Nightly Roundup #1166
by Calpain
I absolutely love Spring! I have always been a person that loves growing things, my personal favorite being trees. I currently am taking care of a few maple saplings for transplant into our yard as the ash trees in our area have all died out.
In other news, last Roundup from me for awhile! I'll be at BABS so expect a Roundup or two from Seth in the meantime. Seeya soon!
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Wait just one moment here, my good Brony patrons! All this talk of Manliness and you forget the most important aspect of being a man!
Oh it almost breaks my gryphon heart to know that such a travesty had nearly occurred!
So I, Gustave le Grand—the Greatest Chef in Equestria, shall remedy this error post haste!
And you shall all learn the magical wonders that is, the best cuts of steak.
In an effort to further your lessons in TESTERONE FILLED MANLINESS, it's time for an entire art post dedicated to the dudes of Friendship is Magic! In a world seemingly dominated by mares, these guys somehow keep the man torch going!
Study from them, learn their ways, or just eat pie below the break.
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You know regular comic conventions are a fantastic place to meet and greet your favorite IDW MLP Comic Artists & Writers. They certainly pop-up a lot more often there than at our Brony Conventions!
However, comic cons also sometimes keep making guest announcements right up until the con opens. Which is why we now have the talented MLP Artist Agnes Garbowska joining MLP Artist Sara Richard at Fan Expo Vancouver!
If you'd like to meet these two lovely ladies and say hello and haven't already bought a ticket, well you're in luck! Tickets are still available!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Nothing is more MANLY than riding off into the sunset with a cowboy hat, rifle, and noble steed. Obviously BronyCon saw the benefits of unleashing this age-old trope, and has shifted their brand to "HorseCon" in response.
What should you expect now that this humongous change has taken place? What kind of special guests can we expect to attend?
Head on down below the break for the press release!
Super Important Horse Game Update!
by Calpain
Got a super important update for you folks from Horse Game! It's sure to completely change your perspective of the game. Get a sneak peek of what to expect after the break.
(Tails will be in a future update)
Greetings my adoring fans! It is I, the Great and Powerful Trixie! With a certain website looking to possibly replace Trixie, it would appear that the time is perfect for a pony of my caliber to come out and grace you all with her benevolent presence. Why, I do believe my under-representation here may have a negative impact on this little fandom of yours. How could anypony function without at least a few hours of my amazing magic daily to entertain? What else could they possible do that would outrank The Great and Powerful Trixie?
Of course, you aren't here just for Trixies show of power are you? You are here to learn about this protein shake thingy so you can be big and buff when Trixie contracts you to move her stage equipment around! We can't have weak little monkeys shifting heavy loads now can we?
Now go get The Greatest and Most in depth review on Protein thingy below! Bask in Trixie!
Let me tell you a little story... A story about one of the manliest stallions in Equestria.
Hughbert was born to simple berry farming parents with traditional values, parents who had no idea how hard public school was going to be if you're named Hughbert Jellius. He spent his youth with few friends, unless you count the blackberries, blueberries, and snozberries that grew around his rural home.
But did this stallion crack under the strain of his name? Did he bow down and let everypony trample all over him? I say neigh, good folks! He sprung up from it stronger! He started up a brand new lifestyle choice that nopony had ever heard of: Jellyism. And to this day, everypony is too freaked out by him (and the pervasive scent of preserves within 30 feet of him) to tell Hughbert how incredibly weird he is.
So I ask you, kind folks, what is manlier than a stallion who lives the way he wants and nopony dares to tell him otherwise? Not much! Not much at all. Celestia bless you, Hughbert Jellius. We salute you. -
Greetings Subjects! As part of our reintroduction into thy modern society, sister hasdemandedconvinced us to take part in this "fandom" thing that has appeared. While searches for our name on the googler have popped up with.... somewhat disturbing results, it is your princesses wish to make the people of both Equestria and Earth celebrate her glorious night, regardless of how they choose to depict us and our fellow equines in their creations.
And so, we have donned these "socks" you seem so obsessed with for a second time, and taken a recommendation from Cele on one of these video games you tend to draw us taking part in. According to her, this is a highly acclaimed entry level "manly" adventure that celebrates all things night! Sister always knows how to please.
And so, loyal subjects, we venture forth and have "fun" in Dark Souls II! Huzzah!
op 5:00 PM
Labels: Important April Stuff, Luna for Life 2015, MAN Daily, News, Not-Fanfiction, Review -
You've done your reps. Your muscles are burning. The protein shake you guzzled down earlier is still lingering on the back of your taste buds... It's time for a break. We can only be manly for so long after all.
Get some art to chill out to for the next hour, then we get RIGHT BACK ON THAT PONY AND BUILD THOSE MUSCLES!
[1] Source
Preview Clip of New Apple Bloomers Show!
by Calpain
Excited about Apple Bloomers? Well we've got a new preview clip just for you guys! Check out its awesomeness after the break!
Thanks to Whatshisgame for the heads up!
Animation: A Derpy Emergency
by Calpain
Th adventures of Derpy continue! Or should that be misadventures? If anything at least Derpy's life sure is interesting!
Get a Derpy short after the break!
Taking a break from the MANLY for a bit, we have four new brushables popping up in the wild from the Maniac-Mayhem set that has slowly been making it's way on to Taobao. Technically all we are missing now is Applejack for the complete set.
Expect to see these later in the year! Until then, check out that badass mohawk on Rainbow Dash. Dayum girl.
Thanks to Aaron for sending them!
5 Awesome Workouts (for ponies) That Will Give You That Heroic Build You've Always Wanted (if you are a pony)
by Sethisto
"But EQD admins! How can I be manly without rippling biceps and buns of steel?!" you've shouted.
Good news! We finally have a cure for that!
Bad news! We are only qualified to work with cartoon ponies. Perhaps you can come up with your own workout routines to get that manly physique you've always wanted? Learn from equines! A flank is just another name for... whatever the human equivalent is! We are pros at this.
Anyway, below the break, get some excellent pony workouts to make sure all you cartoon equines out there won't be embarrassed next time you hit the beach!
Sonata really is the Pinkie Pie of the Sirens. Celestia have mercy upon them.
More comics guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Joining is in MUSCLE BUILDING MANLYNESS, the 7th season of Friendship is Magic is now confirmed to be ALL STALLION ALL THE TIME. Are you even capable of handling this level of testosterone?
As always with the leakiest show on the internet, we already have half the season in synopsis form. Go get it fandom. Brace for impact below the break.
We Finally Have a Super Villain Revealed in the Fandom! Copy Right Strikes Were Planned All Along!
by Sethisto
Awful news everyone. It looks like Crowne Prince was actually an agent for the Hasbro legal department all along! The last few years of takedowns have all been inside jobs!
Get his epic villain speech below. Villains gotta speech after all.
MLP: FIENDship is Magic #1 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, and Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q"Now I call on my Army of the Dead; the Cauldron-born! Arise, my messengers of death! Our time has arrived!"—The Horned King, The Black CauldronIs there anything more MANLY than SOMBRA?!The day has finally arrived. Darkness has descended upon IDW, placing everything in shadows. There are not happy stories about friendship for the next five weeks. No tales about good triumphing over evil or random silliness to be found.For evil has taken over the comics, and the villains of the show we hold dear to our hearts have taken control.As king Sombra takes the center stage, to tell his tale of woe, remember:ALL HAIL TO THE KING!
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Regular Cover by Amy Mebberson
Subscription Cover by Sara Richard
Cover RI 1:25 by Sara Richard
Fan Expo Vancouver Exclusive Cover by Jamie Tyndall & Stacy Raven
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Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
It is TIME. Let down that glorious mullet you grew in preparation for our transition to MAN daily. Let it flow in the wind as you decide on what amazingly hardcore thing you want to do today with your newfound anime 6 pack and biceps of steel.
Or discuss whatever below. Discuss manly things if you want to be cool. -
Check out this badass right here. He knows how much danger a Flash Sentry tattoo would bring with how many conventions he visits. Now that EQD has become a direct injection of glorious testosterone, I can only imagine the newfound power of the Twilight Sparkle fans chasing him down. What a beast.
You could all learn something from M.A. Larson. Take notes between bites of chicken breast.
It has come to our attention that we have not been representing both genders here nearly enough. Posts upon posts have mares leading the charge, and our Mascot event outright banned stallion submissions. Whether you are a pegasister or a brony, it's time to unleash your INNER MAN.
That's right! From now on, every other hour during our regular posting schedule, we are going to cover a MANLY topic to balance out the obvious mare bias that has grown rampant over the years. Workout routines? Hardcore game reviews? Protein powder analysis? IT'S TIME! Time to UNLEASH the facial hair. By the end of the day, no matter how low on testosterone you are, we hope to have you growing a beard and chest hair faster than Vladamir Putin can wrestle a bear to the ground. His record is 10 seconds. IT'S... IS... ON...
See you all in the morning. Until then, celebrate your new-found RIPPLING GREEK GOD MUSCLES with our theme song below the break.
Wow, we are so close. Just the duration of a long weekend away. I never thought I'd see the day! With season 6 getting an announcement already, here's to hoping this isn't the hiatus length we ever see again.
Today we back in Celestia's glorious rays! May her convoluted and tragic past be wiped away by her radiance! Celestia has been sort of an enigma over the years in the show. Outside of seeing her lose to Chrysalis do to that whole overpowered love magic thing, and the battle with Luna, she hasn't had much air time. We have yet to get an episode dedicated to get, while Luna has seen one big one and several appearances as a major plot point as a dream walker. The comics tend to paint her in a much more down-to-earth fashion.
Will we see her receive her very own episode this season? Will Celestia have her day? Here's to hoping. I'd kill for a duo between her and Luna. Seeing their sisterly banter would be interesting outside of the comics.
Now go! Celebrate the sun below!
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