Story: Along Softly on the Tongue
by Calpain
Author: HoofBitingActionOverload
A deranged human journalist is invited to explore the newfound world of Equestria, the land of magic and whimsy and adventure. To the ire of everyone involved, and especially Twilight, he isn't particularly impressed.
Things get messy when he decides to become the self-appointed savior of humankind and assassinate one of the princesses.
Along Softly on the Tongue
Additional Tags: Human journalist attempts to kill TwilightWednesday, March 11, 2015 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Author: HoofBitingActionOverload, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Human, OC Ponies, Story, Twilight SparkleShare This!21 Comments
Nightly Discussion #287
by Calpain
Tia is the Goddess of the Sun so it makes sense on the periodic table that she would be hydrogen, right? Keep burning brightly sun butt!
Evening everyone, let's get to chatting!
Twitter: Calpain -
What a life that would be. Outside of a Changeling invasion, nothing ele really happens. Get trolled by Celestia all day and act important. It's perfect.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Never Be Royals
Random Merch: Giant Easter Bundle Art Set, Knockoff EG Stuff, Italian Egg Figure, and More!
by Sethisto
Easter is ramping up, so expect a lot of stuff based on that as we move closer to April. Up above, we have a giant art set found at K-Mart, Easter basket style, and below the break, more random merch! Go get it! And thanks to Victorsaurus for the image on that one.
KLM Gets in on the Pony Fun!
by Calpain
After American Airlines responded to questions about trips to Equestria, KLM has responded in kind with their own little hint of pony. It's so fun to see the staff behind these accounts having a good time with it, just like when JetBlue started tweeting about ponies so long ago!
Find the original tweet below and thanks to Grand Moff Pony for sending it in!
KLM Pony Tweet
Twitter: Calpain -
Last month we spotlit a new project starting up that would support wild animals through proceeds generated by purchases of an artbook. Since then the project has really taken off and they are ready to start taking pre-orders!
Check on after the break for details on the project as well as where you can place your order!
Jake the Army Guy — This is one of those stories that starts off so benign, but quickly turns on you. The jarring scene shifts, at first annoying, become both horrifying and enthralling once you grasp the full context. The story of Lyra’s progression from curious filly to obsessed professor—disjointed as it is—is organic and realistic, and seeing her go all “Doctor Frankenstein” was a real treat. The ending is quite dark, but it perfectly fits with the overall tone. Speaking as a guy who generally hates tragic endings, this was beautifully grim. All in all, an expertly crafted thriller, one that really nails the spirit of this contest.
Author: dayoldspaghetti
Description: All her life, Professor Lyra Heartstrings has passionately sought scientific proof for the existence of "human" beings, a technologically-advanced race of sentient creatures who theoretically ruled the world in a time before ponies. But now that Lyra stands upon the brink of Equestria's most important anthropological discovery, she's haunted with the gnawing thought that not all projects that begin should necessarily be finished. (This is an entry into Obselescence's The More Most Dangerous Game Contest, with the Prompt Being a Re-Interpretation of JasonTheHuman's classic fanfic, Anthropology.)
Second Singularity
Additional Tags: Grim dark, tragic, humans, technology, scientific ambitionop 3:00 PM
Labels: Author: dayoldspaghetti, Bonbon, Complete, Dark, Event, Fancy Pants, Fanfiction, Human, Lyra, Sad, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Last year the HoofWrestling event raised quite a bit of money for charity and as the community is all for good causes it's happening again at this year's BABSCon! Watch as Dustykat faces off against DJTetsuo with Peter New as official ref for the match!
Check on after the break for the full scoop on the event!
We Love Fine 2nd Edition Nightmare Moon Arrives, with Restocks of Trixie and Flocked Vinyl
by Sethisto
We Love Fine is running more of their figurines for those that missed the first waves on them. Nightmare Moon has opened pre-orders for her second run, and as with most 2nd edition figures her box will be different to set her apart from the first.
Along with that, a limited restock of Trixie, the flocked version of Vinyl Scratch, and eight or so of the black light versions of her are also available.
Head on over to their figurine page for all of it! -
Comic: Marketing / Hi Korean 4 / TBOI 43 / Quest for Apple Bloom 8 / Breaking Traditions 2
by Calpain
We like to poke fun at marketing and such, but I really wonder what all goes into a product at a place like Hasbro from concept to creation.
Comics guys! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
GalaCon is still a few months away, but nevertheless the convention is already hard at work with preperations. The con has just announced that they've started accepting in-kind donations to auction off at the big Charity Auction they are holding during the con.
Find the full press release below the break!
Early Morning Discussion #140
by Calpain
Hope you all are getting the sleep out of your eyes! If not we've got Pinkie here to pep you up.
Good morning everyone! How are you all doing?
Twitter: Calpain
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