Nightly Roundup #1169
by Calpain
It's so nice to be out of the hiatus, the artwork just keeps flooding in! With so many weeks to go I can only imagine what is in store for us in the future.
News time my friendly ponies! Get it all after the break!
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Skullgirls actually fits pretty well with our ponies. An all female cast of badasses with interesting personality traits... and yeah that's about it. ANYWAY, the Fluttershy skin up above for Parasoul was announced a while back, but a new R-Dash 5000 style thing has been added to Robo-Fortune's options in the Endless Beta version of the game. Pretty fitting if you ask me!
Thanks to CountDerpy and Mr. Decision for the heads up!
If iTunes isn't your thing, the Google Play store has been updated with both Cutie Markless episodes one and two. Unfortunately the first episode isn't free here, but it's the same price for the season regardless. Head on over here to grab it!
Now I'm off to go bury myself in more repeated "Our Town" until I'm thoroughly indoctrinated into Starlight Glimmers little cult thing.
Nightly Discussion #313
by Calpain
Now that would be a crazy crossover! We already know Rick and Morty and GF are slightly linked so why not throw MLP into the mix? Ah, it's a great time for cartoons~
Hey everyone! So glad to be back among you all. Hope you all had a great season premier weekend! Ready for a chat?
Twitter: Calpain
The first installment of the Princess Collection from G.M. Berrow has been released, starring GLORIOUS Celestia. What crazyness does Sunbutt get involved in? What can we expect from this princess pony series as a whole? Head on over to Amazonto pick it up! The entire thing clocks in at 160 pages, though Amazon has a whopping 70 page preview to check out if you are curious.
We have another massive compilation of art today. 75 images in total. This fandom is insane when it comes out of hibernation.
Below the break, get your usual pony flood!
[1] Source
Char Design: Archmage Twilight
[Slice of Life][Sad]
Author: DrakeyC
Description: It's been two and a half years since Twilight Sparkle returned from the other world, leaving Sunset Shimmer in the company of the alternate group of friends she made. However, not all has gone well for her one-time rival in the other world. On the night of the 30th moon, Sunset emerges from the mirror and uses an ancient relic to switch their bodies. Alone in the care of Sunset's overbearing ex-tutor, Twilight uncovers the forgotten past that drove her rival to such desperation, while back in Ponyville, Sunset struggles with Twilight's lifestyle clashing with her own dreams.
Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns (New Part 15!)
Additional Tags: Sunset steals Twilight's body. Feels ensueop 5:50 PM
Labels: Author: DrakeyC, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Sad, Story, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle -
Plushie Compilation #187
by Calpain
Dang right we were going to have Starlight Glimmer as header after that premiere! Not only that but we have some Sugar Belle and Double Diamond just after the break. Prepare for the surge of pony that awaits us my friends!
Get all the cuddly goodness after the break!
[1] Source
Starlight Glimmer - For Sale
BABSCon was a pretty amazing experience and I had a lot of fun. With so much to do and to spotlight it can be hard to write up an article including everything. Thankfully, a Youtuber named Alpha went to BABSCon 'mistakenly' thinking it was a BRONERDCON only to discover it to be pony. Dun dun dun!
It's actually a pretty silly and unoffensive watch and shows off a lot of great cosplays and a few of the events that went on at BABS. Furthermore it did a great job just capturing the general atmosphere of the convention.
So if you're curious as to what one of these cons can be like, check it out after the break!
Button Mash RETURNS. Get some glitch in the first slot, more DRAGONFORCE style in the second, and then chill out after that DRAGONFORCE with some... chill. All below.
1.) StrachAttack - Rage Quit (Instrumental - Glitch)
2.) PonyForce - Lunar Eclipse (Instrumental - Metal)
3.) [Chill]First and Foremost (Instrumental - Chill)
op 4:00 PM
Labels: Chill, Electronic, Glitch-Hop, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-Fanfiction -
Correction Made to Synopsis for Episode 6!
by Calpain
Zap2It has been doing great getting us the synopsis info for the episodes this season, but some of the wording in them has been slightly confusing at times. In an effort to clear things up it looks like the synopsis for episode 6 has been updated to make things a bit more clear cut.
Check on after the break for the update and thanks to our EqD staffer Leon for finding it!
Poll Results: Which Main Character's Episodes Are You Most Looking Forward to In Season 5?
by Sethisto
It looks like Twilight Sparkle still wins in terms of episode hype. I wonder what would have happened if I included the princesses though? Luna always breaks polls. I would have expected more love for Sweetie Belle too. Best CMC.
Next Poll:
Who is the best of the four new friendly ponies from the season opener?
We had four of them, and all played a pretty big role in saving the day. You don't often see the mane 6 get trumped like that.
And get the results of this poll below the break!
TrotCon 2015 Welcomes M.A. Larson!
by Calpain
Trotcon in July is starting to shape up as they re-invite the ever awesome M.A. Larson to the event! Considering that he now appears to be story editor for the show we can expect people to ask him some new questions at the event.
Check on after the break for the details and more information on TrotCon!
All the Background Music from The Cutie Map, Plus Instrumentals and Acapellas of the "In Our Town" Song
by Sethisto
Someone make me a gif of this marching part? I love her march. I couldn't find one for the header image.
Anyway, we have a whole bunch of background music and variants on the new "In Our Town" song coming from those skilled Youtubers who dig into the episodes for things like this. The team over at DHX has some amazing musical talent, and it's not regulated to just the main songs by any means.
Head on down below the break to check it all out!
When was the last time we saw an actual new pony flash game on the Hasbro website? When The Hub was disbanded, these things seemed to have disappeared completely!
Time for something ridiculously simple. Hasbro tossed up a Cutie Mark Creator thing that lets you pick from a bunch of presets and color them. You could probably repeat it in MSpaint with a Google search for clip art and paint bucket, but it's the thought that counts.
Check it out over here. -
Woah, now this is an interesting one. Further expanding on that announcement from Will Anderson earlier about the completion of the score on episode 100, Tina Guo also dropped this bombshell over on Facebook:
The 100th Episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic airs on June 13, and Octavia has a huge Electric Cello Dubstep situation in the episode! Cello Guo had an awesome time working with composer William Anderson on the score, it will be airing on the Discovery Family Channel
An Electric Cello Dubstep situation? Umm, get hype I think?
Thanks to Yansong Li for the heads up! -
Will Anderson Completes the Score for Episode 100 with Gina Guo, Signs on for Friendship Games!
by Sethisto
It has been far too long since we've last plugged some Will Anderson here. That background music you hear littered throughout the entirety of every episode? That's this guy. It has been four long years, and it has always been superbly done.
He has revealed a bit of information on his work with episode 100 over on Deviant Art. The exact quote:
I just finished scoring episode 100 of MLP FiM. It came out great! There is a neat instrumental set piece featuring Tina Guo on cello. Rockin'! Airs June 13th I believe. And I am doing the third EG movie, which is called "The Friendship Games." Life is busy and fun!
And if you are curious about who Tina Guo is, check out her Youtube here. Apparently she plays a role in our anniversary background pony madness. Expect that later this year!
Episode 100 is going to be awesome.
Thanks to Mitchell for sending it!
Spotlight Music: Battle of the Bands (Eilemonty+Gatopaint Cover) / More Than a Mark / Welcome to the Show (G
by Sethisto
Start it off with a Gatopaint/EileMonty rendition of Battle of the Bands, then take a break with some rap, and finish with a super unique song dedicated to Changelings. They didn't list a genre, and I have no idea what to call it, so we wing it!
1.) BATTLE OF THE BANDS ~ [EileMonty & GatoPaint Cover] (Remix - Rock)
2.) Fractured Elements - More Than A Mark feat. Buffalo Brony and Rhyme Flow (Vocal/Remix - Rap)
3.) Bad Bad Changeling by Atmosphery Pony (Vocal)
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