarity won a poll! It has been a while. I've always thought she was a bit under-appreciated. She still has one of the best voices on the show hooves down.
Next poll, it's already up:
What Background pony do you most want to hear with speaking lines?
Obviously we can't list every background pony in the show, but that's what "other" is for. It looks like most of you noticed that.
Now go vote!
And go get the results of this poll below the break.
Sneak Peek Picture from Bloom and Gloom!
by Calpain
Not much time left everyone! The MLP Facebook page dropped a little teaser shot for tomorrow's episode.
Check it out after the break and thanks to Andrew for sending it in!
Hey folks! I got even dirtier this time to find the best shots I could of all the amazing backgrounds that showed up in "Castle Sweet Castle"! The backgrounds can sometimes be overlooked because we have such awesome characters front and center, but this episode really blew me away with the details and variety. So come under the cut and geek out with me over the amazing shots!
Animation: Twilight's Night Off
by Calpain
Twilight learned a valuable lesson that taking time to relax is a good part of a healthy lifestyle! Too bad unexpected things come up to put an interesting spin on things.
Got a new animation from Tiarawhy inspired by the new episode! It has some suggestive material, but nothing too bad. Check it all out after the break!
A few more updates coming out of 4DE today! It looks like Twilight's variant model with wings will be arriving with the rest of this wave at the end of spring. I for one welcome this wing design. I think that's the best I've seen so far on manufactured plushies so far.
And in other news, since some were wondering about Trixie's cape, it is apparently removable. An updates image with her lacking cape was posted following that.
Expect us to toss up pre-orders when they arrive!
It looks like we have quite a bit of information buried within the Series 3 MLP Trading cards that released a while back. The text reveals a whole bunch of neat little bits of potential season 5 content. This stuff wouldn't have been noticed if a few of the cards weren't following the episodes that have already aired this season.
An enterprising young detective going by the name of RainbowDashin has sent in a bunch of samples. I'm sure there are a ton more out there. Time to crowd dig! We need your help sorting through the insane amount of cards for potential nuggets of information!
Anyway, head on down below the break for what we know so far!
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #63
by Calpain
A bass guitar worthy of Rainbow Dash's coolness! You can just feel the attitude radiating of this thing.
Lots of unique crafts this time around my friends! Check them out all after the break.
[1] Source
Rainbow Dash Bass Guitar
Author: Ausbrony
Broken and beaten after the failed Canterlot invasion, Chrysalis desperately searches for a way to save her hive. The answer comes to her in the form of an ancient spell that allows travel to other worlds. Starving, feeling left with little choice in a world that despises and fears them, Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings pack their metaphorical saddlebags and ship off into the unknown.
The world they discover is unlike any other. Strange and powerful creatures inhabit the land; not only that, but they also find themselves imbued with new powers. Even better—love is abundant and easy to obtain: all they have to do is fight for their lives in arena-style tournaments, enter beauty pageants, musicals, and other demeaning activities.
As Chrysalis and her ’lings adapt to this new world, they must also be careful. This new paradise comes with its fair share of dangers: other monsters competing for affection, unkind masters, and even an organisation that would seek to enslave and experiment on them.Finally, why does someone named ‘Arceus’ keep sending Chrysalis Legendary Pokémon Application forms?
Changelings: Gotta Love 'em All (New Part 4!)
Additional Tags: Chrysalis and her children become Pokemon
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Ausbrony, Changelings, Chrysalis, Crossover, Fanfiction, Human, Incomplete, Story -
Twilight is pretty easy to please it seems. Guess that's what you get for being a pony just concerned with studies for so long.
Comic time! Click for full!
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Twitter: Calpain
Early Morning Discussion #172
by Calpain
Sacrebleu! Waiter, there is a pony in my tea! Do you have any more?
Morning everyone! Sleep well I hope?
Twitter: Calpain
Nightly Roundup #1174
by Calpain
More Equality Horse because we're all equal here at EqD. Welcome...
News coming at your face! Catch it all after the break my friends and thanks to Kia for the header for tonight!
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