The fourth installment of Balloon Party is finally under-way for all you musicians out there. Open Morality: The Clean Sweep is applejack themed, parodying The Mindsweep's "Ambush Reality" The exact description:
This is to be our Applejack themed album, parodying Enter Shikari's album The Mindsweep on their self-managed label Ambush Reality.
This time around we're looking to get some strong, powerful music that stands up tall and proud. Not necessarily "hard"; that's already been done, but I'm sure you get the idea! That's far less ambiguous of a theme than Mindscapes', but still leaves a little room for interpretation for you to play with. As usual, there are no genre restrictions!
Full rules and entry information can be found over here.
WONDERBOLTS. It's not often we see these guys cosplayed. I can't imagine those body suits are easy to make, or comfortable to wear.
Now go get cosplay stuff below!
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Katsucon 2015 - Wonderbolts(PS) 18
The Shake Ups of Ponyville return with another oldschool style track dedicated to the Power Ponies in the first slot! And in the second slot, some ridiculously meta rap music. It's got hooves and mares though, so it passes. Get them both below!
1.) Power Pony Up! - The Shake Ups In Ponyville (Vocal - 80's rock)
2.) One of Us (Welcome to Twitter, Lost) [Original Fan Song] (Vocal - Rap)
For the most narcissistic and second messiest of the mane 6, she sure can pull off the cute. Dash your header image for today, and below the break, loads of art! Now go!
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Confused Mind
What do you get when you combine the 2014-2015 hiatus, dubstep, ponies, and an animator? Something completely insane. It's not quite as "WTF" as the thing we posted yesterday, but it's pretty wild none the less.
Anyway, get it below!
With an official release date of the 25th of this month, the 29th installment of the main Friendship is Magic comic series shouldn't technically be available. Apparently some Hot Topic stores do have it in stock next to the 28th issue though. Considering this is probably a derp, it might be a good idea to call in beforehand.
You can find a preview of it over here!
Thanks to t.K for the heads up! -
I don't think I've ever watched the Spongebob episode this is referencing, but I have to admit, my Spongebob days are a complete blur. It has cute ponies being slightly animated though, and it's a weird time slot, so I guess that works!
Check it out here. -
Nothing goes better together than Lauren Faust and charity. That is a running theme that has been happening since the beginning of the fandom!
At BABSCon, the Old Grey Mare show will be running a panel, complete with a charity auction for a commission from Lauren Faust herself! Head on down below the break for the details!
I don't always brushie brushie pony mane, but when I see Maud Pie, I change my mind. A Toys R' Us pre-styled Maud Pie brushable looks to be on it's way, complete with a somewhat more flowery robe thing (what is Mauds clothing called?). Considering it's on Taobao completely packaged now, expect to see it later in the year for actual sale!
Thanks to Debra, Pink Pearl, and everyone else for sending it!
.@leohoratio What are you talking about? Friendship is Magic!
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) 20 maart 2015
Today William Shatner, best known for his role as Captain Kirk in Star Trek, posted a few tweets saying he "could be a brony" and how his favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.
Always fun to get these little shout outs. Find the two other tweets embedded below the break!
Thanks to everyone that sent it in!
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